jelly recipe from jam Who has never tried jelly from a jam orfresh berries? Usually the first acquaintance with a sweet, stringy syrup occurs in early childhood. Thanks to starch and fruit, from which it is customary to prepare a drink, it turns out to be quite high in calories and nutritious. Doctors recommend to introduce kissel into the diet of babies, starting from twelve months. At the same time, the daily norm is not more than 150 milliliters. In addition, it is not necessary to give a child a kiss every day - just once or twice a week. Brewing a home beverage is not at all difficult - it only at first glance may seem like a hard thing. Starch add depending on your wishes: if you want to make a thick jelly, take about 35-45 grams (per liter of liquid). Easier consistency will be obtained if you add two or three tablespoons of potato starch. Corn and wheat thickeners are best used for making desserts and mixing biscuit dough. In summer, of course, it is recommended to cook a drink of fresh fruits and berries - it will be both tastier and more useful. However, you can resort to a more economical way: to make a delicious homemade jelly from jam. To do this, any sweet syrup: raspberry, cherry, strawberry, currant. If you decide to have a friendly party, try learning the recipe for adults. Brew it for long, so stock up on the necessary products and develop your culinary talents. jelly from a jam recipe

Currant jelly from jam

In principle, jelly can be boiled from any jamat your discretion: crimson, strawberry, cherry. It all depends on the personal preferences and wishes of each mistress and her loved ones - husband and children. Some like fruit drinks from apples, oranges, apricots, others prefer berry mixes from gooseberry and sea-buckthorn, dogrose and cranberries and so on. Let's consider a very simple, but, despite this, quite a mouth-watering recipe. It includes currant jam. This drink well quenches thirst and is effective in fighting the common cold, it also serves to prevent ARVI, influenza and other viral infections. After all, red and black currants are a real storehouse of vitamins. Ingredients:

  • 1000 milliliters of boiling water
  • five tablespoons of currant jam
  • pinch of citric acid
  • sugar - to taste
  • ten grams of potato starch

Cooking method: This recipe includes citric acid, which performs two roles. First, it helps to make the taste of the drink more vivid and colorful, and secondly, it retains its shade in its original form, so the kissel does not fade. If you do not have this ingredient, use a fresh lemon: squeeze out the juice (about two tablespoons) and enter the nectar into the hot syrup. Well, let's take a more detailed look at the recipe, after which you can safely embark on its implementation in practice. So, heat the water, then put the currant jam into it and bring it to a boil with constant stirring. After five to seven minutes strain the syrup with a fine sieve, then remove the excess pulp, and return the broth to its rightful place - send it in a saucepan to a slow fire. Add sugar and citric acid, diluted in a small amount of boiling water, into the drink. Now in a separate bowl, connect the hot currant syrup and starch. When the latter is completely dissolved, pour the liquid into the kissel. Continue cooking for about seven minutes, then turn off the hotplate and cool the drink. Serve it in glasses, if desired, decorate each serving with fresh mint leaves. Everyone will be able to make a delicious fruit and berry jelly, the main thing is to have a detailed recipe with you. Depending on the amount of potato starch, the consistency of the drink also changes. For example, a tablespoon of thickener per 1000 milliliters of water will help prepare liquid syrup, and adding 40 grams, you will get a drink that is more like a soufflé. It can be decorated with whipped cream, powdered sugar or fresh berries.

Kissel for adults from jam and wine

We offer to learn the recipe for a drink for adults. We will cook it on the basis of jam, you can, of course, use fresh fruit or berries, but then the procedure will take much longer. We added potato starch, but if you decided to boil the corn jelly, note that you need to increase the amount of thickener twice. That is, take not two, but four teaspoons. Ingredients:

  • 150 milliliters of red wine
  • potato starch - two small spoons
  • 60 grams of any jam
  • a glass of warm water
  • 20 grams of sugar

Cooking method: First bring the water to a boil, then combine it with the wine and put the mixture on a slow fire. Add the sweet syrup here, after getting rid of the berries, as well as the amount of sugar in the recipe. While the liquid is burning, dilute the starch in boiling water, pour out the resulting solution with a quick movement into the future jelly from the jam. When it starts to boil intensely, turn off the hotplate and cool the liquid. If desired, add a little citric acid (just one pinch). You can prepare a drink with jam berries. In this case, pour the syrup into the pan, after seven minutes after boiling, rinse out the raspberries, strawberries or currants, depending on what you are using, and grind them through a sieve. The resulting fruit puree throw back into the kissel and continue to cook as indicated above. To make the taste of the drink even brighter and more intense, add two handfuls of frozen or fresh berries. how to boil a jelly from a jam

Cherry kissel

For those who like home made drinks and are not lazycook them, offer the following recipe. Kissel from jam is good because it is very quickly brewed and does not hit at all on the family budget. You will need a small set of inexpensive products. If you like the kissel, the next time you can cook it from a crimson or, for example, apricot jam. Ingredients:

  • 15 grams of sugar
  • 70 grams of cherry jam
  • 750 milliliters of boiling water
  • one and a half large spoons of starch
  • lemon juice - two tablespoons

Cooking method: First of all boil the water, then add jam into it and mix thoroughly. 250 ml of liquid, pour into a separate bowl and temporarily set aside. The resulting sweet syrup strain through a sieve, you can use a folded several times gauze. Drain the flesh pulp safely - it will not be needed any more. Now pour the potato starch into a glass with hot water (the one you left) and stir until completely dissolved. Sweet syrup from the diluted jam pour into a saucepan and put on a slow fire. When the drink begins to boil, enter into it sugar, lemon juice and thickener. Note that the jelly is cooked with constant stirring. Keep it on the stove for a couple of minutes, then put in a sink with cold water for a quick cooling. These recipes are universal and will fit absolutely for any time of the year. Drink can be prepared not only from jam, but also from fresh berries, fruits, milk and even cocoa. However, this is a completely different culinary story, which we will talk about next time. Semi-liquid jelly will be an excellent breakfast, and you can also drink it for a mid-morning snack. Supplement the meal with a bun or biscuit - such a light snack will give strength and will energize the rest of the day. And if you add a little more starch, six or seven tablespoons per liter of boiling water, you will get a fruit souffle made from jam. It is ideal for cold milk or cream. Bon Appetit! We advise you to read:

