Than useful daisy for bathing newborns

Pharmacy chamomile is a medicinal plant,which has many useful properties. It removes inflammation and irritation on the skin, disinfects bacteria, accelerates wound healing and acts soothingly. The plant has an anti-allergic property, relieves allergy symptoms and prevents its appearance.chamomile for bathingChamomile for bathing brewed in glass or china table Photo: Getty The use of chamomile is determined by its rich composition. It includes:

  • vitamins C and B4;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oil;
  • biologically active substances - not less than 12 names;
  • polyacetylenes.

For the skin of a newborn is especially valuable chamazulene,which is used in expensive cosmetics. This substance in the composition of chamomile cares for the tender skin of the baby, makes it soft and moisturized. Baths with chamomile broth relieve the newborn from diaper rash and rash, remove redness. After the procedure, the baby sleeps better, his appetite improves and immunity rises.

How to brew chamomile for bathing and carry out the procedure

Chamomile baths for newborns can beapply not more than 2 times a week. It is advisable to do this in the evening, for 2 feedings before night sleep. Soothing properties of the plant will help the child to sleep more tightly. To make a chamomile broth, 1 tbsp. l. plants in glass or porcelain ware should be poured a glass of boiling water, cover and wait 20-30 minutes. Boil the chamomile is not worth it, so it will lose its healing properties. Before the first bath you should make an allergy test. A couple of drops of broth should be applied to the skin, if within 2 hours there is no rash, redness or itching, you can proceed to the procedure. A strained broth is added to the bath with water no more than 37 degrees. Bathing a newborn is recommended until 5 minutes. Rinse the skin after the procedure is not worth it, so the effect of the plant will be stronger. Of all medicinal herbs for bathing newborns, chamomile is considered more suitable. It has no side effects, allergic reaction to it occurs in only 0.5% of children, but the benefits are immediately visible. With moderate use of plants in infants, immunity increases, skin problems disappear, the baby sleeps well and eats. See also:

