Brittle hair, terrible skin condition, badvision - without vitamins A and E, serious problems begin in our body. Unfortunately, in most cases, the fair sex blames the quality of cosmetics, age-related changes, but almost no woman tries to find out what the matter is.
Vitamin A: what is it for?
It can be found in two main forms – asretinol and carotene. Retinol is a vitamin found in animal foods. Our body can also absorb alpha-, beta-, and gamma-carotene. They are found in some vegetables and fruits.
- Alpha-carotene
This provitamin is found in carrots, pumpkin,potatoes, kiwi, beans and melon. Please note: all of the above products should be consumed either raw or steamed. Unfortunately, prolonged heat treatment kills all the beneficial substances and microelements. A lack of α-carotene affects vision, skin condition, and the immune system. Eating products containing this element reduces the risk of many dangerous diseases, including cancer.
- Beta-carotene
It prevents the occurrence of cancer,cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to it, you will tolerate high temperatures much easier. Beta-carotene is found in orange and yellow vegetables and fruits: carrots, peaches, bell peppers, chicory. Vitamin A deficiency: what are the consequences? As mentioned above, vitamin A deficiency can lead to serious diseases. The main thing is to pay attention to the problem in time, because in most cases our body itself gives signals that something is wrong. So, the first symptoms:
- Rapid aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles;
- Problems with eyesight. For example, in the evening you can not see anything. Over time, blindness progresses;
- Constant insomnia, fatigue, exhaustion, poor health, loss of strength, apathy;
- Diseases associated with poor skin condition (acne, increased dryness);
- Diseases associated with respiratory problems;
- Deterioration of hair condition, dandruff, sensitivity of gums and teeth;
- Problems in the intimate plan (no excitement in women, loss of erection in men, etc.).
In addition, our body needs someminerals, such as zinc and iron. Without them, vitamin A will not be absorbed. Diseases, nervous breakdowns, diets, an unhealthy lifestyle, eating poor-quality foods or fast foods - all this immediately affects our health. So, not everyone knows that zinc is necessary for transporting vitamin A from the liver. It also ensures normal storage of this element in the tissues of our body. This vitamin, in turn, plays an important role in metabolism. Its deficiency can cause a number of diseases, such as night blindness, which can ultimately lead to complete loss of vision. Vitamin deficiency can also weaken the immune system of the fair sex. Studies have shown that women who experience vitamin A deficiency have a higher risk of developing respiratory diseases and diarrhea. As you can see, an upset stomach occurs not only because of spoiled products. Excess vitamin A: why hypervitaminosis is dangerous Before you start self-medicating, consult your doctor. And when taking medications, always follow the instructions. The fact is that excess vitamin A is just as harmful as its deficiency. And if you find the following signs, stop taking it and immediately contact a specialist:
- Bleeding (in some women this causes miscarriage);
- Persistent and severe headaches, nausea, upset stomach;
- Bad mood, depression.
Vitamin E: with or without it
No less important for the human body and vitaminЕ, который считается в народе «женским». Он обладает характерными свойствами антиоксиданта и помогает бороться со сводными радикалами. Плюс, без него беременные представительницы прекрасного пола не смогут нормально выносить ребенка. Существует восемь различных форм, в которых присутствует витамин Е, в том числе 4 токоферолы и 4 токотриенолы. Нехватка витамина Е Недостаток витаминов (Е, А и др.) – серьезный повод для беспокойства. Так, к примеру, при авитаминозе женщина просто не сможет зачать, а мужчина – оплодотворить. Если же все-таки удается забеременеть, то будущая мама будет подвержена серьезным рискам. Нередки случаи самопроизвольных абортов. Дефицит также отрицательно сказывается и на центральной нервной системе, и на работе щитовидной железы, гипофиза. Первые признаки: усталость, апатия, эмоциональная нестабильность, общая слабость, плохое самочувствие. Следует обратиться к специалисту с жалобами, если вы постоянно и долго болеете. Кстати, в данном случае также следует проверить печень, поджелудочную железу и желчный пузырь. При авитаминозе люди становятся более раздражительными. У них может возникнуть тяжелая форма анемии, причем как у взрослых, так и у детей. Свободные радикалы повреждают клетки, вызывают такие болезни, как рак, тромбоэмболия и т.д. Главная задача витамина Е – защитить организм от вредных веществ. Кстати, порой курс лечения назначается, если у представительницы прекрасного пола наблюдаются следующие болезни: мастопатия, ретролентальная фиброплазия, внутрижелудочковое кровотечение. И это не только препараты, но и специальная диета. Дело в том, что многие медицинские расстройства и заболевания могут быть предотвращены, если вы начнете правильно питаться. На самом деле недостаток витаминов Е встречается редко. Однако он может возникать у женщин, чей организм не может нормально усваивать жиры. Обычно такое происходит с представительницами прекрасно пола, которым далеко за 50, с маленькими детьми. Также этой болезни подвержены особы, которые принимают наркотические средства и алкоголь. Обратите особое внимание на то, что дефицит витамина Е также является общей проблемой у людей, которые часто сидят на различных диетах. Девушки, получившие ожоги или травмы, перенесшие операцию, должны обязательно включать в свой рацион продукты, богатые на витамин Е, чтобы восполнить его нехватку. Те, кто часто страдает от стресса в течение длительного времени или имеет кистозный фиброз и целиакии, также должны увеличить потребление таких блюд. Но делать это необходимо только под строгим наблюдением врача, чтобы имеющиеся болезни не прогрессировали. Избыток витамина Е: вредно ли это для нашего здоровья Наша суточная норма – 13-14 гр. При обострении некоторых заболеваний, серьезных физических нагрузках, во время беременности, кормления грудью, а также пожилым людям дозу увеличивают. Обычно избыток витамина Е никак не влияет на наш организм, но все же не стоит злоупотреблять некоторыми препаратами. В чем содержится витамин Е Если человек нормально питается, он вряд ли столкнется с проблемой авитаминоза. Этот витамин встречается в природе в различных пищевых продуктах, включая молоко, яйца, травы, овощи, орехи, семена и злаковые. Суточная потребность организма в витамине Е может компенсироваться препаратами, которые продаются в аптеках в виде таблеток, капсул. Немало его содержится и в масле (кунжутном, подсолнечном, конопляном). Обратите внимание, чтобы токоферолы нормально усваивались, необходимо употреблять жирную пищу.
Vitamins A and E in Cosmetology
There are many among the vitamins discussed abovecommon. First of all, they both affect the condition of the skin in one way or another and are included in creams, lipsticks, shampoos and other care cosmetics. For example, local application of oil, which contains vitamin E, accelerates the healing process of acne and prevents the formation of pores. Plus, by lubricating your stomach and chest daily, you will avoid stretch marks, scars, rashes and age spots. It also reduces transepidermal moisture loss from the skin surface. Thanks to these properties, even in old age you will look young. However, such products are unlikely to fully compensate for the lack of fat-soluble vitamins A and E in the body of a representative of the fair sex. By the way, it should be noted that some scientists claim that local application of such products is useless. But it is still worth trying some recipes. Nourishing skin masks from flakes Ingredients:
- Oat flakes - 2 tablespoons;
- Lemon juice - 10-15 drops;
- Vitamin E (sold in a pharmacy in the form of oils) - 5 drops.
Method of preparation:Mix all ingredients and immediately apply a small amount of the resulting product to the face (pre-cleaned). After 10 minutes, rinse the skin with cold water (or wipe it with an ice cube) and apply a nourishing cream. It is recommended to do such masks once a week. Nourishing masks for skin from cottage cheese Ingredients:
- Vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons;
- Fat (home) wolf - 2 tablespoons;
- Vitamin E - 3-4 drops.
Mix the above thoroughly.components, then apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. Keep for 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with plenty of water and wipe with a dry towel. Repeat the procedure after 4 days. Do not forget to pre-test such products on the elbow to avoid an allergic reaction. By the way, experts recommend taking vitamins A and E in combination, that is, together.
We fight with avitaminosis folk remedies
Deficiency of vitamin A or E is replenishedIt's quite simple. Start eating as many vegetable salads as possible, which should include the following ingredients: parsley, celery, dill, carrots, sorrel. Eat vinaigrette dressed with vegetable oil at least once a week. Try not to heat-treat healthy foods. And don't forget to stock up for the winter.
- Asparagus
This product contains quite a lot ofamount of various vitamins, including A and E. It is recommended to eat steamed asparagus at least once every two weeks. This will help cleanse the intestines of antioxidants and saturate your body with all the necessary microelements.
- Sea fish
Do you feel deficient in vitamins A or E?Then eat sea fish as often as possible. Choose mackerel, salmon, salmon, tuna - in general, everything that lives in the northern seas. By the way, such food also contains Omega fatty acids, which help the fair sex lose weight.
- Liver
In eastern countries, it was previously done with the help of the livertreated diseases such as night blindness and anemia. Nowadays, doctors also recommend using this product to avoid vitamin deficiency, which is what causes the above-mentioned diseases. Excess can cause nausea, vomiting, irritability, dry skin and nails, fatigue, hair loss, muscle pain, weight loss, headaches, menstrual problems, fatigue, bleeding gums, jaundice, abdominal pain, blurred vision and frequent bone fractures. Hypervitaminosis can lead to liver and spleen diseases, as well as an increase in the concentration of lipids in the body. Do not forget that it is always necessary to observe the norm. Do not go from one extreme to another, while preparing only a certain type of food. Excessive consumption of vitamins A and E will lead to their excess. In addition, your body needs other microelements. Eliminate from your diet foods that contain only harmful substances and additives. When taking vitamins, drink plenty of water to avoid overdosing. Now you know what diseases are caused by vitamin deficiency and how to eliminate them correctly. But, as mentioned above, sometimes the problem is much deeper than it seems at first glance. For example, a deficiency can occur due to problems in the functioning of some organs. That is why it is necessary to first undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the cause. Only after studying the tests can your doctor prescribe a full treatment.