Pregnancy Week 39: signs, symptoms, uziThere is almost no space left for your baby now.for too much activity. He is ready to be born right now: he has a strong grip, knees are pressed to the chin. Pregnancy week 39: ultrasound. There is almost no vellus hair left on the baby's body. The nails on the feet and fingers have already completely grown out. By this time, your baby has already become a completely independent person, he is already able to independently perform all of his vital functions. At this stage, there is a small chance that the umbilical cord can wrap around the baby's neck or tie in knots. The baby continues to gain weight. Now he weighs about 3250 g. His length is about 36 centimeters. Pregnancy week 39: symptoms. At this stage, a woman's cervix shortens and opens. Now, more than ever during the entire pregnancy, the bladder experiences the strongest pressure. A sign of the onset of labor are increasingly intensifying and frequent contractions occurring at equal intervals. Pregnancy week 39: signs. At this stage, it becomes easier to breathe, and even some weight loss is possible. The fetus descends deeper into the pelvis, and with it the bottom of the uterus. On the eve of the approaching birth, a woman may experience a little nervousness. What other signs of approaching labor are there? Bloody discharge from the genital tract indicates that the mucus plug will soon come off. Increased appetite and loose stool are also typical. There is very little time left before labor!

