if a man has fallen in loveIf a young woman is overly carried awaysome man, she loses the ability to soberly evaluate his behavior towards herself. The thought is constantly spinning in the young lady's head - does this man like her? The desire to get an affirmative answer to this question is so strong that girls in love involuntarily begin to juggle facts, think up some details and invent motives for the man's behavior. Each of his actions, each look is assessed from the point of view of feelings. Did the guy offer his hand when getting off the tram? It means he is not indifferent. Does he look at the lady for a long time? He is probably in love. Did he invite her to have lunch together or pay for coffee? He is clearly trying to get to know her better! However, in reality, everything can be different. The man offered his hand because he was well-mannered, looked at the girl for a long time because he was simply lost in thought, and invited her to lunch out of boredom. If the young lady breathed evenly in his direction, she would not have attached any importance to this at all. But through the prism of feelings, such actions are perceived differently! The girl believes that she is being given lots of attention, convincing herself more and more that she is loved. She spends a lot of effort, time and energy on arranging sometimes completely hopeless relationships. And on dreams that may turn out to be empty. And what is the result? And in the end, disappointment, tears, suffering from unrequited love, a drop in self-esteem. But the blow could have been softened, if the poor thing knew how the fact that a man has fallen in love is expressed.the man fell in love

How men fall in love

Whatever they talk about the cynicism of the stronger sex,о том, что мужичкам, мол, нужен лишь секс, это неправда. Наши дорогие кавалеры способны влюбляться всерьёз. Вот только зачастую считают появление и тем более проявление чувств слабостью и прикрываются образом искателя постельной подружки. Или неприступного истукана. Как же начинается мужская влюблённость? Сначала из многих женщин рефлекторно выбирается какая-то одна. Взгляд парня цепляется за неё, в голове его тут же словно что-то взрывается, в кровь выбрасывается повышенное количество тестостерона. Всего лишь за долю секунды молодой человек успевает представить себя с этой дамой и в ресторане, и на прогулке в парке, и в постели, и даже в ЗАГСе. Кто-то идёт дальше и воображает общих детей и счастливую старость вдвоём с барышней. Но при этом сознательно мужчина может вовсе и не собираться жениться на приглянувшейся особе. Просто психика его так устроена, что мгновенно сканирует все возможные варианты развития отношений с той, что кажется привлекательней других. После того как женщина выбрана, она автоматически становится центром интересов своего потенциального поклонника. Нет, он ещё не чувствует к объекту повышенного внимания ни особой нежности, ни желания оберегать, помогать и заботиться. Мысли парня пока заняты в основном делами насущными. Но процесс влюблённости уже запущен. Остановить его невозможно. Вначале это не сильно бросается в глаза. Уже пойманный хулиганкой-Венерой на крючок, молодой человек ведёт себя почти так же, как раньше. Он посвящает массу времени работе, увлечениям, друзьям. А затем… Затем вдруг многие поступки такого вроде бы целеустремлённого, собранного, серьёзного и отнюдь не склонного к лирике мужчины начинают напоминать поведение шалого подростка. Он может забыть о важном деле, понести весёлую чушь при деловой беседе, нагрубить начальству, заявиться в свой офис в прикиде байкера и вообще иной раз выкидывает такие фортеля, что просто диву даёшься. Например, доныне сдержанный интеллигент внезапно пытается с кем-то подраться или лезет купаться в фонтан. А хамоватый, не дающий никому спуску тип впрыгивает в элегантный костюм, вешает на шею галстук и начинает декламировать стихи. Одним словом, если мужчина уже не на шутку влюбился, царь в его голове отправляется восвояси. Рассудок теряет управление, мысли шляются вразброд, в душе гуляет анархия. В итоге самым важным для ошалевшего от наплыва чувств человека становится стремление видеть предмет влюблённости как можно чаще. Всё остальное – работа, хобби, встречи с друзьями – отходит на второй план. Главное – быть поближе к своей пассии, встречаться взглядом, слышать её голос, вдыхать аромат духов, притрагиваться. Если молодой человек находится с барышней, в которую влюблён, в одной компании, он старается показать себя с лучшей стороны. Причём понятие этой «лучшей стороны» у всех разное. Кто-то уверен, что женщинам нравятся лишь финансовые воротилы, и пыжится, как индюк, подчёркивая свою важность в мире бизнеса. Кто-то считает, что барышень надо покорять остроумием, и отпускает к месту и не к месту всевозможные шуточки и каламбуры. Кто-то пытается купить девушку лестью и вовсю рассыпается в комплиментах. Есть и такие, что демонстрируют свирепость и размахивают кулаками по любому поводу в убеждении, что слабый пол любит только сильных. Поведение влюбленного мужчины можно сравнить с поведением павлина, распускающего хвост при появлении самки. Он старается блеснуть умом, вытаскивая из дальних уголков памяти когда-то прочитанные цитаты и афоризмы, рассказывает о своих подвигах и победах, играет мускулами, важничает… Одним словом, пытается выглядеть лучшим из лучших. В целом же когда молодые люди влюблены и безумно хотят понравиться девушке, для презентации себя они обычно выбирают три типичных образа.

  • The image of a merry fellow This type of guy tries on the spotto strike upon a woman with inexhaustible wit. He always tells anecdotes and jokes. And in everyday life, this person can be a morose beech, from which it is very difficult to squeeze out even a semblance of a smile. And the role that he assiduously plays in the period of courtship, is given to him not easily. All of his wits are based on hours of memorizing jokes and anecdotes, which now our merry fellow so cheerfully flaunts. And it turns out so easily thanks to the hormones that spurred the brain's receptors.
  • The image of romance Oooh, this is a man with a thinkind, able to appreciate the beautiful. He admires the nature, the surrounding landscape, the rain, the sunset ... And does it as if by accident, as if for himself. In fact, such phrases are, of course, intended for the one whose heart you want to conquer. For greater effect, the romanticist admires her with some theatrical productions, paintings, sculptures, literary works. In fact, it is likely that he was never in the theater, and he did not see a good painting, and did not read any books, except for textbooks and technical aids. All this is fiction, but for her, for her, beloved! It is necessary after all the young lady to involve something.
  • The image of the cynic Cynic is cold, pragmatic andeverything relates to sarcasm. It seems to be. In fact, such an ohl man may well be a shy, very insecure person. And he pretended to be haughty cheeky for the sake of attracting the young lady. They say, everything in the world is indifferent to me and no one will ever break through this wall of indifference. It's like a challenge to a person who evokes sympathy, which, according to the mind of a man, must necessarily take it.
  • It must be said that there are many among the stronger sexgood psychologists who have an unmistakable sense of what type of women they are dealing with and automatically adapt to this type. Therefore, the role played by some lover often turns out to be effective. The interested girl is ready to be invited on a date, agrees to give her phone number, expects him to walk her home... And nothing happens. The man, whose feelings are burning with a bright flame, does not offer to meet, does not ask for a phone number and does not walk her home. What's the matter?! The fact is that he is simply afraid! And the more serious his intentions are, the more afraid he is. It would seem, what is there to be afraid of? A woman is not a fire-breathing dragon or a tiger. There is nothing wrong with inviting her to a restaurant or a club. It turns out there is. She can refuse, and this is a blow below the belt. More precisely, a blow to pride, which is one of the most painful for men. Therefore, even if they are burning with love, they will rush about, doubt, suffer before taking a decisive step towards getting closer to the young lady. And the stronger the love, the harder this step is. But what should a girl do then, who is seriously interested in such a timid representative of the stronger sex? Wait? And what if he hesitates for years? Then you may not get anything at all! So, you need to take the initiative yourself. However, being active in matters of the heart is advisable only if you are confident in the man's love. Otherwise, you will certainly get into trouble or get the label of an obsessive person, completely devoid of self-esteem. Cynicism, romanticism, the sparkle of a guy's wit cannot be the basis for such confidence. A person can be a cynic, a merry fellow or a romantic by nature. How can a woman know whether this is his natural behavior or a role played specifically for her? Of course, it is impossible to draw conclusions based only on a person's behavior. How then can you understand that the person you want to be with is really not indifferent? There are several signs of a man's love.if a man has fallen in love

    Signs that a man has fallen in love

    Frankly speaking, if a young manlikes a girl, the first thought that comes to his mind is always about having sex with her. There is nothing terrible about this. Sex is a way for the stronger sex to assert itself, which is evidence of its masculinity. The sexual instinct awakens the instinct of a hunter, and the guy begins to lure the prey into a trap, using all available methods. He can pretend to be anyone, invent a lot of tricks, spend a lot of time in the company of a young lady, just to achieve his goal. But sometimes, having received what he wants, he immediately loses interest in the conquered person. It turns out that the desire to possess a girl cannot be evidence of falling in love with her. What can then?

  • The young man seeks spiritual rapprochementHaving fallen in love, he will certainly need such contact, which is not observed with banal sexual attraction. The man will seek communication with the young lady, call her, send messages, hang around at the entrance, ask about her problems and talk about himself. Moreover, someone will start singing serenades, and someone - will express themselves tongue-tied and embarrassed. What can you do, we are all different. But the degree of verbosity in this case is not important at all! The main thing is that a person craves not only the touch of bodies, but also the contact of souls. This means that he is really in love.
  • A man willingly admits a friend in his life Heshare his problems, take with him to meetings with friends, leads home, offers to go with him on a trip and so on. Usually the constant presence of a woman in her personal space is perceived by the male sex as an attempt on her priceless freedom. And if a man her there not only admits, but even calls - this is a clear sign of falling in love. However, not when the lady is invited into the house, they are asked to clean up, cook dinner, wash their shirts, and then disappear for a few days. In this case, the bachelor is just too lazy or there is no time to deal with life itself.
  • The guy is ready for some kind of sacrificeadjusts in the name of saving their plans, goes to the girl to make concessions, spends free time on it, refuses to hike with friends in the bar or fishing, spends the money put aside on the hobby, does not sleep at night on her notes, etc. Only loving men can forgo their habits, time, money and amenities for the sake of a friend. If the girl does not cause special feelings, a young man will go to meet her only occasionally, and even when she will not need self-denial.
  • A man to take care of a woman This is not aboutsatisfaction of its material needs - not everyone has this opportunity. Caring is the desire to adjust to the mood, trying to calm, protect, deliver joy. This means a lot, because anyone can provide materially. Especially if it's easy. But to be interested in the inner world and the physical state of the girl will be only a man in love with her.
  • A young man is tactful when communicating, attentiveand tries not to offend and not to hurt. No, involuntarily he is able to commit or say something unpleasant, but he will never do it consciously. A man in love will not use a woman, betray her, humiliate, constantly deceive, try to press psychologically. If he is indifferent to her sufferings and tears, then there are no feelings at all. From such a tyrant it is necessary to run without looking back, as though to him did not draw.
  • These are the main signs of a man's love,the presence of which does not allow one to doubt the feelings of the gentleman. However, they can be noticed only on condition that the relationship has been going on for some time. And how does a guy express his love if the girl is not dating him yet? Well, firstly, he will throw frequent glances in the direction of the object of his affection. Secondly, in the presence of the young lady, he will begin to take poses that allow him to constantly keep her in his field of vision. The man will try to be closer to the woman in order to be able to touch the object of his adoration. Falling in love, the guy will unexpectedly appear like a jack-in-the-box in those places where the girl often goes, meet her on her way, appear in her company. He will begin to get clearly nervous if he notices that another is courting the young lady, and may well break down seemingly for no reason, making a scandal for someone (and not at all for this “other”). How else can you determine a man’s love? It probably exists if, when a girl appears, a young man's mood changes abruptly and he suddenly becomes overly energetic and cheerful or sullenly withdraws into himself. Often, men in love suddenly change their usual image, surprising everyone around them. And, finally, a guy in love can offer his help in solving a pressing problem, although no one asked for it. In general, a woman usually feels intuitively that a man is not indifferent. Another thing is that she can be deceived, assessing the situation through the prism of her own feelings. Therefore, many signs of a man's love should still be given considerable importance. And in order not to be disappointed, and in order not to pass by your destiny. We advise you to read:

