pancakes stuffed with mushroomsSome housewives are taken aback by just one word"pancakes" make you break out in a cold sweat. Many people simply fail to make them - they are either too thick, or burnt and won't come off the pan. A few mistakes, and the hapless cook flatly refuses to cook this delicious and tender dish. However, it's in vain, because everything takes practice - perhaps you found a bad recipe, made too thick dough, or made another mistake. There could be a lot of reasons, but this doesn't mean you should deny yourself the pleasure of trying this delicacy. Our tips will help you prepare an incredibly juicy and satisfying dish with various mushroom fillings combined with vegetables, chicken, and cheese. If this is your first culinary experience, don't be afraid to fail - it's not for nothing that they say "the first pancake is always lumpy"!

Pancakes on kefir dough with mushrooms and onions

Stuffed pancakes with mushrooms can be eatenat any time of day: for breakfast, lunch or dinner without harming your figure. If the dish seems too dry to you, pour sour cream, cream or mayonnaise on it. This suggestion does not suit you? Then we recommend preparing an appetizing delicate sauce from cream with the addition of onions, aromatic spices and garlic. In fact, there are a lot of options to diversify a familiar dish: you can “play” with the filling, combining, for example, champignons with chicken fillet, and next time replace the meat with grated hard or processed cheese. Each recipe is unique, so there is something to experiment with. Ingredients: For the dough:

  • liter kefir medium fat content
  • eggs - three pieces
  • five grams of table salt
  • 20 milliliters of vegetable oil
  • two glasses of flour of the highest grade (the product is recommended to sift beforehand, then the dough will be more airy and gentle)
  • soda - one teaspoon
  • small piece of butter - for frying

For the filling:

  • one large fillet of chicken
  • half a bell pepper
  • fresh parsley - if desired
  • salt, as well as spices
  • bulbous bulb
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • 150 grams of fresh champignons

For the gravy:

  • ¾ of a faceted glass of boiled, but not too hot water
  • two large spoons of sour cream
  • wheat flour - eight grams
  • salt

Method of preparation: Блинчики с начинкой из грибов и курицы в сметанном соусе подарят наслаждение каждому члену вашей семьи. Благодаря кефиру тесто получается очень нежным и воздушным, отлично снимается со сковородки и хорошо подрумянивается. Если довольно часто балуете домашних этим кушаньем, рекомендуем приобрести специальную посуду с антипригарным покрытием, в которой следует готовить исключительно блинчики. Итак, давайте начнем приготовление с замешивания теста. Для этого заранее выложите все указанные в рецепте продукты из холодильника, так как они должны быть комнатной температуры. Затем вылейте кефир в небольшую кастрюлю, слегка его посолите, после введите взбитые венчиком яйца. Полученную смесь отправьте на медленный огонь и подогрейте, но не доводите ее до кипения. Теперь в стакане кипятка разведите соду, перемешайте, чтобы она полностью растворилась, и вылейте жидкость в будущее тесто. В самом конце добавьте растительное масло. Вам осталось лишь просеять муку и ввести ее к остальным ингредиентам. Тщательно перемешивая их, избавьтесь от комков. Сделать это будет гораздо проще, если воспользуетесь миксером или блендером. Несколько взбиваний кухонным прибором, и масса станет идеально однородной. Учтите, что она не должна быть слишком густой — нужно, чтобы по плотности тесто походило на жирную сметану. Когда справитесь со всеми приготовлениями, накройте полученную смесь крышкой и отставьте в сторону на пятнадцать минут. Ей нужно время, чтобы настояться. Теперь разогрейте сковороду, смажьте ее сливочным маслом и начинайте выпекать изделия. Не наливайте слишком много теста, иначе блины получатся чересчур толстыми и некрасивыми. Достаточно половины половника — в данном случае все зависит от размеров сковороды. Поджаривайте блинчики по две-три минуты с каждой стороны, аккуратно переворачивая их деревянной лопаткой. Затем перекладывайте блюдо на отдельную тарелку и приступайте к следующему изделию — таким образом необходимо израсходовать все тесто. Если вы не планируете фаршировать кушанье начинкой, тогда промажьте каждый блин сливочным маслом — тогда они не будут слишком сухими. Пока изделия остывают, предлагаем заняться остальными продуктами. Хорошо промойте филе и шампиньоны, предварительно удалив с них пленку. Затем порежьте вышеуказанные ингредиенты небольшими кубиками. Что касается сладкого перца, то из него необходимо вынуть сердцевину и, тщательно обработав под краном, нарезать средними кусками, а очищенный от шелухи репчатый лук и зелень нашинкуйте ножом как можно мельче. Теперь разогрейте в сотейнике масло и выложите в него овощи. Добавьте немного поваренной соли и любые приправы, например, орегано, базилик или тимьян. Готовьте начинку на тихом огне, не забывая ее периодически помешивать. В самом конце введите рубленую курицу и протушите еще около пятнадцати минут. Полученная смесь должна остыть — как только это произойдет, переходите к фаршировке. Процедура очень проста: возьмите блин, на середину которого выложите одну-полторы столовые ложки начинки, затем заверните края. Точно так же поступите и с остальными изделиями. Чтобы они не остыли, пока вы будете делать соус, уберите блинчики в жаропрочную посуду и поставьте их в духовку, включив ее на минимум. Осталось лишь приготовить подливу. Для этого смешайте кипяченую воду со сметаной и перелейте жидкость в небольшую емкость. Всыпьте сюда несколько щепоток поваренной соли, пшеничную муку и варите на медленном огне, постоянно помешивая ложкой. Через пять-семь минут выключайте конфорку и дайте соусу остыть. Подавайте его на стол вместе с блинами в отдельной пиале. Можете немного разнообразить рецепт подливы, добавив в нее зубчик размельченного с помощью пресса чеснока и рубленый укроп. Эти ингредиенты сделают вкус блюда более ярким, а аромат — насыщенным. Приятного аппетита! stuffed pancakes with mushrooms

Pancakes with milk with mushroom filling

If you decide to make pancakes withonion-mushroom or other unsweetened filling, then adding granulated sugar to the dough is not at all necessary. Everyone has their own taste, so do it at your own discretion. In addition, remember that the absence of champignons is not a reason to postpone the preparation of the dish. Just replace them with any mushrooms - porcini or, for example, oyster mushrooms are best suited for this. Let's get started? Ingredients: For pancakes:

  • 350 milliliters of warm milk
  • two eggs
  • sour cream - three tablespoons (table)
  • a glass of wheat sifted flour (if the dough is too liquid, take a little more)
  • eight grams of baking powder
  • two small spoons of sugar
  • olive oil - five tablespoons

For the filling:

  • 400 grams of champignons
  • 20 grams of butter - to lubricate the mold
  • bulb
  • salt
  • 100 grams of cheese (we used a solid, but, if desired, it can be replaced by fused)
  • black pepper - to taste
  • 15 grams of vegetable oil (needed when frying)

Method of preparation:Please note that the ingredients listed in the recipe should be warm, so take them out of the refrigerator at least an hour or half an hour beforehand. Then place the eggs in a bowl and beat them thoroughly with salt and granulated sugar until they form a fluffy white foam. Gradually add olive or other vegetable oil and sour cream. Stir a few more times and pour the mixture into the sifted flour, to which you should add a little baking powder in advance. Now put the milk on the stove, making a small flame on the burner, and warm it up a little. Then add half of it to the future dough, beat the mixture with a whisk, mixer or blender, and then gradually pour the remaining milk into it. Stir a couple more times and, covering with a lid, set aside for about 40 minutes. The mixture must first sit, then the pancakes will be more airy. After the specified time, treat the heated frying pan with olive oil and bake the first pancake. To make it thin, pour no more than half a ladle of dough. By the way, its consistency should resemble rather thick sour cream, so if you notice that the mass is too thick, dilute it with a small amount of milk or boiled and cooled water. Pancakes do not always come off easily, in this case there are two ways to fix the situation. First, before getting down to business, pour one or two fingers of table salt into the frying pan - it should completely cover the bottom of the pan. Now heat the pan and keep it on the fire for at least ten minutes, then remove the salt, wipe the edges, treat them with oil and bake the pancakes. If everything is fine with the pan - it has a non-stick coating - but the products still stick, try adding a little more oil directly to the dough. Perhaps this will help save the dish. Place the finished pancakes on a large plate and start making the filling. Peel the champignons and onions, then cut both products into small cubes. Depending on what you decide to use, grate hard or processed cheese into strips on a medium grater. Pour hot water over the champignons and leave for three minutes, get rid of excess liquid, throw them in a colander and dry. Place the vegetables in heated vegetable oil and fry until done, until the products acquire a brown-golden hue. This will take from 20 minutes to half an hour. Do not forget to add a little salt and freshly ground pepper. Now all that remains is to stuff the products. After the onion-mushroom mass has cooled down a little, put it in small portions - one or two tablespoons - on the edge of each pancake, folding them into an envelope. Then transfer the products to a special heat-resistant glass container, pre-greased with butter. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and put it in the oven. Cook at 170 degrees for no more than ten to fifteen minutes. Serve the dish with sour cream or cream. If you have time, you can make a delicate sauce yourself. There are a lot of recipes - just choose the one you like the most and cook the gravy.pancakes stuffed with mushrooms

Pancakes on the water with meat and champignons

We offer the most economical dough recipe forpancakes, for which neither milk, nor kefir, nor sour milk are needed. This time fresh champignons are used as a filling in combination with pork and vegetables. The dish turns out very filling, so you can take it with you to work. You will see that after such a lunch your productivity will increase significantly! Ingredients: Dough:

  • two eggs
  • 500 milliliters of boiled, pre-chilled water
  • granulated sugar - two tablespoons
  • some salt
  • one and a half glasses of flour
  • 20 milliliters of refined vegetable oil


  • 300 grams of pork
  • one medium carrot
  • 250 grams of champignons
  • small bulb - one piece
  • salt and condiments

Method of preparation:First, put the meat on low heat to cook, lightly salting the water. In the meantime, you need to make the pancakes. To knead the dough, sift the flour into a deep bowl, add salt and sugar. Then, in a separate bowl, beat the eggs with vegetable oil, combine the resulting liquid with the previous ingredients. At the very end, pour warm water into the bowl with the products and mix thoroughly, working with a whisk first up and then down. By the way, if you have a blender or mixer, use the device to achieve perfect homogeneity. Bake the products in a preheated frying pan greased with vegetable oil for two to three minutes on each side. While the pancakes are cooling, you need to make the filling. Grind the boiled meat with a meat grinder. Remove the film from the champignons and cut them into small pieces, and finely chop the onions. Grate the peeled carrots. Now put the meat in the heated oil, cook for five minutes, stirring constantly, then add the remaining ingredients. Don't forget about the spices and table salt! Cool the filling and stuff the pancakes with it. Finally, remember a few simple rules for the perfect dish. Always sift the flour - this will help it to be saturated with air, as a result of which the products will turn out tender and thin. Keep in mind that if you add too much sugar to the dough, the dish will be too tough and may burn. And excess salt will make the dish very pale and unattractive. If all these points are taken into account, you will be able to make wonderful pancakes and please the whole family with them. We wish you successful culinary experiments! We recommend reading:

