monstera care Surely, you have repeatedly seen a beautifulA large plant with dissected leaves, which alternately are located on the stem. This plant is called a monster, it refers to the genus of tropical lianas. The most common monsters in the tropical forests of America, in the equatorial belt, grow virtually throughout Brazil and most of Mexico. In the Southeast Asia, the monster was brought in the 19th century. Today, this plant is very common and not bad at home. In just 4 years, a monster can grow to half a room. Because of its massive nature, this liana is often used for landscaping of office premises and spacious halls. Flowers of the room monstera care require not too complicated, but it should be noted that the plant needs support, and most often for these purposes use a tube with moss. For the vine are characterized by numerous air roots, which must be tied to the support, sent to the ground, but in no case cut. Taking care of the monster, remember that she does not like drafts, her leaves from it turn yellow or become covered with brown spots. If you place the plant somewhere near the aisle, where the leaves will always be touched by scurrying people, then the leaves themselves will be permanently injured or even torn.

Interesting information

The name of the plant "monster" in translation fromLatin means bizarre, amazing. Sometimes it can be called "plax" or philodendron. In damp rooms in cloudy weather, large drops of water will fall from the leaves of the monsters. Monster's behavior predicts rainy weather in advance-for a whole day ahead. On the edges of the leaves there is a sticky juice, which will be after dripping from them, if the weather is rainy. The average leaf length in the room conditions is 30 cm on average, there are also more leaves. monster care

Care for the monster

If you decide to decorate your plant with thisdwelling, then you need to know how to care for the monster. Since our climate for a tropical plant is not native, several maintenance requirements must be observed so that the plant can take root in your home.

  • Temperature conditions

Care of the house plants of the monster requiresmaintain the temperature in the room in the area of ​​+16 - +18 degrees, although during a certain time the monster can withstand some temperature changes. It should be noted that the higher the temperature regime during the year, the faster the plant will grow, and the leaves will become more patterned and large.

  • Lighting

Monster - care for which requires the creation of aA climate similar to that of a tropical one does not tolerate direct sunlight. Place it either in a place illuminated by bright scattered light, or in partial shade.

  • Watering

Monstera - care at home for thisthe plant is whimsical. In winter, should keep the soil moist, but only slightly, zealous in this matter is not worth it. In the remaining seasons, the soil for monsters care requires with abundant moisturizing and with the ability to slightly dry between waterings. In summer, watering should be abundant, you should make sure that the water in the pan does not stagnate. For irrigation, use only standing warm water, which does not contain lime.

  • Air humidity

For monsters, home care requiresmaintain high humidity in the room: wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge, polish them, spray the room as often as possible with water. In winter, when there is a lack of heat, humidification should be reduced. Sprinkle with the same water as the watering.

  • The soil

Caring for a house plant monster,select for it the most suitable soil composition: garden soil + peat + humus + sand. All components in the proportion of one to one, in addition, you need good drainage. You can use a mixture of palm. It is necessary to carry out mandatory feeding in the period from March to August.

  • Additional fertilizing

Monsters - care and reproduction of which depend onits owner - requires seasonal top dressing. Fertilize it is necessary in the period of March-August fertilizers for indoor plants. Periodicity of fertilizing -1 once in two weeks. For large plants it will be useful to add humus to the soil (1 time per summer). It is possible to use mullein infusion for irrigation (instead of humus), but keep in mind that there will be a smell in the room.

  • Bloom

Note that the flowering of monsters is an eventinfrequent, but when this happens, everything changes around. The flowers of the plant are snow-white in color, and the cream-colored inflorescences resemble cobs with a filmy coverlet. Ripened in a year, purple fruits resemble pineapple to taste.

  • Reproduction of a plant

Monsters - care and reproduction of which requiresome efforts - refers to the species of the aroids, and therefore it is best to use cuttings from the middle of the stem and apical cuttings for reproduction. Each shank must have an "eye", or a kidney. The shoots are rooted in moss-sphagnum, sand or simply in water. To better strengthen the cuttings and further rapid growth, the plant should be covered with a glass jar, as an option, cover with a plastic wrap. Air temperature "under the roof" can vary from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius, in this framework it should be constantly maintained. How to transplant a monster, its little process, so that it will take root? The substrate for rooting should be used. As a substate, river sand, coarse and well washed, or a mixture of peat and sand in proportions of 1: 1 is used. Rooting will take place during the next 20-30 days. You can multiply the monster and with the help of shoots (aerial). In this case, the stem, which is intended for reproduction, is covered with wet sphagnum, after which a polyethylene film is used for wrapping and fixed with wire. When a young plant develops its own root system, transplant the young monster into a separate pot, previously separating it from the mother plant.

  • Transfer

If you have this kind of vines in your home or office,then, for sure, you are interested in the question: how correctly to transplant the monster. Just remember that you need to do this every year. Young plants are transplanted each year. And how to transplant a large monster? But monsters, which are more than 4 years old, should be changed only once in 2-3 years. Remember that the top layer of land in large plants varies annually. Suitable soil composition for correct monster transplantation: 1 part peat land, 1 part humus, 1 part sand, 2-3 parts turf. Young plants perfectly coexist in the bucket, but it is necessary to transplant a large monster, which is already more than 3 years old, into a spacious container - flower pots that are available in all sizes. The best option is a wooden tub. Otherwise, a small container for planting will affect the beauty and health of your growing plant. It is also good to use any additional supports for plant growth. To do this, directly into the pot, an artificial trunk is inserted, the height of which is 75-105 cm. This support is wrapped with sphagnum, wire or twine is used as a fixer for moss. Moss should always be wet, because the air roots will receive extra food from it. monstera and care for her

Diseases and pests

Care of monster flowers should be expressed infirst of all in maintaining the appropriate temperature regime. If the room will be observed high temperatures and low humidity, the plant will inevitably settle thrips. Thrips is a small insect (up to 1 mm). Numerous colonies thrips lay on the back side of the leaves, and on the upper side there are characteristic light points. Eventually, the surface of the leaf will turn grayish brown with a silvery sheen characteristic for this type of damage. At temperatures no higher than +3 degrees Celsius, thrips die, the most developed in hot and dry weather. To look after the flowers of a monster in such a case should be as follows: spraying with insecticides (possibly repeated). Possible insecticides: decis, phytoverm, inta-vir, actellic. Shields - insect suborder coccid, the length of which is not more than 2 mm. Adult females and larvae feed on plant juices. As a result, the leaves lose their color, dry, and begin to fall off. How to care for a monster's flower in this situation: mechanical cleaning of leaves from pests is required. To do this, use a soapy sponge. After "washing" the plant is sprayed with a solution of the actinic (0.15%) - 2 ml per 1 liter of water. A spider mite is an insect that harms through dry air. A characteristic ghost is the appearance of a web in internodes. Gradually, the leaves lose their strength, become lethargic, and then fall off. Monstera flower - care in this period requires the following: wash the plant with a warm shower and wipe with a sponge soaked in soapy water. Regular spraying is required. With a very strong lesion, use a 15% solution of the actinic. Powdery mulberry: quite a movable insect (length 2-5 mm), is a relative of the scabbard, sucks the juices out of the plant, releasing poisonous substances. After itself leaves honey dew where the sooty mushroom settles. Usually settles on the root of the neck of plants. Flowers of the room caregivers in this case require the following: the plant is wiped with a soap solution, washed with a warm shower, regular spraying is carried out, if necessary, an actellic solution is used. Monstera - the withdrawal of the disease can cause, if it is not conscientious. About its condition the flower will tell the appearance. The wet tips of the leaves indicate a high humidity. It is necessary to dry the soil, otherwise the stem will begin to decay, and the leaves will wilt. This will entail the adoption of emergency measures: cutting rot, transplanting and reducing the number of irrigation. To take care of the flower of the monster during the heating season, when the air in the room is more dry, should be more carefully, as the plant can get sick, and the new leaves will grow dark and small, the old leaves will become brown and later fall off. Give the flower first aid - put it away from the battery away, check the increase in watering and frequency of spraying, do not forget about the humidity of the additional support. If a flower monsters care for which you are leading - yellowed leaves, and traces of decay are absent, then the plant signals to you about a lack of food. You should regularly feed a growing plant. Summer regime -1 times a week, winter -1 once a month. To ensure the supply of air roots, they are deepened into the ground or by means of an additional moistened support. If the leaves do not have slits and are small in size, this signals a small amount of light or a very low temperature. In such conditions, plant growth stops.

Possible problems in growing

  • Large-scale yellowing of leaves - an excess of moisture in the soil.
  • Gradual yellowing from the tip of the leaf is a lack of nutrition.
  • Dry brown spots on the leaves - insufficient watering.
  • The color of the leaves is pale transparent with subsequent yellowing - an overabundance of sunlight.
  • The obliteration of the lower part of the stem or trunk, the presence of poorly cut leaves is a lack of light.
  • Dry leaves of brown color - too much dry air.
  • Dry leaves with a slight yellowing - a lack of food or a tight container for planting.

As you can see, in fact, in the care of thisa wonderful plant is nothing difficult. A monster probably will thank you with a beautiful appearance and will be a worthy decoration of your house. We advise you to read:

