psychological pressure As you think, you often find yourselfpsychological pressure? If you are a calm and self-confident person, then you will probably want to answer that you practically do not face it. And in vain! The methods of influence can be completely different, and often the "victim" does not even understand that they just pressed on her. But this has a huge impact on your life! If you do not want to fall into this trap anymore, read our article and use the knowledge for psychological self-defense.

Types of psychological pressure

Psychological pressure is the influence on otherspeople, carried out with the purpose to change their psychological attitudes, opinions, judgments and decisions. It may seem that only strong and results-oriented people resort to it, but this is not so. A self-confident person will act directly and openly, and not look for workarounds, delivering other inconveniences. There are many kinds of psychological pressure that you have probably had to face in life:

  • Coercion is a direct undisguised impacton another person. Only when there is some kind of force, they resort to it, otherwise no one will yield. Examples of such strength can be physical qualities, power, money, information. A person forced to something knows about the process - unlike manipulation. You can try to protect yourself from it by hinting to the "oppressor" that he acts aggressively - some people do not like to admit it. However, if a person does not feel embarrassed, then it is very difficult to resist this type of pressure.
  • Another kind of psychologicalpressure, expressed in the desire of the aggressor to "crush the victim" morally. In this situation you can hear about yourself a lot of hard-hitting things: you are stupid, terrible, awkward, mediocre, unorganized, etc. ... Being in a state of psychological prostration, you lose control over the situation, and at this moment it is very convenient for you to press: "At least this you can do?". The idea is that being in a sober mind, you would not have agreed to anything, but then personal protective mechanisms and the desire to prove one's own worth come into play. By the way, this method works exclusively due to self-doubt.
  • Leaving aside This kind of psychological pressurestands apart from all the others, as its essence lies in trying to take you to a frost. Simply put, when you are trying to press, and you want to clarify this, a person begins to slip on extraneous topics or even goes into "deaf defense": "Well, you, eh?". Or ask why you always say nasty things about him. In this case, it is necessary to keep track of the moment of leaving each time and return to the starting point: "No, I'll deal with you later, it's about you." If you are stable, then there is a chance that the aggressor will lag behind you with your pressure.
  • Suggestion is a type of psychological influenceon a person after which he begins to uncritically "swallow" information imposed on him from outside. The person using this method should be the authority for his victim, otherwise the focus will not work. The extreme suggestion is hypnosis, but it can also be used in a state of wakefulness. For this, as a rule, games with voice, intonation and other half-unconscious moments are used. Paradoxically, there are people who do not give in to suggestion at all, and you are lucky if you are one of them.
  • Persuasion The most rational kind of psychologicalpressure. It appeals to reason and human logic. That is why only people with normal level of intelligence and development of thinking are subject to it - the rest simply will not understand what they are talking about here. Speech, which includes beliefs, is usually maximally logical, consistent and demonstrative - as soon as the victim's consciousness catches the slightest inconsistencies, the whole construction immediately collapses.
  • psychological pressure on a person

    A few words about manipulation

    We decided to tell about manipulation separately, sohow exactly with this kind of psychological pressure you have to face most often. Its essence boils down to the desire to change the behavior, outlook or perception of another person with the help of a hidden, violent or deceptive strategy. As a rule, the interests of the manipulator are realized at the expense of the victim, because of which the manipulation is considered unethical. The views of psychologists on this are very different. Some believe that the result of the action sometimes justifies the means. For example, when a doctor urges a patient to start taking medication. Or the mother, wishing that the child put on a hat, asks him: "Do you go in what hat - red or blue?" - without giving you the opportunity to choose. Others justly believe that a person needs to provide all the information, but respect his freedom of choice and decision, even if it seems wrong to us. In any case, manipulations directed (albeit indirectly) to the realization of the interests of the "victim" are extremely rare. Usually it is still the desire to get personal benefit at the expense of others. Manipulation is a hidden kind of psychological pressure - a person does not understand the true motives of the manipulator, nor the fact of the impact. The win in this case is exclusively one-sided. Naturally, manipulating people is not easy - this requires a certain level of knowledge of psychology, the ability to feel other people's weak points, cold-bloodedness and prudence. The person who decides on this is cruel enough and does not bother because he is harming the victim. Manipulators are based on different bases, due to which they manage to control the human consciousness. Needs and desires have been used since ancient times to have a psychological effect on a person. Take for example the famous Russian passion for "freebie" - the desire to get the maximum win with minimal costs, thanks to which many scammers enriched themselves. Each of us in life is guided by certain ideals and values, which include the notions of good and evil, about what is right and not, etc. ... So, relying on them, it is quite easy for another person to manipulate us. For example, giving alms to a beggar is like a manifestation of kindness and compassion, although it has long been known that most such donations go to the pocket of the fraudsters behind it. Intelligence and logic can also be manipulated. For example, using complex and long schemes, with the laying out of numerous numbers and cause-and-effect relationships. This is often used by network marketing professionals who are agitating you to join their business: "Invest only three kopecks, and get a huge profit, which comes from the following sources ...". As a rule, in this scheme, several logical errors are laid, thanks to which you see the result that is beneficial to the manipulator. It is very convenient to manipulate the irrational ideas of a person. These include the beliefs and beliefs that are torn from the objective reality, which are formed during a person's life and which are very difficult to change from outside. They are completely full in the consciousness of each of us, for example:

    • I must take responsibility for everything on myself;
    • If you are asked for something, then you must help;
    • I always have to sympathize and help other people;
    • For any service you need to thank;
    • Everyone around me must love me;

    The manipulator is sufficient to "press" on one of thethese "sick calluses", and the person turns into a virtually trouble-free creature. And the power of these installations is enormous, and thanks to them we can achieve almost any unpleasant and inconvenient actions from us. Well, the most fertile soil for manipulation is our feelings and emotions. When someone makes you emotionally excited, it is very easy to use it for your own selfish purposes. Women manipulate men, men - women, parents - children, and vice versa. For example: "You love me and you will not allow me to travel by public transport." And so it can continue indefinitely, because feelings are an inexhaustible source of energy. It is worth noting that we are manipulated almost everywhere. Full-full of psychological pressure at work, in politics, advertising, relationships, and simply in everyday life. As a rule, if you see that a person is inclined to manipulation in one area of ​​his life, he will do the same in others. how to withstand psychological pressure

    Methods of psychological impact

    Psychological pressure can be embodied ina variety of techniques - here, as they say, everything depends on the aggressor's imagination. However, the basic methods of manipulating consciousness must be known to every person in order to resist them. As you know, warned - it means armed, and this is one hundred percent of all that is associated with psychological pressure. So, the more often lovers use the minds of fellow citizens?

    • Trance One of the oldest ways to influencethe human psyche. He immerses our consciousness in a special state, in which the ability to analyze information and to make informed decisions is lost. Perception focuses on one, naturally, beneficial manipulator. In the trance can be introduced in various ways - most often used monotonous stimuli, for example, monotonous speech, rapidly changing pictures, swinging the pendulum, etc. ... In such a state, consciousness is especially vulnerable to pressure, so you can verbally instill something or provoke you to undesirable actions.
    • Using trigger words These are words thatwhich carry an emotional and semantic connotation important for the "victim". Sellers who want to sell their goods often resort to them: “Buy a TV that is more reliable, a fur coat, more elegant shorts, more fashionable…”. They reflect any assessment or quality that the “victim” wants to have.
    • Adjustment It is expressed in the fact that a personcopies these or other components of your behavior: intonation, rhythm of breathing, posture, manner of speaking, sight, gait, etc. ... It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but after the adjustment, the psychological impact directly begins. You are already on the same wavelength with a person, and it is much easier for him to "lead" you in the right direction.
    • Link to authorities When you need to convincesomeone in something, quite often it is enough to refer to an expert in this field, and all - the victory in your pocket. By the way, this is a classic version of psychological pressure. Oddly enough, authorities can also make mistakes, but this remains behind the scenes.
    • Psychological "games" No, no, they are not the samecheerful exercises - rather, schemes of manipulating another person. There are a lot of them. For example, an exemplary behaving child periodically makes something out of the ordinary. Perhaps he just hurts, but more often than not, the matter is different: the child wants to be praised for good behavior, which is perceived by adults as a norm. After misconduct, the likelihood of receiving praise increases, as parents see the contrast. Another example: at work the boss calls a subordinate and asks him to do a lot of things for tomorrow. At the subordinate's eye on the forehead climb, after which the chief says: "Well, okay. Do this at least. " And the subordinate runs away with joy to carry out the assignment, although initially he would not have subscribed to him for anything.
    • Exchange of gratitudein that a person first gives you some insignificant service, which you may not even have asked for, and then insists that it would be good to thank him for it.
    • "Weak" Each of us from childhood is familiar with thisreception, when you are offered a choice: either you do what is required of you, or you prove to be bad. Everyone who is not lazy appeals to him: men, colleagues, bosses, friends and acquaintances, sellers in stores. Paradoxically, it works!
    • The image of the desired future is painted in paint for youa picture of what will happen if you do what you want. Our soul is so arranged that it strives for a state of joy and psychological comfort, and we are ready for anything to achieve them. However, possible inconveniences for us from such an action are simply not taken into account.
    • Fearful Images If the above methodsdo not work, then a person can demonstrate how bad it will be if the action is not carried out. For example, the chief says: "If you do not make a report, then companies face fines." Fear overcomes, and you agree.

    psychological pressure at work

    How to resist psychological pressure

    Strangely enough, but to resist the psychologicalpressure is much easier than to render it. The first thing you need to realize is that you are being manipulated. You can see in the behavior of the partner the signs of the above-described methods of exposure. Persistently attracting your attention to one aspect of the problem and ignoring others should also alert you - like generous promises that raise reasonable doubt. In your condition, when manipulating, there may appear an inexplicable sympathy for the partner, sudden fluctuations in feelings, a sense of lack of time, guilt, obligation - all these things should be a signal that you are being manipulated. Next, you should inform the interviewer that he is "clean". You can question the usefulness of the actions and decisions that it requires of you. After that, offer your own version of the interaction, which, first of all, will suit you. Naturally, the manipulator will resist. In this case, it is useful to ask questions aimed at clarifying the situation: what does he mean when he talks about the problem, what objective conditions and limitations are there, what should be done to improve the situation, etc. ... Clarify why the manipulator chose you and right now - all this allows you to track what the aggressor prefers to "press". Well, and the most useful is the banal "turn on the brains". As it was already written above, the main task of the manipulator is to activate feelings, emotions, irrational attitudes, because they contribute to believing in the words of the aggressor. However, you should get out of the state of compliance and soberly analyze the situation, as everything drastically changes. The urgency in resolving the issue disappears, and you no longer feel any special guilt. Therefore, as soon as it seems to you that you are being manipulated, start thinking hard. And always take time to think - it is it that helps you to go beyond the situation and look at it objectively. In the modern world it is very important to be able to combat psychological pressure. We practically abandoned the weapons and the use of physical force, respectively, the enemies were only such methods of influence. And in order to live happily, you need to be able to recognize them and protect yourself and your loved ones from such crude psychological interference. We advise you to read:

