monstera careSurely, you have seen beautiful things many timesa large plant with dissected leaves that are arranged alternately on the stem. This plant is called monstera, it belongs to the genus of tropical vines. Monsteras are most common in the tropical forests of America, in the equatorial zone, they grow almost throughout Brazil and in most of Mexico. Monstera was brought to Southeast Asia in the 19th century. Today, this plant is quite common and takes root well in home conditions. In just 4 years, monstera can grow up to half the room. Due to its massiveness, this liana is often used for landscaping office premises and spacious halls. Indoor flowers monstera do not require too much care, but it should be taken into account that the plant needs support, and most often a tube with moss is used for these purposes. The liana is characterized by numerous aerial roots that must be tied to a support, directed into the ground, but in no case cut. When caring for a monstera, remember that it does not like drafts, its leaves turn yellow or become covered with brown spots. If you place the plant somewhere near a passage, where the leaves will be constantly touched by people scurrying about, then the leaves themselves will be constantly injured or even torn.

Interesting information

The name of the plant is "Monstera" translated fromLatin means bizarre, amazing. Sometimes it can be called a "crybaby" or philodendron. In damp rooms in cloudy weather, large drops of water will fall from the leaves of the monstera. Monstera will predict rainy weather in advance - a whole day ahead. Sticky juice appears on the edges of the leaves, which will then drip from them, if rainy weather is expected. The average length of leaves in indoor conditions is 30 cm, there are leaves of a larger care

Care for the monster

If you decide to decorate your plant with thishousing, then you should know how to care for a monstera. Since our climate is not native to the tropical plant, you should follow several care requirements so that the plant takes root in your home.

  • Temperature conditions

Caring for indoor monstera plants requiresmaintain the room temperature at around +16 – +18 degrees, although for a certain period of time the monstera will be able to withstand some temperature fluctuations. It should be noted that the higher the temperature during the year, the faster the plant will grow, and the leaves will become more patterned and larger.

  • Lighting

Monstera - care for which requires the creation ofin a climate similar to tropical - does not tolerate direct sunlight. Place it either in a place illuminated by bright diffused light, or in partial shade.

  • Watering

Monstera - care at home for itthe plant is capricious. In winter, the soil should be kept moist, but only slightly, you should not be zealous in this matter. In other seasons, the soil for the monstera requires care with abundant moisture and the ability to dry slightly between waterings. In summer, watering should be abundant, you should ensure that the water in the tray does not stagnate. For watering, use only settled warm water, which does not contain lime.

  • Air humidity

For monstera, home care requiresMaintaining high humidity in the room: wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge, polish them, spray the room with water as often as possible. In winter, when there is a lack of heat, humidification should be reduced. Spraying should be done with the same water as watering.

  • The soil

When caring for a houseplant monstera,select the most suitable soil composition for it: garden soil + peat + humus + sand. All components in a one-to-one ratio, in addition, good drainage is necessary. You can use a palm mixture. Mandatory fertilizing should be carried out from March to August.

  • Additional fertilizing

Monstera - care and propagation of which depend onits owner - requires seasonal feeding. It is necessary to fertilize it in the period March-August with fertilizers for indoor plants. The frequency of feeding is once every two weeks. For large plants, it will be useful to add humus to the soil (once during the summer). It is possible to use mullein infusion for watering (instead of humus), but keep in mind that the smell will remain in the room.

  • Bloom

Note that the flowering of the monstera is an eventnot often, but when it happens, everything around is transformed. The plant's flowers are snow-white, and the cream-colored inflorescences resemble cobs with a filmy cover. The purple fruits, ripening after a year, taste like pineapple.

  • Reproduction of a plant

Monstera - care and propagation of which requiresome effort - belongs to the aroid species, and therefore it is best to use cuttings from the middle of the stem and apical cuttings for propagation. Each cutting should have an "eye" or bud. The shoots are rooted in sphagnum moss, sand or simply in water. For better strengthening of the cutting and further rapid growth, the plant should be covered with a glass jar, or alternatively, covered with plastic wrap. The air temperature "under the roof" can fluctuate from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius, within these limits it should be constantly maintained. How to transplant a monstera, its small shoot, so that it takes root? You should use a rooting substrate. As a substrate, use river sand, coarse and well washed, or a mixture of peat and sand in proportions of 1: 1. Rooting will occur within the next 20-30 days. Monstera can also be propagated using shoots (air layering). In this case, the stem intended for propagation is covered with wet sphagnum, after which polyethylene film is used to wrap it and everything is secured with wire. When the young plant forms its own root system, the young monstera is transplanted into a separate pot, having previously separated it from the mother plant.

  • Transfer

If you have this type in your home or officeliana, then you are probably interested in the question: how to properly transplant a monstera. Keep in mind right away that this should be done annually. Young plants are transplanted every year. But how to transplant a large monstera? But monsters that are already more than 4 years old should be transplanted only once every 2-3 years. Remember that the top layer of soil in large plants changes annually. A suitable soil composition for proper transplantation of a monstera: 1 part peat soil, 1 part humus, 1 part sand, 2-3 parts turf. Young plants get along well in a bucket, but it is necessary to transplant a large monstera, which is already more than 3 years old, into a spacious container - flower pots, which are available in all sizes. The best option would be a wooden tub. Otherwise, a small container for planting will affect the beauty and health of your growing plant. It is also good to use some additional supports for the growth of the plant. To do this, an artificial trunk 75-105 cm high is dug directly into the pot. This support is wrapped in sphagnum, and wire or twine is used as a moss retainer. The moss should always be moist, since the aerial roots will receive additional nutrition from it.monstera and care for her

Diseases and pests

Monster's flowers should be expressed inпервую очередь в поддержании соответствующего температурного режима. Если в помещение будут наблюдаться высокие температуры и низкая влажность, на растении неизбежно поселится трипс. Трипс – мелкое насекомое (до 1 мм). Многочисленные колонии трипс откладывает на тыльной стороне листьев, а на верхней стороне появляются характерные светлые точки. В конечном итоге поверхность листа станет серовато-коричневой с присущим для такого рода повреждений серебристым блеском. При температурах не выше +3 градусов по Цельсию трипс гибнет, наиболее развивается в жаркую и сухую погоду. Ухаживать за цветами монстера в подобном случае следует следующим образом: произвести опрыскивание инсектицидами (возможно неоднократное). Возможные инсектициды: децис, фитоверм, инта-вир, актеллик. Щитовки – насекомое подотряда кокцид, длинна которых не более 2 мм. Взрослые самки и личинки питаются соками растений. В результате листья теряют свой окрас, сохнут, и начинают опадать. Как ухаживать за цветком монстера в этой ситуации: требуется механическая очистка листьев от вредителей. Для этого используют намыленную губку. После «мойки» растение опрыскивают раствором актеллика (0,15%) – 2 мл на 1 л воды. Паутинный клещ – насекомое, вредящее при через чур сухом воздухе. Характерный призрак – появление паутины в междоузлиях. Постепенно листья теряют свою силу, становятся вялыми, а после опадают. Монстера цветок – уход в этот период требуется следующий: обмывают растение теплым душем и протирают губкой, смоченной в мыльном растворе. Требуется регулярное опрыскивание. При очень сильно поражение используют 15-ти % раствор актеллика. Мучнистый червец: довольно таки подвижное насекомое (длина 2-5 мм), является родственником щитовки, высасывает из растения соки, выделяя при этом отравляющие вещества. После себя оставляет медвяную росу, где поселяется сажистый гриб. Как правило поселяется на корневой шейке растений. Цветы комнатной монтеры ухода в этом случае требуют такого: растение протирают мыльным раствором, омывают теплым душем, проводят регулярное опрыскивание, в случае необходимости используют раствор актеллика. Монстера – уход болезни может вызвать, если будет не добросовестным. О своем состоянии цветок расскажет внешним видом. Влажные кончики листьев говорят о повышенной влажности. Следует подсушить грунт, в противном случае стебель начнет подгнивать, а листья – вянуть. Это повлечет за собой принятие экстренных мер: обрезание гнили, пересадка и уменьшение количества поливов. Ухаживать за цветком монстера во время отопительного сезона, когда воздух в помещение более сухой, следует тщательней, поскольку растение может заболеть, и новые листья станут расти темными и маленькими, старые листья приобретут коричневый окрас, впоследствии опадут. Окажите цветку первую помощь – отставьте его от батареи подальше, проконтролируйте увеличение поливов и частоту опрыскиваний, не забудьте про влажность дополнительной опоры. Если у цветка монстеры уход за которым вы ведете – пожелтели листья, а следы загнивания отсутствуют, значит, растение вам сигнализирует о недостатке питания. Следует регулярно подкармливать растущее растение. Летний режим -1 раз в неделю, зимний -1 раз в месяц. Для обеспечения питания воздушных корней, их углубляют в грунт или же при помощи дополнительной увлажненной опоры. Если листья не имеют прорезей и малы по размеру, это сигнализирует о малом количестве света либо же о весьма низкой температуре. В таких условиях рост растения прекращается.

Possible problems in growing

  • Large-scale yellowing of leaves - an excess of moisture in the soil.
  • Gradual yellowing from the tip of the leaf is a lack of nutrition.
  • Dry brown spots on the leaves - insufficient watering.
  • The color of the leaves is pale transparent with subsequent yellowing - an overabundance of sunlight.
  • The obliteration of the lower part of the stem or trunk, the presence of poorly cut leaves is a lack of light.
  • Dry leaves of brown color - too much dry air.
  • Dry leaves with a slight yellowing - a lack of food or a tight container for planting.

As you can see, there is actually a lot to caring for thisthere is nothing complicated about this wonderful plant. And the monstera will certainly thank you with its beautiful appearance and will become a worthy decoration for your home. We recommend reading:

