Features of development in preschool age

The age from 3 to 7 years is very important. During this period, the child learns speech. He moves to a new level of communication, due to which his capabilities expand.mental development of preschool childrenMental development of preschool childrenhappens rapidlyPhoto: Getty The thinking of children of preschool age is not fully developed. The child perceives the world in his own way. This is manifested in the following:

  • he does not accept someone else's point of view, assesses the situation on the basis of his own considerations;
  • crumb animates objects;
  • he lives in his own world, where other laws operate, and he can hardly explain them.

At this age, a child develops a masscontradictions. As he grows up, he begins to evaluate the situation, understands the mental state of others. Logical thinking is fully formed only in adolescence. The child begins to actively talk, understands speech, distinguishes colors and sizes of objects. Movements and skills are improved. The basis of mental development of a child up to 7 years is schematic and figurative thinking. From the age of 4, the baby begins to understand the motives of his activities. At this stage, memorization processes become arbitrary. The volume of short-term and long-term memory increases.

Briefly about the education of preschool children

Because at this age the child graduallyimproves his speech, it is necessary to instill in him the skills of communication not only with adults, but also with peers. It is necessary to tell him about the norms of behavior, situations of encouragement and punishment. Feedback is formed in preschool age. The child not only knows how to listen, but can also talk about his mood and well-being. Play activity is important. During the game, children distribute roles, adopt the behavior of others. They learn about possible forms of communication between people, see the result of their activities, learn to be organized, rationally manage their resources. In a playful way, children master new types of creativity. They develop discipline, initiative and motivation for learning. In preschool age, the child's self-esteem is formed, the baby distinguishes between what is bad and what is good. Try to ensure that mental development occurs correctly, limit the effect of unfavorable factors.

