early termination of pregnancy Unfortunately, not always two stripes ontest cause unlimited joy. Life sometimes presents a variety of surprises, and not always pleasant. And the situation develops in such a way that the woman decides to terminate the pregnancy. We respect the right to choose a woman, so we will not give any assessment to the moral and ethical side of this issue. But since the situation has developed this way, let's figure out which of the evils will be the least. Of course, it is the most safe for a woman's health to terminate her pregnancy in the early stages. This is explained very simply. What happens to the body of a woman after fertilization of the egg? He begins to rebuild very quickly, adapting to his new state. And similar changes occur every day, more actively and more actively. And then the fetus is extracted from the body. The body is in a real shock. As you understand, complications can be unpredictable. And the longer the gestation period, the stronger these changes in the body. So, the "shock" of the body will be the stronger, the longer the gestation period. And to ignore this fact in any case it is impossible, because complications can be very, very serious - from the violation of the hormonal background to the development of secondary infertility. That's why doctors recommend not to waste time, since you made such a decision. Of course, interruption of pregnancy in the early stages is also not sugar. But it is much safer than abortions conducted at a later date. Yes, and remember that for an abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy, very important circumstances are needed. And it is extremely difficult to obtain permission to conduct such an abortion. And about the damage that is done to the body, and there is no need to speak. Do not risk your health so much. Let's look at ways of abortion at an early stage. how to interrupt pregnancy at an early age

Medication abortion

In recent years, increasing popularityacquires a drug abortion at an early stage. The essence of this method is simple - taking certain drugs that block the production of the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy - progesterone. For obvious reasons, we will not give the names of these drugs - medical abortion should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The abortion itself is performed in three stages:

  • Consultation and examination of a gynecologist

Immediately before the abortion, a womanmust undergo an examination with a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a manual examination on the gynecological chair, ultrasound examination of the uterus - this is necessary to determine the exact period of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of the woman's body. After this, the doctor must make sure that the woman does not have contraindications to the use of the medication used to terminate the pregnancy. In the event that the doctor does not detect any obstacles to medical abortion, the woman will be told in detail about the medical product itself and the principle of its action. After that, a woman will have to sign a medical services agreement.

  • Taking the medicine

After the woman takes the pills, sometime she must remain in the hospital, under the strict supervision of a gynecologist. As a rule, it takes several hours. It is in the first hours after taking the drug that the body can react negatively to it. Therefore, doctors are also reinsured. After that, the woman goes home. For two days, bleeding should begin, the duration of which can be quite long - up to two weeks. It is at this time and there is a complete expulsion of the fetal egg from the uterine cavity. As a rule, this process is quite smooth. But in some cases, such phenomena as headache, nausea and pulling pain in the lower abdomen can be observed. In such cases, it is most reasonable to report this to the doctor who was aborting.

  • Final examination of a woman

In two weeks, a woman must be in mandatoryorder to show the doctor-gynecologist. The doctor will examine the woman, will conduct an ultrasound examination to make sure that the recovery of the body is normal. In principle, this method of interrupting pregnancy at an early stage has many advantages:

  • There is no risk of mechanical damage to the uterus.
  • There is no chance of infection.
  • There is no need to use anesthetic drugs.
  • Very short period of operation.
  • Minimal risk of developing secondary infertility, which is especially important for still nulliparous women.
  • However, it was not in vain that an expression appeared about the fly in the ointmentin a barrel of honey. There are also several shortcomings - more precisely, two. First, the drug for interrupting pregnancy at an early stage is hormonal. And the dose of this hormone is quite high. So, there is a risk of a violation of the normal hormonal background. And secondly, there are often enough cases when a fetal egg does not completely come out. In this case, you still have to resort to the curettage of the uterine cavity. And the risk of developing acute endometritis rises many times. By the way, if you have a fever after a medical abortion and severe pain in the lower abdomen, immediately call an ambulance team! Most likely, you have an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. There are a number of contraindications to medical abortion:

    • Individual intolerance to a particular component of the drug.
    • Violation of the normal process of blood coagulability.
    • Acute illnesses or exacerbated chronic diseases.
    • Pregnancy after the failure of the intrauterine device.
    • The presence of a woman with malignant tumors.
    • Uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
    • Active smoking (more than 10 cigarettes per day).

    Of course, it's up to you. But about this method of abortion, it is worth consulting with several doctors at once.

    Vacuum - aspiration

    In the event that the gestational age is less than fiveweeks, the doctor can offer abortion with the help of vacuum aspiration or, as it is called, mini-abortion. Vacuum aspiration refers to surgical methods of abortion. Incidentally, mini-abortion is by far the most common. To carry out the termination of pregnancy in the vagina, a vacuum aspirator is introduced, which looks like a huge syringe with a nozzle, with the help of which a fetal egg is removed from the uterine cavity. The doctor with a vacuum aspirator creates a negative pressure in the uterine cavity, which leads to a momentary separation of the embryo from the mucous membrane of the uterus. The average duration of such an abortion is 5 minutes. In most cases, it is performed under general anesthesia, if the woman has no contraindications. But even in this case, do not be very frightened. Of course, the sensations will not be the most pleasant, but you can tolerate them. As a rule, immediately after vacuum aspiration ultrasound is performed - the doctor will see if the fetal egg has completely retired. Rarely, but there are cases when additional curettage of the uterine cavity is required. Mini-abortion is a fairly gentle way of abortion, but it can lead to the development of some complications:

    • Intense pain in the lower abdomen, violation of the menstrual cycle.
    • Violation of the hormonal background.
    • Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

    Although, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that such complications develop extremely rarely - in 5-7% of all cases. terminate an early pregnancy

    Traditional surgical abortion

    Traditional surgical abortion is performed up to 12weeks of pregnancy. This method of pregnancy has been used for a very long time - many decades. To begin with, a woman should undergo a full medical examination: a general blood test and tests for all kinds of infections, a gynecologist's examination, an ultrasound to determine the duration of pregnancy. Previously, such abortion was carried out under local anesthesia, today in almost all cases such an intervention is conducted under general anesthesia. In the vagina, women are introduced special tools - dilators, with the help of which the cervix is ​​opened. After that, the doctor scraps the fetus with a special sharp instrument - a curette. In some clinics, all this whole procedure is carried out under the supervision of ultrasound - this at times reduces the risk of possible complications. And complications, alas, arise very, very often:

    • Perforation of the uterus, damage to the cervix.
    • Strong breakthrough bleeding.
    • Violation of the normal process of blood coagulability.
    • Infection of the uterine cavity.
    • Peritonitis and endometritis.
    • Development of secondary infertility.

    As you can see, the prospects are not very bright,so if you decide to abort the pregnancy, try to have an abortion as soon as possible. After all, vacuum aspiration brings much less harm to the body of a woman. And be sure to consult with your doctor about further contraception. Abortion should in no case become a method of family planning. Take care of your health! We advise you to read:

