In the family of figure skaters Roman Kostomarov and OksanaDomnina is growing up with two children. Nastia, the eldest, on January 2 turned 7 years old, and her brother Ilya January 15 - 2 years old. And a star couple can not be punished! From an early age, Roman and Oksana accustom their offspring to the sporting regime. What other principles in the education of children guided figure skaters, told Roman Kostomarov.

The children should be selected by their parents

How else? Many children start to think about the future specialty of the years at 16, when they are finishing school. It's too late to be the best in your profession. So it is parents who should guide their children in choosing. And do it as soon as possible. I want to see my children only in sports. There are no other options. Regular training temper the character for life. If a child does sports, then he will cope with any difficulties in his adult life. So Nastya is now engaged in great tennis and dancing in the school-studio "Todes." Ilya, when growing up, also give in tennis or hockey.Photo: @romankostomarovkrs

The earlier a child engages in sports, the better

Oksana and I did not really insist, but the daughter herselfshe wanted to skate. She was then three years old. Of course, at first she was afraid, legs staggered. We thought that the child would surely break his head. But over time she got used to it and now runs briskly over the ice. Some parents, I know, are trying to put the child on skates almost before he can really walk. Well, each parent chooses, as it is more convenient for him. Someone believes that giving a child at an early age in the sport can not, they say, it will break his psychology. I adhere to a different opinion. Many told me that tennis should be given at 6-7 years, when the child is more or less mature both physically and psychologically. I sent Nastya to the court when she turned four. And I do not regret this at all. The child is only seven, and she already plays at a fairly decent level. This is a different level of understanding of the game, the knowledge of how to hold the racket, how to beat the ball. And imagine, if she had just started?

The child himself must succeed

I will rest on the laurels of parents for my children for sureI will not let it. They have to go through the same difficult path to success as Oksana and I. But this does not mean that Nastya and Ilya have no childhood. My daughter studies up to 4 hours in kindergarten. And then - freedom! We did not send her to school either, although the age of 6.5 years allowed. We decided to let the child run and play with dolls, although we are also preparing Nastya for school. A year ago, she began to attend additional classes. The daughter is taken to school from kindergarten for two hours, then returned. We chose for her an ordinary, state one, without any fashionable bells and whistles. True, with an in-depth study of art. The main thing for us is for the child to be healthy, go in for sports. Classes are held once a week. Sometimes in the morning he can be capricious: I don't want to go to kindergarten! I conduct explanatory conversations with her. “Nastenka, today you don’t want to go to kindergarten. Trust me, when you go to school, you will regret it. In kindergarten, you came, played, fed you, put you to bed. Then they woke up, fed them, and sent them out for a walk. Pure pleasure! What awaits you next when you go to school? " In the evening, my daughter begins her "adult" life: one day she plays tennis, the other - dancing. Nastya has more than enough energy. And if it is not directed into a peaceful channel, it will destroy the whole house. Children from idleness do not know what to do with themselves. They'll either watch a cartoon, or stare at some gadget. And for two hours in training, she gets so tired that, when she comes home, she will have dinner and go to bed.

I try not to press the authority

I remember, for me, a serious incentive for classessport was a desire to go abroad, buy a cola and cud. Now other time, other opportunities, you can not seduce a child with one cola. So, we need another motivation. At us with Nastya at first also was: "I do not want to go to training!" - "What do you mean, I do not want?". I had to explain that there is no such word as "I do not want", there is "it is necessary". And that's all. No pressure of parental authority was not. Now as an incentive I use the addiction of my daughter to the dolls. I tell her: you will do three trainings perfectly, you will have a doll. And now there are still various soft toys, for which she is ready almost every day to run to class. The main thing is that there is a desire to train, to achieve victories.

