causes of acne in the tongue No one is immune from penetrationvarious harmful microbes, viruses and bacteria into the oral cavity. Moreover, the mouth is one of the most "polluted" places in our body. Therefore, a red or white pimple on the tongue, under the tongue or on the side occurs quite often if not enough attention is paid to hygiene. We suggest that you understand the reasons for the appearance of such pimples, get acquainted with recommendations on how to treat this inflammation.

Glossitis: signs of appearance

The tongue has no sebaceous glands, so itwill not be covered with pimples. We simply call white or red bumps that appear due to infectious and viral penetrations into the oral cavity. Most often, pimples under your tongue or on the tongue are formed due to microtraumas (for example, when you bite it). This inflammation is called glossitis. The first sign of its development is a burning sensation when you eat spicy or hot food. Then swelling, redness, pain occur, and a pustule forms. Most likely, this inflammation will pass in 2-3 days and does not need to be treated. But there are also advanced stages of glossitis, when a fairly large part of the tongue is covered with mushroom-shaped growths (papillomas). This means that the infection has penetrated deeper tissues, and treatment or surgery is tongue with toothpaste to avoid the appearance of acne

Why does glossitis occur?

The reasons why you may have pimples under or on your tongue may be:

  • The most common causes are injury(mechanical damage). Pimples both under the tongue and on the tongue appear when eating foods with sharp edges (chips, seeds) for a long time; during a long conversation, when there is friction against a sharp tooth; and also if you bite your tongue.
  • Allergic reaction to toothpaste, fresheneroral cavity or lipstick, as well as food can also cause the appearance of acne under the tongue. In this case, specialist help and treatment is necessary.
  • Provoke the inflammation can alcohol, smoking, hot, spicy, smoked and salty foods.
  • When diseases of internal organs (thrush,tuberculosis) on the tongue appear white pimples that do not disappear for a long time. It is necessary to undergo a survey and establish a diagnosis to treat such serious diseases.
  • If the tongue is covered with small ulcers, then most likely these are signs of stomatitis. The cause of the disease is infection in the mouth. In this case, treatment is also necessary.
  • Acne under both tongue and tongue can appear from the action of the herpes virus.
  • The cause of acne can be anemia (anemia). The lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid in the body leads to the fact that the tongue becomes very smooth.
  • As a result of diseases of the stomach, intestines, blood, metabolic disorders, the tongue, covered with red spots, begins to resemble a geographical map.
  • vitamins to enhance immunity

    Recommendations for treatment

  • The main treatment is to increase yourimmunity. Strong immunity will make it easier to fight acne and prevent it from developing. You can increase the body's defense function with the help of vitamin preparations (nicotinamide, multivitamins), healthy eating, and giving up bad habits.
  • If the pimple pops out, mouthwash will helpdecoctions of herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, eucalyptus, sage), soda solution. You can hold for a while in your mouth 1 teaspoon of rose hips, sea-buckthorn, peach. Facilitates the condition of applying to a pimple for 2-3 minutes soaked in a diluted alcohol paper napkin.
  • Toothpaste will help relieve inflammation in the mouth whenstomatitis, if you smear the ulcers and wash off after 5-10 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times during the day. You can use honey instead of paste. An excellent remedy is rose petal jam. If a child has stomatitis, it can be treated with disinfectant gels, herbal decoctions, but do not get carried away with self-medication.
  • For mechanical damages more oftenthere are pimples on the tip of the tongue or on the side. Change the power. Exclude from the menu hot, fried, hot, that is all that can irritate the surface of the tongue. Introduce a light vegetable soup into the diet.
  • If there are pimples not only on the tongue, but also under the tongue- the result of an allergic reaction, then stop using mouth freshener and lipstick for a while. Use tooth powder instead of toothpaste.
  • If you treat pimples on your tongue yourself, thenit is not always possible to achieve a positive result. Why is that? If a pimple popped up due to a microtrauma, then most likely it will go away on its own in 2-3 days. But if the inflammation does not go away, then the reasons are different. Consult a specialist.

