"Cousin told how to find out the sex of the nextchild: if there is such a "tail" of the hair behind the previous one, then the next one will be a boy. And if the hairline behind is even, then the girl is next, ”I stumble upon the publication of a friend in my Instagram feed. A friend, Tatiana Ogneva-Salvoni, a regular author of columns on Woman’s Day, a practicing psychologist, writer and mother of two children. She lives in Italy. And this trick, by definition, the sex of the child was presented to her as an Italian science from the people. Tatyana worked this method - a boy was born the second. And commentators have 50 to 50. Jan 3, 2018 at 6:13 PST Where did this method come from? Maybe we in Russia have a similar? It turned out there. A simple request to "Google", and here they are, battles in forums for moms. Only - oops! - interpreted the type of hair growth exactly the opposite. That is, if the hair grows a pigtail, then the next one is to wait for the girl. And if exactly, it will be a boy. Such is the ancient Russian omen, which radically contradicts the Italian one. In the comments, the observations of the moms diverge in the same way as on Tatyana's page: someone had a sign that worked, someone did not. It is understandable, boys and girls are born about the same. But what does official medicine think about this? Tatiana Butskaya, a pediatrician and a popular medical blogger:— There are similar options for determining gendercome up with a whole bunch! If you conduct a survey among women, then, of course, such methods worked for 50 percent of women, however, they did not work for the remaining 50 percent. Nobody knows how to predict the sex. There are many theories: the Chinese method, Japanese, by blood, by food, by lunar cycles. But the sex of the child is a secret that only God and reproductive specialists know. By the way, selection by sex is officially prohibited in Russia. So even reproductive specialists cannot help parents conceive a child of a certain sex, with the exception of cases of genetic diseases linked to the child's sex. And so you can believe in any methods you want.