omelette with tomatoes If you came late from work, if the hand itselfreached for the fridge, stop and think about what you want to eat. Macaroni, cookies, chocolate sweets, buckwheat porridge with cutlets - all this, of course, is delicious, but not very useful. Before going to sleep, nutritionists are advised to give preference to light foods that are quickly digested and do not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Ideal option - boiled chicken, meat or omelette with tomatoes. If the preparation of the first two products takes a fairly long time - from half an hour to 40 minutes - then you can make scrambled eggs in a quarter of an hour, even faster. Choose a simple recipe and enjoy a proper nutritious dinner without harm to your health and figure.

Omelette with cheese and tomatoes

The scrambled eggs are made very quickly and simply, probably,this is why the dish is very popular among busy people, students and bachelors. In general, the category of cooks who do not like, do not know how to cook, or they just do not have enough time for it. It is enough to beat a couple of eggs, mix them with a few milliliters of milk, a pinch of salt and fry everything in a frying pan. It will be delicious, but it will be even more appetizing if you add fresh tomatoes and hard cheese. We offer to try out in practice a "vegetable" recipe for scrambled eggs. Ingredients:

  • four eggs
  • 150 grams of hard cheese
  • salt - to taste
  • ten grams of butter
  • 15 grams of green onions
  • three ripe strong tomatoes

Cooking method: This recipe assumes the use of butter, but for frying the ingredients you can take vegetable or refined olive. The latter, according to experts, is the most useful. So, first of all clean strong tomatoes. To cope with this was much easier, remember the following way: make an incision on top of the vegetables, then shave them with boiling water and hold in water for a while (two to three minutes is enough). Now gently remove the skin, and chop the pulp with cubes. Put it on a hot frying pan with melted butter and fry. In a separate bowl, combine eggs, salt, and here enter a green onion, cut into thin rings. Cheese grate on the smallest grater and mix with the above ingredients. Beat the mixture thoroughly and pour it into the pan with the remaining butter. When the omelet grinds slightly, pour the previously fried tomatoes and bring the scrambled eggs to the ready. After about five to eight minutes, you can lay the dish on a plate and start eating. For decoration use finely chopped parsley, chives, dill. This simple recipe is useful in case you have absolutely no time for cooking. omelette with tomato recipe

Potato omelette with tomatoes and cheese

Each recipe has its own "zest". If you do not know what to do for dinner or what to eat at dinner, try to cook the next dish. Omelet with tomatoes, supplemented with potatoes and hard cheese, is very satisfying, but at the same time it is useful. Choose ripe juicy tomatoes, as for greenery, it will suit both fennel and parsley. Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of pink potatoes
  • 150 grams of strong tomatoes
  • 15 grams of fresh greens
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • four eggs
  • olive oil - for frying
  • ground pepper, as well as table salt - at the individual discretion of each

Cooking method: Surely you noticed that summer tomatoes are different from winter ones, offered in supermarkets. The latter are stronger, firmer and not so juicy. To make the dish tasty and delicious, it is recommended to pre-peel the vegetables from the peel. This is done in the following way: take the tomatoes and cut them crosswise at the very top. Then shave first hot, and then with icy water. Due to the temperature difference, the skins will depart, so removing it will not be difficult. Chop the pulp into medium slices, and cut fresh herbs as small as possible. As for the potato, it must be moist, - clean it, and then grate it on a medium grater. Do the same with hard cheese. Now, in a separate bowl, whip eggs in a thick, thick foam, do not forget to add salt and a little black pepper, and pour in the potatoes. On the hotly heated frying pan, pour out the olive oil, and then - the egg mixture. Roast with regular stirring, then enter the rest of the ingredients: tomatoes, cheese, greens. There is another recipe, or rather, a variant of cooking this omelet. The products will need the same ones, only the procedure is somewhat different. First fry the tomato pulp, then pour them with egg mixture, whipped with raw potatoes. When the omelet with tomatoes grabs, sprinkle it with cheese and gently lift the spatula from one side. Fold the product with a crescent and simmer with minimal fire, covering the lid, for about seven minutes. We hope you will like the dish. Bon Appetit!

Delicate scrambled eggs with sausage and vegetables

Do you want to prepare a quick and usefula dish of eggs? Then you probably need a recipe, which is considered to be "bachelor". To fry an omelette with tomatoes on milk, you do not need any special conditions, no special products, especially culinary talent or skill. Make fried eggs for everyone, even a child. The food will be satisfying if you add a little sausage. You can use any - ideally suited semi-smoked or, for example, sharp "hunting" sausages. Ingredients:

  • salt
  • 190 grams of any sausage
  • eggs - four pieces
  • Spices (ground pepper or dried rosemary) - optional
  • 110 milliliters of warm milk
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • one and a half large tomatoes
  • fresh greens - for decoration

Cooking method: First remove the sausage from the upper film, then cut it into small cubes. Lay the meat product in a warmed-up saucepan and fry until a brownish-golden crust forms. Enter the tomatoes here, having previously peeled them from the peel and chopped into medium pieces. Reduce heat to a minimum and continue cooking. Each recipe for eggs is good in its own way, but the dish with the addition of milk is more tender and juicy. Therefore, first slightly heat the latter, and then combine it in a bowl with eggs. Salt and taste your pepper, now carefully beat everything with a whisk - work hard, bottom up. The resulting mass is poured into the pan to the rest of the ingredients. Cover the dishes with a lid, after about ten minutes the omelet will be ready. Cut it into portions, spread out on plates and sprinkle with chopped dill or parsley immediately before serving. For flavor, you can add a couple of leaves of fresh basil. To make the dish more economical, replace the sausage with sausages. Very tasty is a combination of eggs and hard cheese - take this recipe for a note. And now a little advice from professionals: the omelet will be incredibly lush and beautiful, if yolks and whites are beaten separately. When both the first and second mixture will become uniform and increase in volume, pour them into a deep bowl, adding the specified amount of milk. Many fry the dish in a frying pan, but there is another way - you can cook scrambled eggs in the oven. Please note that the temperature of the oven should not exceed 145 degrees, otherwise the dinner will be spoiled. how to cook an omelette with tomatoes

Vegetable omelette "home-like"

The more ingredients, the tastier and tastieran omelette is a rule, proved by the mistresses in practice. We offer to make sure of this and you. The recipe for vegetable scrambled eggs is very simple, so everyone can master it. The main thing is to buy the necessary products and remember the sequence of culinary actions. A dish with zucchini and tomatoes is an ideal option for a light lunch or dinner, especially in the summer. Ingredients (based on two servings):

  • three large raw mushrooms
  • 60 grams of zucchini, cut into slices
  • ripe tomato
  • a pinch of common salt
  • ten milliliters of olive oil
  • three eggs
  • a small pinch of black freshly ground pepper
  • a few sprigs of fresh dill

Cooking method: First, cut the zucchini into not too large cubes, lightly sprinkle them with salt and leave to infuse. While vegetables start up the juice, peel the champignons from the film and chop them into slices. Now warm up the olive oil in the saucepan and put the two above mentioned products into it. Fry, stirring occasionally until a beautiful golden hue. At the top of the washed tomato, make a neat cut. After turn alternately tomato with boiling water and cold water. Peel and cut the flesh into large pieces or slices. Add it to the rest of the vegetables, simmer under the lid for nine minutes. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with salt and spices, and actively work with a whisk to make the mixture thick and lush. Pour it into the saucepan and bring it to the ready. Once the omelet thickens enough, turn off the hotplate, cool it and sprinkle with chopped dill. Serve with vegetables, meat and tomato juice. This light and low-calorie dish is ideal for girls who are actively preparing for the summer season. Do you want to experiment? Easily. Try to prepare an omelette in another way: first for three to four minutes fry the vegetables, then transfer them to glass heat-resistant dishes and fill with a salted egg mixture, whipped carefully. Add a little water here and send it to a preheated oven. The dish is languishing in the oven for about fifteen minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. This delicious and, most importantly, useful food will satisfy hunger and will not hurt your figure. delicious omelette with tomatoes

Fried eggs with peppers and tomatoes

Dinner should be nutritious, hearty and at the same timetime is easy, because the whole night is still ahead. And what can be a dream for a full stomach? Therefore, we offer another recipe for incredibly useful food. Scrambled eggs with Bulgarian pepper and ripe tomatoes, sprinkled with tender cheese and herbs, are a real pleasure, accessible to everyone. Ingredients:

  • pasteurized milk - 60 milliliters
  • six eggs
  • two grams of table salt
  • refined vegetable oil
  • two sweet peppers
  • 1.5 large spoons (without a slide) of flour
  • 280 grams of juicy tomatoes
  • greenery
  • 90 grams of grated cheese (suitable as fused, and hard like Russian)

Cooking method: The washed and dried pepper is freed from the core and chopped into thin strips. With tomatoes peel off (as it is easier and faster to do, we described a little higher), then cut the flesh into cubes. The turn of the cheese has come: rub it with medium strips on a grater. It is recommended to add a little freshly cut greens to the dish, which will give the scrambled piquancy and aroma. Heat the oil in a frying pan, after pour the pepper into it and fry until it becomes softer. Then enter the tomatoes, if desired, you can add a few rings of sweet onions. In a deep bowl, whip the rest of the ingredients, namely: homemade eggs, salt, milk, four grams of flour and seasoning. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into vegetables. Omelet with tomatoes stewed under a closed lid for no longer than nine minutes. At the very end, after turning off the hotplate, sprinkle the product with grated cheese and let it stand for a short while, because the product should melt. Agree, in preparing the dishes, which were discussed today, there is nothing complicated. If you are on a diet, you will find a recipe for baked eggs in the oven on the water. Use for flavor flavorings that give the scrambled piquancy and make it even more appetizing. Ideal option for men will be a dish made of eggs with meat ingredients: sausages, sausages. In general, there is plenty to choose from, so cook fast and delicious.

