Sports for pregnant womenTalk to your doctor before you startsport activitiesPhoto: getty images "I recommend during the pregnancy to perform exercises on the Pilates system," says Elena. - They not only prepare the body for the stresses during childbirth, but also help to get rid of stress and stress. Pilates classes have no contraindications, but future mums need to exclude exercises where there is a strong tension of the abdominal muscles, a sharp change in position and deep twisting. "A specially selected exercise set for pregnant women will strengthen the muscles, relieve the load from the spine, while reducing discomfort and pain in lower back and cervical-collar zone. The respiratory system is trained, because the exercises should be performed in the rhythm of their breathing without delay, and the correct breathing during childbirth helps to avoid hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation of the child. The organism of the future mother will become more durable and prepared, which means that the birth will be easier. In addition, eating properly and doing pilates, mom and baby will not gain excess weight. And if you perform simple exercises from the very beginning of pregnancy, you can avoid toxicosis, swelling, dyspnea and heartburn. It is necessary to approach physical exertion during pregnancy with all responsibility, first consulting with your doctor. Observe the following recommendations:

  • In order to maintain the correct bending of the spine, which every day carries an increasing burden, it is necessary during all exercises (and always) to keep the correct position of the pelvis, scapula and head.
  • All exercises are performed smoothly, in the rhythm of breathing, without sudden movements and transitions. Particular attention is to the correctness of each movement.
  • Before performing each exercise, you need to connect the muscles of the pelvic floor without maximum tension and "level off."

Alignment a. Stabilization of the blades.Starting position: Standing, raise and lower your shoulders several times. Leave them in the lower position, while pointing the shoulder blades slightly towards the spine and down (with the letter "V") b. Tilting the pelvis back and forth. Starting position: standing. During pregnancy, the load on the lower back increases, the abdominal muscles relax. By maintaining the correct position of the pelvis, you will eliminate excessive tension in the lumbar region. This means that there will be no strong spinal deflection and lower back pain. Imagine that your basin is a container of water. Tilt it back and forth like pouring water, while relaxing and tightening your abdominal muscles. Repeat several times and leave the pelvis in the middle position. Try to maintain a neutral pelvic position during all exercises. Axial. From the coccyx, pull the spine upward behind the crown, as if increasing the distance between the vertebrae.

Twisting-unwinding standing

Sports for pregnant womenSports for pregnant women1 / 2Photo: Alexandra SerovaPhoto: Alexandra Serova. Original position: standing at the wall, feet at the width of the pelvis. Exhale: stretch out through the crown. Exhale: point the chin to the chest and continue to twist the vertebra behind the vertebra, relaxing and stretching the muscles along the spine. Take breath: 5 times in a comfortable amplitude for yourself, trying not to lean with a straight back. Objective: to work the muscles along the spine, relieve tension, tune in to the following exercises.

