causes of papillomas on the eyelids Papilloma on the eyelid - it's not onlycosmetic defect, this is a real viral disease that appears due to the entry of the papilloma virus into the body. Such a neoplasm on the skin, which in appearance is very similar to warts (and how could it be otherwise, because the nature of their appearance is the same), not only causes cosmetic inconvenience, but often interferes with normal vision, can cause pain. It is very easy to get a papilloma, the virus can enter the body even through a small, insignificant scratch, but getting rid of it, especially from such an inconvenient place, is often very difficult. There are many ways to reduce their manifestations, including quite effective folk remedies, but in order to cope with the virus itself, you need to see a doctor who can prescribe the appropriate treatment. To properly remove papillomas on the eyelid, you need to understand the reasons for their occurrence, follow preventive measures, and contact only a professional specialist. It is also not recommended to try to remove the papilloma on your own, pick it out, use removal products without consulting a doctor. Such a formation - This is a cause for concern, so it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the hospital. Papillomas on the eyelids can be of two types:

  • a low-active species requires routine treatment, a physician can suggest a simple removal using several surgical techniques;
  • highly ionic species requires consultation of an oncologist or dermatovenerologist, the treatment is very different from the usual, specific drugs are used.

This is why you should immediately consult a doctor if you have a similar growth on your eyelids.

Causes of papilloma on the eyelids

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to accuratelyestablish the reasons for the appearance of such rashes on the eyelids. Papilloma is an infection of the body with the human papillomavirus, that is, HPV, the strain gets on the eyelids through touch. That is, it is enough to touch the eyelid with a dirty hand, on which there is a micro-scratch, for infection to occur. The virus itself, after it has entered the body, can remain dormant for quite a long time, its awakening is facilitated by a weakening of the immune system, exposure to ultraviolet rays. Young people, children, and the elderly are most often at risk, since they may have some problems with immunity. But young people have a better chance of coping with the disease than children and the elderly, in them the disease may not be expressed so clearly. That is, we can conclude that the causes of papilloma on the eyelids are a weakening of the immune system, stress, overwork, hypothermia, etc. In any case, if you have a papilloma, you should immediately consult a doctor.papilloma removal by laser

Symptoms of viral papilloma

Symptoms of the appearance of a formation on the eyelid are alwaysthe same. A clearly visible growth forms on the skin of the eyelid, which is very similar to a wart. It can be absolutely painless, but it interferes with blinking and looks very unaesthetic. Such a growth can be single, barely noticeable, but there are cases when the papilloma grows strongly, that is, it is necessary to remove it, which is possible in a hospital setting. It is not recommended to diagnose the disease on your own, since some other diseases can have such an appearance. Therefore, you should contact a specialist who will accurately determine the nature of the disease, the treatment will be effective and relatively fast. In addition to a dermatologist, in some cases it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist, since the neoplasm is located on the eyelids of the eye, often directly adjacent to it. If there are painful sensations, the eye closes poorly, inflammation is observed on the skin, then treatment is necessary from the first days of the disease. Papilloma on the eyelid can only be removed in a hospital.

Ways to get rid of papilloma

Modern medicine offers many waysgetting rid of a papilloma that has affected the eyelid, but, as a rule, it all starts with strengthening the immune system. Removal is very similar to surgical treatment of warts, the doctor performs local anesthesia, after which he carefully removes the papilloma itself from the surface of the skin. The operation does not take much time, healing can take about a week, rarely small scars remain after this. The removal itself can be carried out by several different methods:

  • with the help of a scalpel. This method is rarely used for the eye today, because the area of ​​the eyelid is tender enough, the eye is next to it. In addition, it is necessary to remove a very small area of ​​the skin, without hurting other organs. After such removal, scarring may remain, that is, cosmetic operations on grinding will be required;
  • using a laser to remove the papilloma from the century easier, this operation is considered safer, it takes only a couple of minutes, but after it can also remain minor scars, almost indistinguishable;
  • cryodestruction is carried out with the help of liquidnitrogen. Such removal is considered the easiest and safest, the papilloma is simply burned out under the influence of low temperatures. It is after such treatment that doctors give practically a 100% guarantee that treatment will be successful, relapses are almost never observed.

Self-treatment of papillomas on the eyes is unacceptable, becausehow it can cause severe and serious complications. Many patients buy products in pharmacies that are intended to remove papillomas and warts, but use them incorrectly, without consulting a doctor. Some try to remove the neoplasm with ordinary alcohol, cauterizing the sore spot! Such self-medication leads to only one thing: in place of a relatively small growth, which could be quickly removed with the help of a doctor, inflammation, keratitis, chronic conjunctivitis appear. In the most difficult cases, a malignant tumor develops, the treatment of which is not only difficult and expensive, but also fraught with the most negative consequences. Successful treatment also depends on the prevention of such a disease. Observe eye hygiene, do not rub your eyelids with dirty hands, do not swim in pools and other bodies of water without special glasses.treatment of papillomas with folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment with papillomas

Treatment of papilloma at home is possibleto carry out with the help of herbal collections, for which it is necessary to mix 20 g of nettle, 20 g of plantain, lemon balm, horsetail and dandelion root (the proportions should be equal everywhere). After that, pour warm water over the herbs in a regular enamel bowl, keep it in a water bath for ten minutes. The collection should be infused for three hours under a towel, then strained. Drink the resulting mixture three full tablespoons 40 minutes before meals three times a day, the course of treatment takes a week. You can also use other means: chicken egg white, walnuts and others. But here it is necessary to remember that these are auxiliary means, removal is possible only in a hospital setting, after consultation and examination by a doctor.

Recommendations from specialists

Not so long ago it was believed that papilloma onon the upper eyelid can only occur in older people, and the cause of its occurrence is not only age, but also non-observance of personal hygiene rules, but today it has already been proven that such neoplasms are a consequence of infection with the human papilloma virus. Such a virus can enter through any minor scratch, but the occurrence of papillomas on the eyelids is a cause for concern, because direct contact with the eye is possible. If papillomas appear on the upper eyelid, specialists recommend:

  • Do not try to get rid of the build-up yourself, pull and press the papilloma, as this can lead to its proliferation, sepsis;
  • so that the papilloma can not grow further, it is necessary during the treatment to save the surface of the eyelids from injuries, wounds, scratches, eyes are not recommended to rub hands, it is necessary to wash very carefully;
  • it is necessary to immediately improve immunity with the help ofvarious means, usually it is proper nutrition, intake of vitamins, herbal infusions. It is possible in this case to consult with an observant physician so that he prompts which exactly preparations based on natural components will help strengthen the body best. Remove papillomas on the eyelids can only be after a visit to the doctor;
  • Do not delay visiting the hospital - papilloma affecting the eyelids requires immediate treatment!

Papilloma can occur anywhere on the body,but it is most dangerous on the eyelids. It can be of two types, which determine the treatment method (simple removal or oncologist intervention).

