La Perm – that’s the name of this new and unusuala breed of cats with a muscular long body, a big-eared head and a long tail. But the main distinguishing feature of the La Perm breed of cats is their curly fur. Curls twisted into spirals and rings cover these cats from tail to ears. Where did these unusual cats with a perm come from? Let's find out more about the history and features of the La Perm breed.
Curly story
The official date of birth of the breed is 1982.It was in this year that an ordinary farm cat, whose owners lived near the city of Dallas, gave birth to a naked kitten of a rather unattractive appearance. In addition to the lack of fur, it also differed from its brothers and sisters by its unusually long tail and ears. The owner of the farm, out of pity or interest, decided to keep the kitten. Imagine her surprise when a month later this naked cub began to grow fur and soon turned into a charming curly cat. Thanks to her unusual fur, this new coquette received the name Curly and, by the will of fate, became the progenitor of a new breed of cats, the La Perm. Curly's offspring inherited the curly coat trait and continued to pass it on to their descendants. Within five years, the curliness gene became dominant, and in 1987 the La Perm breed was first presented to experts. However, the La Perm breed standard was officially registered with FIFe only in 1997.
Curly Exterior
According to the official standard, La Perm cats must have:
- any coat color and any combination of colors;
- size for cats - 4-6 kg, for cats -3-4 kg;
- middle wedge-shaped head with a broad prominent muzzle, high cheekbones, broad ears of medium and large size;
- widely spaced almond-shaped eyes set obliquely towards the ears;
- long tapering tail, curled hair.
But the amazing fur of these cats is quiteintricate. The texture of the hair directly depends on its color and length. Short-haired La Perms have stronger and more elastic hair than long-haired cats. In addition, the texture of the hair of these cats changes depending on the season. Indeed, look at these curly La Perm cats - the photo will show you an amazing picture. Elastic and silky fur adorns them from the ears to the tip of the tail. It can be tightly curled into rings, or flow in luxurious long curls. And the tail of these cats looks like a funny dish brush, or a plume of feathers. By the way, most kittens of this breed are already covered with short curly hair at birth, but sometimes the cubs are born naked. Full curly hair in kittens is formed only by the age of four months and is accompanied by periodic molting (sometimes until complete baldness).
Curly character
La Perm - cats are unusually affectionate andsociable. They love to kiss, touch their owner's hands and butt them, demanding affection. La Perms love to sit on hands or shoulders and often ask to be held, like little children. Unlike other cats, they are equally affectionate with all family members, regardless of who feeds them. These cats have a gentle purring voice, which accompanies both displays of affection and calls for communication with their owners. La Perms are passionate fans of television. They love to watch any films and programs and are even able to react to what is happening on the screen. La Perms are real companion cats that happily accompany their owners not only within their home territory, but also adore trips and travels even over very long distances. Genetically, these cats are adapted to exist in rural areas, but they also feel quite comfortable in city apartments. The main condition for their happy life is the presence of a person nearby. This captivates everyone who first encounters the La Perm breed, and even those who do not have particularly tender feelings for cats.
Curly care
Unlike other exotic breeds, catsLa Perm cats are easy to care for. Their exotic fur sheds little, and in addition to this, it is also hypoallergenic. The first quality is due to the curled shape of the hair, which protects the skin and fur well from seasonal temperature changes. La Perm cats owe their second quality to the absence of a thin undercoat, which most often causes allergies to wool. Even preparation for exhibitions requires minimal effort from the owner. The cat just needs to be washed well and dried with a towel. Since the La Perm cat is curly, it is advisable to slightly moisten the fur with water before judging in order to show all its luxury. The decision to get a cat of this breed will definitely meet your expectations. You will acquire not only an unusually affectionate and devoted pet, but also an extravagant representative of such an amazing and multifaceted cat family - La Perm, a cat with curls. We recommend reading: