correct glasses for myopia and hyperopia Today look at the world with wide eyesnot everyone can. This can be caused by common eye diseases: nearsightedness and farsightedness. According to the World Health Organization, more than 50% of the adult population suffers from one of these ailments. What are the causes of the disease, what contributes to their development, how to treat the disease? Let's try to figure it out.

The short-sighted pathology

Statistics on the disease is sad: The number of afflicted children in pre-school age is doubled in the student years. Myopia is called an eye disease, in which the image of the object is focused in front of the retina of the eye, which causes an indistinct image of only those objects that are in the distance. If a person looks at objects close to him, then problems do not arise. In this case, doctors ascertain the change in the shape and size of the eyeball: thus, the eye acquires an oval shape, although it must be a regular spherical shape. Reducing vision to the distance is the surest sign of myopia. The person sees objects indistinctly, vaguely and starts to squint. But only the ophthalmologist can diagnose the disease with the help of special equipment. And if it seems to you that you have nearsightedness, then first of all go to the reception to a specialist. A competent doctor with a higher medical education will be able to establish the cause of the disease, and, perhaps, vigilance can still be saved with the help of medical treatment. But if you go immediately to optics, then only exacerbate the situation, because the optometrist is trained only to select glasses, and not to diagnose the disease and treat it. Therefore, take care of yourself and do not be lazy once again stand in line at the district clinic. By the way, the treatment of myopia is divided into two stages: correction and direct treatment. Correction is done with the help of glasses, lenses and new laser methods. Of course, each of the methods has pros and cons, but they are united by one goal - the retina of the eye to compare with the image. For example, laser correction can give you 100% vision. The procedure does not last long, like the recovery period. Treatment also includes medication and physiotherapy methods. The main goal is to improve the blood circulation of the eyeball and to train the eye muscle. Of course, in the issue of treating the disease, prevention is central. Doctors urgently recommend correct vision correction, take special vitamin complexes, train eye muscles with the help of eye and special glasses, follow a special diet, and, if necessary, perform a procedure of scleroplasty. eye examination by an ophthalmologist

Factors contributing to myopia

Today, doctors identify the following causes that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • Heredity (studies prove thathealthy children, only 10% get an ailment, but if the father or mother can not boast a healthy look, then their child with 50% will be short-sighted);
  • The most common short-sightedness isschool or college years, and all because the eyes during this period experience intense stress at a close distance (explain this phenomenon can be simple physics);
  • Very often incorrect vision correctionaggravates the situation, so it is very important to carefully choose the glasses or lenses first from the doctor, then in optics with the optometrist according to the doctor's prescription and observe the rules of their socks;
  • Often myopia is caused by impaired blood flow to the eyeball;
  • A malnutrition deprived of the necessary vitamins and trace elements can cause irreparable damage to the health of the eyes.
  • Anti-hypertensia

    In contrast to myopia, hyperopia -a very insidious disease, because a long time to suspect the problem is not possible. At a weak degree of the disease, vision is both far away and near good. At an average - near only slightly worse than in the distance. And only with a severe degree of vision, both near and far are bad, accordingly, corrective glasses are required. The only complaints during this period are headaches and rapid eye fatigue. Hyperopia is characterized by the fact that the image of objects is formed behind the retina of the eye. An interesting fact is that physicians do not worry if hyperopia is diagnosed in a child under six years old. After all, during this period the eye is in the stage of growth, so the problem can easily grow a child. Treatment for hyperopia is performed using methods of vision correction. First of all, these glasses are the most accessible and widespread method of helping the long-sighted. But to a person, especially without the habit of long wearing, the glasses deliver only inconveniences, despite the obvious positive side. They fall all the time, get dirty and rub the bridge of the nose. Therefore, the use of contact lenses can facilitate the correction period (even the physics in the school helped us to understand their structure and the principle of action). The only drawback is the contraindications that they have. But you can get used to them pretty quickly, but then you can freely live an active life, without fear of breaking points. Laser correction is used only in patients over 18 years of age and under the condition of stable form of hyperopia. The procedure is simple and short-lived, but the patient regains an ideal vision. Of course, without prevention, there is no need to talk about healthy eyesight. First of all, worry about the good lighting of the workplace. The table lamp should stand on the left side and distribute the light evenly, so that the eyes do not experience unnecessary strain. During prolonged hard work, take your time off for short breaks, so that your eyes can relax: just close your eyes or do not concentrate on one object - let your eyes slide freely. It is also appropriate at this time to do slow eye gymnastics. Ophthalmologists say that the intake of vitamin complexes, visual gymnastics and the use of physiotherapy devices (for example, Sidorenko's glasses) give a positive result. All these methods can improve blood supply, relieve tension in the eyeball and train the eye muscle. Ultimately, it will lead to recovery. myopia and hyperopia at the same time

    Factors contributing to hyperopia

    Identify the causes of this disease is not so muchjust. But indirect symptoms can tell you the moment when you need to seek advice from an ophthalmologist. If your child gets tired quickly, learns badly, does not sleep well and often fusses, then it's worth to show it to a doctor as soon as possible. In adults, hyperopia can be manifested by rapid eye fatigue when working at close range, small letters "float", and want to push the book away. Only an ophthalmologist can correctly diagnose hyperopia and its degree. This is important in order to avoid complications and stop the progress of the disease, because otherwise the outflow of the intraocular fluid is disturbed, the intraocular pressure increases, which leads to glaucoma. Therefore, it is important to take early measures to treat this disease. The following factors contribute to the development of hyperopia:

  • Too short eye axis;
  • Inadequately curved cornea;
  • Deeply planted lens of the eye with a change in its shape and refractive force;
  • The spasm of accommodation, which appears with myopia, often becomes the culprit at the same time and farsightedness;
  • Increased intraocular pressure.
  • How and where to treat the disease?

    Everyone dreams of returning the clarity of the eye. But when choosing a doctor and a clinic you should pay attention to a number of important factors that will affect your health, if you are diagnosed with nearsightedness and farsightedness. The place where to treat, and the person who will conduct all procedures and make appointments, choose slowly, thoughtfully and analyzing the reviews. An ophthalmologist and a medical institution should have an impeccable reputation, modern equipment and an integrated approach to treatment. All this will allow you not only to make correction at the highest level, but also to get an excellent result and quality points. Do not forget to fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions, do not be lazy to do gymnastics that only causes discomfort at the beginning, choose a normal diet enriched with products useful for eyes. This meat, eggs, sour-milk products, cranberries, apples, pears, grapes, cabbage, carrots, blueberries, avocados, salmon, kiwi, pumpkin. Take vitamin complexes. If you are focused on the result and do your best, then for sure you will achieve the goal.

