hair sprayAll women strive to become more beautiful,more attractive. What women have not come up with in different eras to attract the attention of men. There was a time when women made mind-blowing hairstyles several meters high and weighing several kilograms. At that time, hairstyles were fixed with the help of hay, metal structures, false hair. Thanks to the desire for beauty, a variety of cosmetics, skin care products for the face and body, as well as hair care products appeared, including hairspray, which is indispensable in the modern world. And the history of modern hairspray is as follows. In the 1950s, hairstyles in the style of E. Presley were popular, which were very intricate and complex. At that time, people wore special hairnets on their heads to keep their hairstyles. And then a chemist named Hans Schwarzkopf created an indispensable product in 1956, which was given the name "Liquid Hairnet". That is, it was in the Schwarzkopf company that hairspray began to exist. Since then, hairspray has probably been in every woman's possession. Hairspray has earned its popularity because it helps create an impeccable style. After all, a hairstyle should also match the chosen image, like cosmetics and clothes. And with the help of hairspray, creating the desired styling is not a problem. But fixing a hairstyle is not the main function of hairspray. No, of course, this was the case before, but modern hairsprays not only maintain the hairstyle, but also strengthen the hair, supply it with amino acids and vitamins, and protect it from the negative effects of the environment. In addition, now you can find liquid hairspray, dry, colored, tinted, and the like. Let's now figure out which hairspray is better, how to choose a hairspray, how to use it, what types of hairsprays there are and what is the difference between them.

Choose a hairspray

So, you've decided to buy hairspray, andмагазине целая куча разнообразных лаков! Как же выбрать именно тот лак для волос, который подходит именно вам? Давайте в этом разберемся. Прежде чем приобрести какой-либо лак нужно обратить внимание на его состав. Очень важно, чтобы в составе лака не было спирта, поскольку он пагубно влияет как на сами волосы, так и на кожу головы. Основой любого лака являются раствор синтетических и натуральных смол, а также этиловый спирт либо неспиртовой растворитель. Именно этими компонентами и обеспечивается фиксация волос. Кроме того, в лаке содержатся пластификаторы, отвечающие за мягкость прически, различные пленкообразователи и пропеллент, отвечающий за распыление лака. Также в лаке обязательно должны присутствовать такие компоненты как глицерин, пантенол, бетаин, бензофенон – они восстанавливают структуру волос. Глицерин необходим для увлажнения, бетаин придает волосам здоровый блеск, бензофенон защищает волосы от негативных воздействий окружающей среды, а пантенол питает и восстанавливает волосы. Также не лишним будет, если в составе будут присутствовать витамины В5 и Е, аминокислоты и натуральные компоненты лекарственных растений, например, экстракт алоэ, который придает волосам гибкость и послушность, а также обеспечивает волосы дополнительным питанием. Также стоит отметить, что лаки бывают слабой, средней, сильной, а также сверхсильной фиксации. То есть, сила фиксации отражает способность лака закреплять прическу на то или иное время. То есть, лак слабой фиксации не сможет удержать замысловатую прическу длительное время, в то время как лак сверхсильной фиксации с этой задачей, естественно, справится. Сила фиксации зависит от количества входящих в состав лака полимеров – чем их больше, тем долговечнее будет прическа. Конечно, понятие о силе фиксации у разных фирм различное, поэтому при сравнении лаков разных фирм одинаковой фиксации можно заметить, что у одной фирмы фиксация держится дольше, чем у другой. Поэтому по силе фиксации лак придется выбирать путем проб и ошибок. Причем при выборе лака стоит помнить, что тонким мягким волосам вполне хватит и лака слабой фиксации, особенно если волосы не слишком длинные. А жестким непослушным волосам подойдет исключительно лак сверхсильной фиксации. Лак слабой и нормальной фиксации можно применять для ежедневной укладки редких и не слишком густых волос. Правильно выбранный лак способен не только сохранить прическу, но и благотворно повлиять на волосы. Поэтому стоит подбирать лак для конкретно вашего типа волос. То есть, если ваши волосы окрашенные, то лучше брать лак, восстанавливающий цвет. Если волосы повреждены – нужен лак, восстанавливающий структуру волос. Кроме того, в летнее время стоит приобретать лак с солнцезащитным фильтром. И еще небольшой совет: выбирайте лак для волос без запаха или со слабо выраженным запахом, поскольку сильный аромат лака способен заглушить аромат используемой вами парфюмерии. Кроме всего вышесказанного можно добавить, что когда вы выбираете лак для волос – отзывы подруг и родных, женщин на форумах, стилистов способны помочь вам сделать правильный выбор. А теперь давайте рассмотрим, какие разновидности лаков, кроме обычных бывают.

Colorful hairspray

Which of the fair sex representativesHave you ever experimented with hair color? There probably aren’t any. But it happens that after dyeing your hair with hair dye, you realize that the new color doesn’t suit you. So what should you do? Go to the salon again and re-dye? Or wait until the dye gradually peels off on its own? Neither is the best option. So what should you do then? The answer is simple – use a tinted hairspray, or colored hairspray. Such hairspray is also sold in spray cans, but in addition to fixation, it can dye your hair a particular color or shade. Such hairspray will help you experiment with color, and due to the fact that such hair coloring is washed off with the first wash, you won’t have to worry about having to re-dye your hair again. In addition, thanks to colored hairspray, you can create a bright, original look for one day, which is great for holidays and parties. You just need to spray such hairspray on individual strands of hair – and your bright festive hairstyle is ready! A type of colored varnish is hairspray with glitter - golden, silver or rainbow. When choosing a color for a festive hairstyle, remember that bright colors - blue, red, green, purple - look best on light hair. But hairspray with glitter can be used to create hairstyles on any hair.

Dry hair spray

According to French women, to createa perfect image requires two components of the image to be in order – shoes and hair. If there are no particular problems with the first, then a beautiful hairstyle every day requires time, patience, skill and professional hair products. And dry hairspray will help a lot in this matter. This hairspray can create a neat hairstyle and maintain it throughout the day. Dry hairspray has no fragrances, does not spread under the hot rays of the sun and does not stick hair together. This hairspray can be applied to both wet and dry hair. And if necessary, dry hairspray can be applied several times a day. Regular hairspray, as you know, does not suit everyone – for many, it causes scalp irritation, hair often sticks together and the original styling is sometimes deformed. It was precisely because of the existence of such problems that dry hairspray was developed. Dry hairspray does not tend to stick together strands, as well as stiff hair, and it dries quickly and fixes the hairstyle perfectly. In addition, dry hairspray takes good care of the hair. So, if after washing your hair you apply dry hairspray to damp hair, then dry it with a hairdryer, comb it and apply dry hairspray again, your hair will acquire a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Using dry hairspray is very simple - it, like regular hairsprays, should be sprayed on your hair from a distance of 20-30 cm. If you need to increase the volume of your hair, you should spray this hairspray on the roots of your damp hair, with your head down, then comb and dry your hair with a hairdryer.

Liquid hair spray

Often when creating a complex hairstyle it is necessaryreliable fixation. But what to do if regular hairsprays are able to hold such a hairstyle only if they are applied in huge quantities, which is fraught with stiffness of the hair. But you really want your hairstyle not only to retain its shape, but also for your hair to look natural and soft. With liquid hairspray, this problem becomes solvable! Liquid hairspray (aka gel spray) has a super-strong fixation, and when using such hairspray, hair remains soft and mobile. In addition, liquid hairspray does not pollute hair, does not stick together or weigh it down. Also, an undoubted advantage of such hairspray is that when combing your hair, no “dust” is formed from it, as well as its economical use. Liquid hairspray can be used for different purposes - for straightening hair, for increasing volume, for creating the effect of wet hair and simply for fixing hairstyles. In addition, liquid hairspray is well suited for curling soft or heavy hair that is difficult to curl. But liquid hairspray has one drawback - it takes a long time to dry. But the result is worth the time spent!colored hairspray

Professional hair spray

Professional varnish can be either regular orspray, as well as dry, liquid or colored. It all depends on the components included in the varnish. As a rule, professional hairspray is much better than any other varnish. Such varnish perfectly fixes the hairstyle without leaving stuck strands, without weighing down, without dirtying the hair and making it soft and manageable. A distinctive feature of professional varnish is the presence of a large number of components useful for hair - various extracts from medicinal herbs, vitamins and other substances that strengthen the hair and care for hair even on hot sunny days. The use of such varnish can return the hair to its natural elasticity and flexibility. Also, professional hairsprays tend to keep the styling in any weather.

How to wash off the varnish from the hair?

Any varnish, including professional,can cause damage to hair if you constantly expose it to hairspray. In order not to damage your hair with hairspray, you should remove the hairspray every day before going to bed. If there is little hairspray on your hair, then it is enough to just comb your hair thoroughly. During this procedure, the hairspray film covering the hair is destroyed and the hair can "breathe". If you do not remove the hairspray, then over time your hair will lose its healthy appearance, become dull and lifeless, and its ends will begin to split. But it happens that there is too much hairspray on your hair and combing will not help get rid of it. What to do then? There is only one solution - you need to wash it off. In most cases, it is enough to just wash your hair with regular shampoo, but sometimes there are hairsprays that neither shampoos nor soap can handle. How to wash hairspray off in this case? A good solution would be to add baking soda to the shampoo. Moreover, you should wash your hair with such a mixture 2-3 times, only then will the hair return to its previous state, and the hairspray will be completely washed off. If you have washed your hair, but it seems to you that some small amount of hairspray remains on your hair, you can dilute the vinegar water so that it is slightly sour, but not too much, and then rinse your hair with this water. By the way, rinsing with vinegar water will help get rid of dandruff, if you have it, and your hair will become softer and shinier.

How to make a hair spray yourself?

You probably noticed that aftersome styling products make your hair very difficult to comb, make it stiff, and your hairstyle becomes heavier and loses volume? Or have you encountered such an unpleasant problem as an allergy to hairspray components? There is nothing surprising about this, because any styling product contains a lot of chemicals that can irritate the scalp, especially if the skin is sensitive. But you really want to make a good, beautiful hairstyle! But what if hairsprays are excluded? It's very simple, you can make your own hairspray, and it will not contain harmful substances. So, let's talk about how to make hairspray at home. Using homemade hairspray will not only allow you to save a lot, but will also minimize the risk of allergies. You will also be able to avoid overdrying your hair, which occurs with prolonged and very frequent use of store-bought varnishes. Here are three hairspray recipes:

  • Sugar varnish.Our grandmothers used this type of hairspray. It is prepared as follows: for 0.2 liters of purified or boiled water, take 2 teaspoons of sugar, which is best ground beforehand. Put the sugar solution on low heat, bring it to a boil, stirring constantly, then remove from heat and cool, then pour into a container for storing the hairspray. It should be noted that this hairspray has a downside - sugar makes hair stiffer and more brittle. However, the same thing happens to hair when using store-bought strong hold hairsprays. Only, unlike store-bought hairsprays, this is the only drawback of sugar hairspray.
  • Rye lacquer. To break into small pieces 0,5 loaves of rye bread, pour 2 tbsp. warm water and bring to a boil over low heat, after which the mixture is removed from the fire, cool and drain. Then the varnish is poured into a storage tank for varnish - and they can already be used.
  • Lemon lacquer. One medium-sized lemon peel and squeeze out the juice, then add 0.2 liters. peeled or boiled water, leach the lemon skin into the liquid so that it completely covers the peel. The resulting composition should be covered with a lid and put into the refrigerator for 5-7 days, after which the lacquer is poured into a varnish tank with a spray nozzle (spray) and the skin is discarded.
  • So now you know how to make nail polishhair at home. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here - all the ingredients are very cheap and easily accessible. Let's hope that these recipes will be useful to you. And now let's see which brands of varnishes the modern cosmetic market offers us, and which of them is the best hairspray.

    Review of popular brands of hair spray

    Based on many women's opinions, we decidedfind out which hairspray is best to give preference to. To do this, we will consider the most popular brands of varnishes. So, let's get started. Schwarzkopf hairspray. The world-famous Schwarzkopf company presents to women a whole series of styling products - Taft hairsprays. The series includes:

    • Taft Power - super fixation and strengthening of hair;
    • Taft Ultra - strong fixation for 24 hours;
    • Taft Complete gives hair shine, volume and softness;
    • Taft Sensitive - designed for sensitive scalp;
    • Taft Looks - a series of styling products;
    • Taft "Strength of volume";
    • Taft "Diamond Shine" - gives the effect of shiny straight hair for 24 hours;
    • Taft "Smoothness and radiance".

    Choose Taft hairspray that suits yourhair, it's quite simple - the company offers a huge range of hairsprays for different types of hair - for both thin, dry, brittle and curly, capricious hair. The company also offers hypoallergenic hairspray Taft Sensitive, which has no smell. This hairspray has been tested by dermatologists, so it can be safely used by those who are usually allergic to hairsprays. The hairsprays offered by Schwarzkopf do not stick together or weigh down the hair, do an excellent job of fixing the hairstyle, and are also easy to remove from the hair. Women recognized the Taft Power hairspray "Tenderness of Cashmere" as the best of the Taft hairspray series. In addition, Schwarzkopf also produces professional hair styling products that are great for different types of styling and do not dry out the hair - Schwarzkopf Professional Osis. L'Oreal hairspray is able to instantly return the hairstyle to shape in any conditions. The hairspray is created using the innovative formula “shape memory”, thanks to which it became possible to return the shape of the hair. In addition, L’Oreal hairspray also has such positive qualities as durable fixation and healthy shine of the hair. Also, the hairspray does not dry out the hair and contains strengthening components. The best L’Oreal hairspray was recognized by women as the hairspray “Maxi Volume”. Syoss hairspray. This hairspray is recommended by many professional hairdressers. The hairspray has a pleasant smell, does not stick the hair together and holds the style for up to two days. In addition, the hairspray is completely invisible on the hair – it remains natural, manageable and soft, as if the hairspray had not been used at all. All Syoss hairsprays protect hair from solar radiation and humidity. Wella hairspray contains provitamin B5, a vitamin complex and a UV filter. The hairspray creates a reliable long-term fixation of the hairstyle without sticking, moisturizes the hair, strengthens it, gives it smoothness and shine. This hairspray is probably the best hairspray among other brands, as women believe, and the most popular of this series is Wella High Hair. In addition, Wella hairsprays are great for styling, as they provide super strong fixation. Wellaflex hairspray creates a natural elastic styling that lasts all day. Thanks to the polymers included in the varnish, a flexible connection is created between the hairs in the hairstyle, which forms a kind of invisible mesh. Wellaflex hairspray does not stick hair together and protects it from the negative effects of sunlight, maintaining the natural elasticity of the hair. Prelest hairspray is the most popular hairspray among domestic brands. It is not very high quality, but it attracts many with its price. Nevertheless, with the help of this varnish you can create a good hairstyle that will be protected from high humidity. Prelest hairspray is recommended for creating complex hairstyles, as well as for fixing thin hair. So our article has come to an end. We hope that you will not forget our tips on how to wash hairspray off and how to choose it, and that they will help you in your fight for beauty. May each new day be filled with the joy of having a flawless hairstyle! We recommend reading:

