polyhydramnios at the end of pregnancy And now, parents are happy to madness - they havethere will be a child! No, nothing better than a sense of joy from such a gospel! Now only left the newly mum herself to be upset by all sorts of stupidities, eat right, develop a healthy regime of the day and visit the necessary rooms of all beloved hospitals on time.

All would be well, if not for it ...

Everything seems to be nothing, the fetus develops stably andwithout excesses. The baby feels easy and comfortable in the space of the amniotic fluid of the intrauterine cavity, feels protected and rejoices at the first principles of his life. But, difficulties during the bearing of the fetus do not always bypass happy mothers, giving them all sorts of unpleasant surprises, and more often called "polyhydramnios during pregnancy". "Polyhydramnios during pregnancy" - almost every fifth or fourth pregnant woman can hear such a diagnosis today, although only in different periods of bearing a fetus. Initially, nature created the most perfect conditions for the development and growth of the embryo, and then the fetus, in the womb during the trimester of pregnancy. Often, after the end of this period, and start to show all the vulnerabilities of the state of health of the mother, which, respectively, directly and affects the fetus itself. Among such health problems, new mums can be found such as: cardiovascular diseases, rhesus-conflict, diabetes mellitus, the development of intrauterine infections and so on. Each of these health problems is precisely the main reason why a pregnant woman hears an ominous diagnosis of "polyhydramnios".

Polyhydramnios during pregnancy is not a sentence!

Before embarking on emergency measures toprevention of the harmful effects of polyhydramnios, we advise to begin to get acquainted with the varieties of this diagnosis and the danger or safety of its consequences for the life of the fetus in those or other cases. And so, the norms of the volume of fluid in the amniotic cavity is:

  • in the first 10 weeks - 30 ml of liquid;
  • at a period of 14 weeks - up to 100 ml;
  • the period in the last month of pregnancy - from 1000 to 1500 ml.
  • moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy - 1500 - 1800 ml.

If the volume of amniotic fluid in the lastweeks of pregnancy exceeds the norm of 1500 -2000 ml, then it is already a matter of excess accumulation of amniotic fluid. In turn, distinguish between acute and chronic stages, which in turn are divided into degrees - from mild and moderate to severe.

  • The acute stage. Symptomatology

Acute polyhydramnios at the beginningbearing of the fetus (at 16-24 weeks). In this case, a sharp increase in the volume and size of the abdomen is observed accompanied by marked painful sensations in the lumbar region and groin, noticeable edema of the anterior abdominal wall and stress of the uterine walls. In acute polyhydramnios, symptoms can occur in the form of a strong respiratory rate in the mother with the slightest physical exertion, as well as difficulties with listening to the fetal heartbeat.

  • Chronic polyhydramnios. Symptomatology

Chronic polyhydramnios, in turn, are lessrichly abnormal symptoms in mommy and is inherent in the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. Often, chronic polyhydramnios at the end of pregnancy is manifested by a gradual over-normalized increase in the amniotic fluid with the growth of the uterus itself. Most often, chronic polyhydramnios do not bring severe discomfort to a pregnant woman, and therefore it is determined at such a late stage (period). Chronic polyhydramnios, despite the absence of acute painful sensations in the mother, in turn, indicates the existence of any pathological processes taking place in the body of a woman. Among such pathologies that lead to the emergence of chronic polyhydramnios, determine: pyelonephritis, mother-borne bacterial or viral infections (ARI, ARVI), diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation of the appendages, urogenital and genital infections.

How to determine polyhydramnios?

Easier and more often in medical practiceit is possible to determine polyhydramnios by two methods - the symptoms and state of health of a pregnant woman, as well as by the inconsistency of the volumes of the uterus against the background of the norms for the calendar period of pregnancy. Find out the degree of deviation from the norm can be very simple and fast - using the indicator "amniotic index". "Amniotic index" in turn is calculated on the basis of data obtained by ultrasound diagnosis. In the case of determining the index of the "amniotic index" above the norm, resort to immediate measures of treatment of polyhydramnios, otherwise it threatens the baby and mother with a danger in the form of chronic fetal hypoxia, placental insufficiency and premature birth.

How is polyhydramnios treated?

There are a lot of ways to treat polyhydramnios,it is for this reason that women who learn about the existence of such pathology during their pregnancy - do not worry. When diagnosing polyhydramnios and applying immediate actions to treat it, in turn, it does not threaten the baby in the womb with a kind of deviation in its development. And so, after conducting a full-fledged diagnosis, the first thing is prescribed drug therapy, which in turn improves metabolic processes, microcirculation and uterine-placental blood flow. Such a facilitated way of treatment is peculiar at early stages of revealing pathology in the process of carrying out the fetus, or in case of detection of moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy. In more critical cases, in the detection of acute and severe water in a pregnant woman, a part of the amniotic fluid is removed by means of a thin catheter. So, again, we repeat: polyhydramnios are not a verdict, and the measures taken in time can save the health and life of both mother and child! So, less excitement and only a good mood, by all means, dear future moms! We advise you to read:

