Features of the formation of the baby's body

As soon as a child is born, with hisbody there are serious changes. The most essential transformation is undergoing the nervous system, which is responsible for adapting the child to the conditions of the external environment.physical development of preschool childrenPhysical development of preschool childrenshould be carried out in accordance with the age of the toddlers. Photo: GettyThe brain is intensively growing to 6 months, later the growth rate slows down. Other systems vary in accordance with age:

  • Bone tissue of the newborn consists of cartilaginous tissues and soft bones. In 2 years they will become stronger, but they will finally be strengthened by 12 years. Up to 2 years, the lungs overtake the growth of the thorax.
  • At birth, the muscle fibers are thin and make up only one-fourth of the body weight. Muscles begin to develop actively from 1 to 3 years. It is then that the child learns all the movements.
  • The lungs open after the birth of a child, with a first sigh. Respiratory ways differ in structure from the system of adults. The child breathes superficially and often.
  • The heart of a preschooler is quite large. With age, it changes its position, going down just below the original level.
  • The skin of the preschooler is permeated with blood vessels and does not have a stratified corneum. She is tender and sensitive.
  • The baby's nervous system is still unstable. A preschooler can not keep a long attention on one object. He will excite, and quickly gets tired.

Distribute the physical load should be evenly, taking into account the state of the organism at a given time.

Methods for assessing the physical condition of a preschooler

Evaluation of the development of strength and endurance of children can be done with the help of game exercises:

  • Squats. Norm at the age of 4-7 years - 20 for 30 with. The pulse should increase no more than 50% with a return to normal after 3 minutes.
  • Step test - a 35 cm rise on the platform 20 and 30 times. A normal increase in the pulse is no more than 20% and 60%, respectively.
  • Running at 30 m for speed.
  • Measuring the force of a dynamometer.

The norms differ, depending on the age of the child.

Permissible means of physical development

As the preschooler's body is still vulnerable,it is worth sending it to professional sports. But swimming, tennis and gymnastics without tearing will contribute to the harmonious development of the baby. Lessons should be conducted in a playful way, giving the child breaks for rest. All the systems of the body of a preschool child continue to develop actively. The baby is too fragile for heavy physical activity of professional sports. For the sake of crumbs, you should moderate your athletic ambitions and allow the child to grow up healthy.

