lactic acid in muscles In recent years, more people are starting togive your health more and more attention. Including not the last place in this list is occupied with sports, and simply visiting the gym. However, sometimes people, trying to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible, overdo it. And in the end they face such a problem as lactic acid in muscles. And this lactic acid can lead to a number of uncomfortable sensations, such as:

  • Painful sensations in a variety of muscle groups, and especially in those in which the load was particularly high. And the pain is often very strong.
  • The general weakness and feeling of "brokenness" - a person is not able to make unnecessary movement. And this state can last quite often.
  • Raising body temperature - someone it rises slightly, and someone - may require immediate intake of antipyretics.

Such a state can last from severalhours, up to several days, and sometimes, in especially severe cases, and up to several weeks. Of course, in the event that the physical load was not too intense, and lactic acid was not developed very much, the uncomfortable sensations would not be very significant, and would disappear on their own, without any problems. A person even does not exacerbate special attention - such a state occasionally happens in almost any person. And it does not always appear as a result of sports - sometimes even a long walk can cause such a state. As a rule, it passes very quickly, so if there is no temperature, and the pain sensations do not bring huge discomfort, do not take any measures - very soon, as a rule, within 24 hours, the pain disappears without a trace.

Where does lactic acid come from?

So, let's try to figure out whereWhat is this lactic acid taken? During any physical activity, the muscles of a person are involved. And for the muscles to be able to properly perform their biomechanical functions, they must consume enough oxygen. It is through the absorption of oxygen that muscles replenish their energy reserves - they update ATP. During exercise, muscle contraction occurs at times more intensively than at rest. But the more intense the contraction of muscles, the more muscles need oxygen. But the peculiarities of the human body are such that too intense contractions of muscle tissues inevitably lead to blockage of oxygen supply. Why is this happening? During an intense strain on the muscles, the local blood flow slows down and, as a consequence, oxygen enters the muscles. It turns out a kind of vicious circle - the muscles require an increased oxygen content, but at the same time limit the blood flow, thereby reducing the flow of blood and, consequently, oxygen. But the load on the muscles, despite the lack of oxygen, still continues. So, the muscles require more and more portions of ATP - the source of energy. And the body has nothing else but to start production of ATP without oxygen, in the so-called anaerobic regime. Thanks to muscle glycogen, ATP in the muscles continues to be produced without oxygen. However, as a result of this obtaining of energy by the muscles, such local precipitates are produced, which are called lactic acid. If you remember, a little bit above it was said that during a high load, blood flow is greatly hampered. And this means that the outflow of lactic acid from muscle tissue is also very difficult, so it accumulates in the muscles. Lactic acid itself consists of two main components - the anion of lactate and hydrogen. It is acid that significantly lowers the pH level in the muscles. As a result, a person begins to feel a burning sensation and pain in the muscles. And, despite the fact that scientists attribute lactic acid to the group of soft acids, the affected people are unlikely to call lactic acid so soft. how to remove muscle from lactic acid

Why do muscles ache?

So, now it's time to talk about the verythe main thing - why are the muscles hurt? Having felt the pain after training or other physical exertion, a person immediately tries to learn how to remove lactic acid from the muscles. However, this is not a true statement of the question. Most of the lactic acid produced during exercise is very quickly removed from the muscle fibers very quickly - a maximum of two days after its production. Lactic acid has no tendency to linger in the human body for a long time. That is why that muscle pain, which a person feels after three days or more, has nothing to do with lactic acid. However, it is necessary to be extremely careful about your health condition - in spite of the fact that after three days the muscle acid leaves the muscle fibers completely, it can provoke their damage. And as a result, the person will feel the strongest muscle pain until the muscles completely recover. And these concepts must be strictly delineated - lactic acid will not lead to muscle pain after a few days. However, it is lactic acid that can provoke muscle damage, because of which a person will experience pain. And remember that the appearance of a burning sensation during physical exertion, or immediately after it, does not at all indicate that a person will necessarily experience pain within a few days thereafter. However, to listen to your feelings still worth it - in the event that the burning sensation is too strong, we can assume that lactic acid was produced in a very large amount. And this means that the risk of damage to muscle fibers increases at times. That's why in the event that you suspect that too much lactic acid has developed in your body during exercise, you can try to get rid of it. How it can be done independently, will be told a little bit lower. In the meantime, you should tell a little about what else can lead to the development of pain in the muscle fibers. What is the syndrome of delayed muscle pain? This kind of pain sensations got its name due to the fact that it does not appear immediately after training, but after a while - a day, or even two. Very many people may object - the muscles begin to ache almost immediately, and do not stop for quite a long time, up to a week. However, this unusual, at first glance, fact is explained very simply: in the first hours and days a person experiences painful sensations due to the fact that excess lactic acid affects the muscle fibers. After a short amount of time, lactic acid is broken down by the liver and removed from the body. However, by this time, another type of pain sensation is known - traumatic pain. It arises as a result of a strong physical load, resulting in the deformation of muscle fibers and their damage - for example, overexertion. Such pains often arise after exercises for stretching the muscles, walking the stairs and the like. It takes such physical pain in about a week, but in very severe cases, the injured person is forced to seek help from a trauma doctor. Fortunately, this phenomenon is extremely rare - often found in professional athletes. Another reason associated with the emergence of the syndrome of delayed pain, is the development of the inflammatory process that occurs in the muscle fibers. It has been mentioned above that the excess amount of lactic acid, together with the tension of the muscle fibers, often leads to the development of microtraumatic muscles. Of course, the human body will inevitably react to injuries, even if small - there is an inflammatory process. In damaged muscle fibers, the immune cells that are needed to start the process of muscle tissue regeneration begin to flow very intensively. Without this, the restoration of muscle fibers is simply impossible. And painful sensations arise precisely because of this very proceeding inflammatory process. And remember that the inflammatory process is not always accompanied by extensive injury to the muscles, for example, stretching - sometimes enough damage to only a few cells. But the trauma of the muscle fibers is certainly accompanied by strong enough intramuscular inflammatory processes. How to quickly remove lactic acid from muscle

How to get rid of lactic acid?

So, in any case, with excessive outputlactic acid in the muscles, it is worth trying as soon as possible to withdraw from the body. Thus, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing a delayed pain syndrome, and the burning sensation will disappear, which also will not be unnecessary. That's why it's time to learn about how to quickly remove lactic acid from the muscles. True, for the sake of justice it should be noted that the fact that skeptical doctors say that it is almost impossible to do this until the body independently splits and does not withdraw it. However, the second group of doctors are still encouraging and argue that it is possible to remove lactic acid from the body, although it is not so simple. What are the ways? This is precisely what will be discussed below:

  • Visiting the sauna

One of the most effective ways to withdrawLactic acid from muscles is a visit to the sauna. Under the influence of high temperature, muscle fibers and blood vessels expand to a large extent, the blood flow becomes much more intense. This means that lactic acid is also extracted from the muscles much more intensively. However, do not go to extremes and try to spend too much time in the sauna without interruption. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. The scheme of visiting the steam room should be approximately the following - the first approach should last about 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to leave the booth for five minutes. The second approach can be increased by about 10 minutes, and the residence time outside the booth can be reduced to about three minutes. Total for one day in the sauna is allowed to spend no more than one hour. Finish the procedure preferably with a cool shower. Be sure to consider your general health condition - in any case, do not visit the sauna in the event that you have certain diseases, in the presence of which there are contraindications to visiting a sauna or a bath. For example, such diseases include hypertension, diabetes mellitus and others. If you are not sure - before visiting the sauna, be sure to consult your doctor.

  • Hot tub

Not always a person has the opportunityvisit a sauna or a sauna. However, in this case, you can try to get rid of the excess lactic acid. This can be done with the help of an ordinary hot bath. Gather a hot bath as much as your skin can tolerate. The bathroom should be at least 10 minutes, but make sure that the water does not cover the skin in the heart. After about ten minutes you need to be treated with cool water and a little outside the bathroom. During this time, in the event that the water has cooled down, add hot water and repeat the procedure again. There should be at least five such cycles in total. After the procedure, carefully rub the muscles with a towel until the skin turns red. In a day, you can spend no more than three such baths. And also do not forget that such baths are contraindicated in pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, women during menstruation.

  • Drinking lots of fluids

In the first day after increased physicalLoads in order to remove excess amounts of lactic acid, it is necessary to drink as much as possible. And the most suitable for these purposes is green tea, which is an excellent antioxidant. But be careful - despite the fact that it is widely believed that green tea does not increase blood pressure, it is not so. And therefore, in the event that you have a tendency to increase blood pressure, give up green tea. However, drinking should be all the same, so give preference to pure still drinking water. A day must drink at least five liters of fluid. And try to learn from this case the right lesson - strictly dose the load to prevent a repetition of this situation. And you no longer have to puzzle over how to get rid of the pain in the muscles. Perhaps it makes sense to use the services of a professional coach? We advise you to read:

