If your child suffers from allergies, youyou will have to try and be vigilant, because a completely innocent desire of a child to eat something tasty can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, there is a special hypoallergenic diet, a good way to combat allergies. Its goal is to detect intolerance or hidden food allergy in a child to any food. A hypoallergenic diet for a child mainly includes products that do not cause allergic reactions. Parents are required to strictly control the child's diet in order to prevent prohibited products from entering the baby's body.
Hypoallergenic diet for a child - what is its essence?
Conventionally, pediatricians divide the hypoallergenic diet intotwo phases: elimination and introduction of possible allergens. This is necessary in order to find out which of them the child is allergic to or hypersensitive to. In the first phase, all products that can cause allergy symptoms should be removed from the child's diet. The duration of the first phase is from 3 to 6 weeks, during which the child eats only permitted foods. In the second phase of the diet, previously excluded foods are returned to the child's diet, but strictly one at a time and under the control of the body's reaction to the introduced food product. The next intake of a new dish for the child is allowed only after at least 36 hours, if no manifestations of an allergy have arisen. If symptoms of the disease appear, then you should stop eating this product and wait for recovery again. Thus, the two phases alternate until all possible allergens to which the child has hypersensitivity are identified. Do not forget that those products to which an allergy has been identified must be excluded from the diet for life, since the allergy will not disappear over time. For example, if hypersensitivity to tomatoes is detected, then the child should not eat them either at an early age or when he or she grows up. There is a second option for identifying allergens in children. You need to make a list of three groups of products. The first group is products that are safe and should not harm the baby. The second group is products with a moderate effect on the baby. And the third group is dangerous, highly allergenic products that should be completely excluded from the diet. Thus, you include products from the first group in the child's diet, with caution and in the absence of allergy symptoms, products from the second group, and completely exclude the third group.
Three product groups
Products that should be completely excluded from the diet:
- eggs;
- whole milk, dairy products;
- citrus;
- marinades;
- canned food;
- red fruits and vegetables, exotic vegetables, celery, cabbage;
- raisins;
- dates;
- seafood;
- sausages;
- smoked products;
- chocolate;
- nuts;
- some varieties of fish;
- chicken;
- honey and its derivatives;
- cocoa, coffee.
What is included in the moderately allergenic food group?Consumption of these products should be limited and introduced gradually. This group includes meat products: horse meat, pork, lamb, poultry (turkey), rabbit meat. Vegetables and fruits include bananas, legumes, corn, potatoes. Among cereals, it is worth paying attention to wheat and rye. Products that belong to the low-allergenic group:
- low-fat meat in boiled form;
- homemade yogurt, sour-milk products;
- by-products (liver, kidney, tongue);
- cod, sea bass;
- buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal;
- zucchini, cucumbers, turnips;
- vegetable oils, sunflower and olive oil;
- dried fruits (apples, prunes);
- soft berries and compotes of them;
- tea.
But remember that sometimes allergic reactions occur.reaction to products from this group, so if you do not notice a positive effect from the diet, then you need to remove these products from your diet one by one.
How can an allergy manifest itself?
Very often hypoallergenic diet for childrenis used during the acute period of the disease manifestation, and during the period of remission, allergists can prescribe allergy tests for your children. For this, an allergen is applied to the inside of the forearm and sometimes the shoulder, and then observation is carried out. The appearance of swelling of the skin, redness and itching indicates increased sensitivity to a product. What else can be recommended? While on such a diet, children should not overeat. You should not repeat the same products day after day, it is better to alternate them. If your baby is yearning for sweets, give preference to dried fruits or apples, but do not give your child caramel or chocolate. An allergen does not always cause a reaction to its entry into the body immediately, sometimes it accumulates and only when a certain concentration is reached does it manifest itself symptomatically. If allergic reactions are detected in a baby who is breastfed, then the nursing mother should adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. If any symptoms appear, you need to contact specialists who will create an individual program and diet for your baby.