how to saveNot enough money?Yesterday you got your salary, paid your bills right away, and today you have to buy a tram pass? Unfortunately, many women are familiar with this problem firsthand. But don't worry! If you put in a little effort and calculate your budget correctly, then in the future you won't have to borrow from your friends until the advance payment. Plus, you can even put aside a certain amount of money for later!

How to learn to save on small things

Financial advisors agreed thatYou can save on almost everything. You just need to approach your family expenses more responsibly and thoughtfully. Unfortunately, we are used to spending first and then calculating where the money went. As it turns out, we spend it where we shouldn't. So, let's look at a few examples of how and on what you can significantly save your household budget. And also learn how to spend the money you've earned with sweat and intelligence. To begin with, let's go over the following items: coffee in a cafe with a friend, a taxi from work to home, buying groceries. And, of course, let's look at other similar little things that many modern women living in big cities are used to not noticing. You'll be surprised, but they take up the lion's share of your family budget.

  • A cafe

The first option for saving money is lesshang out in cafes, restaurants, clubs, etc. You can have coffee with a friend both at home and in a bar. However, in this case, the difference in material terms turns out to be quite significant. For the money that you give in such an establishment for a couple of cups of coffee, you can buy a whole can of a good and aromatic drink. Of course, it is worth noting that this is not a reason to completely refuse walks with friends, but they can be shortened. And Friday nights with bosom girlfriends can be arranged in an apartment. For example, hold pajama parties, get-togethers on the balcony. Let your girlfriends bring sweets, and you take care of the venue - remove all unnecessary things from sight. Fun will be guaranteed. Do you doubt that you will not be bored? Think about whether there is really any difference in where to have a heart-to-heart chat - in a cafe or in your kitchen?

  • Transport

Are you used to getting around only by taxi?There may be different reasons. For example, you urgently need to visit a friend, but you don’t have time to get there on your own, because you still need to put on makeup and get dressed. Or you’re just too lazy to travel in stuffy transport. And so it is every time. And we spend, we spend…. Try not to take a taxi unless there are really special occasions. We learn to save money, but do not forget about safety. For example, you can call a car late at night or when you are really late for an important meeting. In other cases, we walk or travel by bus or metro. In most cases, ordering a taxi leads to significant expenses, and unplanned ones at that.

  • Cook at home

Many modern representatives of the beautifulпола, а особенно работающие, зачастую покупают готовую еду в супермаркетах. Они предпочитают так называемые полуфабрикаты, не задумываясь над тем, что можно неплохо сэкономить на продуктах. Дамы обусловливают это нехваткой своего драгоценного времени. Разница есть – два часа у плиты или десять минут. Да, собственное время они, конечно же, экономят. Но никак не сохраняют и без того скудный бюджет. Плюс, красавицы и еще приносят вред своему здоровью и здоровью семьи. В большинстве продуктов быстрого приготовления есть красители, ароматизаторы, стабилизаторы и прочие добавки, которые пользы еще никому не приносили. Как начать экономить на еде и можно ли это делать? Не только можно, но и нужно! Начните готовить самостоятельно. Чтобы не навредить себе, выбирайте продукты с умом, а не ориентируйтесь на временные затраты. Если в вашем районе есть рынок, то лучше посетить его, а не очередной магазин. Цены там значительно ниже, а мясо свежее, овощи вкуснее. И старайтесь приобретать у одного и того же человека. Таким образом вы станете постоянным покупателем, благодаря чему вам обязательно будут делать скидки. Блюда, приготовленные своими руками, в сто раз вкуснее тех, что предлагают вам в магазинах. Разве могут сравниться заводские котлеты с домашними, приготовленными вашими руками? В последних и мяса больше, и вкус насыщеннее, и вы точно знаете, с чего они сделаны. А чтобы хватало времени на домашние дела, распишите распорядок своего дня, составьте список дел, которые не терпят отлагательств. Не забудьте указать те, которые могут подождать. Зачастую такой ход очень помогает экономить время. Если вам все же пришлось покупать продукты в супермаркете, то тут тоже нужно придерживаться некоторых правил. Итак, на чем нужно экономить в продуктовом магазине и как это сделать? Первым делом обдумываем покупки. Часто поход за продуктами превращается в импульс: увидел-захотел-купил. О том, что без этого можно обойтись, мы как-то не задумываемся. А зря, ведь научиться ходить в магазин с определенной целью – первый шаг на пути к экономии. Чтобы не покупать лишнего, составьте точный список необходимых продуктов, изучив перед этим содержимое холодильника — вдруг какой-либо ингредиент уже есть в наличии? Нужно ли вам десять пачек молока, сметаны и т.д? Перед походом в супермаркет плотно кушаем. С собой обязательно берем бутылочку фильтрованной воды, даже если вы идете ненадолго. Уже давно доказано, что посещая продуктовый магазин, голодные человек тратит больше денег, чем сытый. На этом также поспешили сыграть продавцы. В некоторых торговых заведениях специально распыляют «вкусные» запахи, чтобы вам обязательно захотелось заглянуть в отдел и купить что-нибудь. Чтобы в ближайшие дни не задумываться, как экономить, приобретайте продукты на неделю вперед. Во-первых, большие упаковки (например, печенья, чая или кофе) стоят дешевле. Это играет на руку большим семьям, где все любят хорошенько покушать. Во-вторых, при постоянных покупках на крупную сумму денег во многих супермаркетах выдают дисконтные карты. В результате вам либо скидку делают, либо вы копите балы, за которые потом можно приобрести товар. Вот вам и еще один способ, как правильно экономить на мелочах. learn to save

How to dress stylish and inexpensive: save on clothes

As one famous joke goes,There is a myth that there are girls who always know what to wear. Unfortunately, many of the fair sex are real shopaholics. Some of them do not even know what is in their closet. And if you start sorting through things, it may turn out that there are two similar blouses, skirts, etc. Therefore, we learn to save on things, naturally, within reasonable limits. So, as in the case of food, you do not need to go shopping spontaneously. Without deciding what you need, you will pick up a bunch of items that will gather dust on the shelves. After all, the range of modern stores is not at all conducive to saving. And you can buy a "chic blouse" with sequins, ruffles and rivets, and in the end there will be nothing to wear it with in your wardrobe. A logical question arises, how to save money when buying stylish and fashionable clothes in stores? The first thing that comes to mind is sales. Agree that even the most expensive boutiques have absolutely ridiculous prices. The main thing is not to miss the moment. Choose things from the old collection. They will certainly be discounted, and will allow you to save a good amount of money. But do not forget to compare prices before and after. It may be, as they say, "the game is not worth the candle." Often sellers resort to tricks, first inflating the cost of things, and then reducing it to normal. In this case, you are not saving. Remember that it is not very profitable to buy ultra-fashionable and extravagant outfits, even if the price is attractive. They will not be relevant for long. No matter how much you would like it, next season the item will end up on the far shelf. This was the case, for example, with spotted leggings, ugg boots, long floor-length skirts. Practical classic things that are not subject to fashion trends are suitable for everyday wear. Thinking about where and how to start saving, some representatives of the fair sex buy fakes or low-quality products. But throw thoughts about cheap shoes aside. It is better to spend money once and buy two pairs of expensive shoes or boots that you can wear for two or more seasons than to fix shoes that have come apart or buy new ones every month. This is not saving, but quite the opposite – a waste of money. By the way, when going shopping, call your friends – do they have the discount cards you need. Exchanging discounts with friends is very useful for the family budget. In some cases, you can save up to 30 percent. Which, as you understand, is pretty good, especially if you decide to update your wardrobe completely.

Exchange of things: I will give in good hands

Today there are websites onwhich it is proposed to exchange good, but used things. This is a pretty good way to save money. For example, you have a blouse that is too small. Another girl has a collection of good magazines that she has already studied by heart. You can send all this to each other. In this case, each will retain their own interests: you will have waste paper that you can read in your spare time, and she will have new clothes. However, when giving things, be sure to think about whether you would like to receive such things? If there is a big hole in the jeans, the shoes are already peeling, and the locks on the bag do not work, indicate this. Perhaps someone is engaged in needlework, so he will need such materials. In other cases, damaged things will not be useful. But do not engage in fanaticism, taking everything in a row, as if you are a hoarder. Before asking to give a book or dishes, think about whether you really need all this. Otherwise, your home will turn into a dump of unnecessary things that you feel sorry to get rid of. But they could be useful to someone else.

Household appliances: save on appliances

Technology is the next thing we learn Let's start with household appliances. How can you significantly reduce your expenses when buying, say, a refrigerator or a TV? After all, such products are quite expensive. And this significantly affects the family budget. But there is a way out here too. If you decide to spend money on a large purchase at a family council, think about what exactly you need. First, you should decide on the company that suits you, as well as the right model. But even after that, do not rush to make a purchase in the first store. Walk around, compare prices. Visit 3 retail establishments. But be careful. If the difference in one of them is more than 10 percent, think about why such a price? Discounts on expensive goods can have a catch. For example, either broken equipment or equipment that is no longer popular among buyers is sold cheaper. Therefore, if you are attracted by the discount price, first carefully read the details of the promotion. And also inspect the goods with special attention. However, this does not apply to those moments when the discount is provided to regular customers. In the case of technology, discount cards also have weight, and quite significant weight. With an expensive purchase, a 5 percent discount turns into a decent amount. Do not forget about online stores. In most cases, their prices are an order of magnitude lower. Of course, this does not apply to all products. But there is still a chance to save. It is also worth remembering that you do not need to buy the newest models of household appliances or digital equipment. At first, they are simply shamelessly expensive. Therefore, you should wait a little. In less than a few months, the price will drop significantly.

How to save on utilities

Unfortunately, not everyone does this nowadaysWomen know how to save on utilities. Some still pay according to established rates based on the number of registered people. In this case, more is spent than consumed. Installing household meters leads to significant savings over time. Plus, it forces you to reconsider your approach to the consumption of electricity, gas, and water. Watch your family, let them turn off the lights where no one is. At first it is difficult, but over time everyone will get used to it, and the savings will become noticeable. Try not to leave the TV "idle", do not waste water, and when washing, load the washing machine completely. Buy special lamps. They consume less energy, but at the same time illuminate the room no worse than ordinary ones. After some time, the question of how to save on utility costs will disappear by itself. If you have meters, and you are still paying crazy money, do not forget to repair the taps, change the pipes, buy a new drain tank. Believe me, it will cost much less. Perhaps the thin stream does not irritate you anymore, but the device counts water even by to start saving

How to save tenants

The owners of the apartment you are renting,regularly raise the price? This unpleasant situation is familiar to many families who do not have their own housing. In such cases, the problem of saving the family budget seems insoluble. However, there are loopholes here too. Try to gather your courage and look for another place to live. Yes, you are used to it. In addition, your best friend lives nearby, “moving is like a fire”, the market is nearby. And a bunch of other excuses. But look at this situation from the other side. You will be lucky and you will find an apartment closer to work, your child’s school, and your parents. Agree, this is much more important than living next to a good neighbor who constantly drops in for coffee. You meet her once a week, and go to work every day. Again, thanks to a change of residence, you will save time on the road and money on travel. By the way, it is not at all excluded that the current owners, having heard about your intention, will still lower the price, not wanting to lose solvent tenants.

Properly manage the budget

You already know where the money goes and howsave. But, unfortunately, you still spend every last penny? Then you are simply storing your money incorrectly. Buy three envelopes. Label them: family expenses (food, clothes), bills (utilities, rent, loans), entertainment. Put an amount in each, having carefully calculated everything beforehand. This way, you will learn to allocate your budget. Ideally, you should exchange bills for larger ones. Such is human psychology. If there are a lot of small rubles in your wallet, you will think that you have enough money. But if there are two or three large ones there, it will be more difficult for you to part with them. And try to pay with a credit card less often. In this case, you simply cannot control yourself. After all, you can pay later, not now. This illusion has never led to anything good. Save, putting money aside immediately, not at the end of the month. Open an account in the bank so that you cannot withdraw money for several years. Every time you get paid, put aside a tenth of your income. So, in five years you will be able to save up for a car, a trip abroad, education, new furniture, etc. And the last piece of advice that will come in handy: if you are determined to save your family budget, then go all the way. And when thinking about what you can save on, consider any options. Even those that at first glance seem insoluble will do. After all, you can save on everything. The main thing is to set a clear goal and persistently achieve it. We recommend reading:

