How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancyMany women, during the waiting periodchild, ask the question of how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy. And this is not accidental, because more than half of all expectant mothers face this problem. What to do? Is it really easy to put up with the changes that occur with the body of a pregnant woman? Of course not. There are several ways that can, if not completely eliminate the problem, then at least reduce it to a possible minimum. During pregnancy, stretch marks most often occur in the middle layer of the skin. And they are formed as a result of long-term and active exposure to the skin. Due to rapid weight gain, microtraumas occur - cracks in the skin. And the body immediately begins to produce a huge amount of collagen, which seems to "repair" existing skin damage. As a result - those same white scars, which are called stretch marks. Most often, stretch marks appear in problem areas such as the chest, thighs and abdomen. And please note - it is very difficult to get rid of existing stretch marks, so it is much wiser to take all measures that will help to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. There are three “golden” rules that will make this difficult task easier for the expectant mother.

Exercise stress

The very first and most important rule is the expectant mothershould get enough physical activity. After all, we remember that pregnancy is not a disease, right? Of course, we are not talking about heavy physical work. But if you led an active lifestyle before pregnancy, you should not completely give up on exercise now. And even if you have never been a fan of a healthy lifestyle, now is the time to start. The best options for a future mother are swimming, fitness programs designed specifically for pregnant women. Even the simplest walks will very effectively help prepare for childbirth and maintain healthy and elastic skin, without signs of stretch marks. And after childbirth, it will be much easier for active mothers to return to their usual shape. This is explained very simply - the appearance of stretch marks is provoked by nothing other than a sharp weight gain. And if a woman gets regular physical activity, the weight is gained smoothly and distributed evenly throughout the body. By the way - if you exercise, then the excess kilograms that are usual for many pregnant women will not threaten you either.avoid stretch marks during pregnancy

Skin care

Another equally effective rule issystematic and thorough care of the skin of the body. Moreover, special attention should be paid to problem areas. It is advisable to start this care even before pregnancy. Your arsenal should include a soft body scrub, a good moisturizer, and massage oil. It is very important to never allow the skin to become dehydrated, and a special cream against stretch marks will also not be superfluous. Your gynecologist will probably tell you which cream you should buy. Didn't say anything? No problem, ask him yourself. Doctors are also people, and they tend to forget about little things. Apply this product to problem areas very carefully, stroking the skin in circular motions. Do not allow it to stretch under any circumstances. Any, even the most expensive product will only be beneficial if used systematically. Therefore, apply it to the skin at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, preferably after a shower, having previously blotted the skin with a towel. Pay special attention to this in the second half of pregnancy – after all, it is during this period that the belly begins to grow with particular intensity. In addition to using various cosmetic products, it is worth paying special attention to the clothes that the expectant mother wears. The skin should be protected from contact with various rough materials that can injure it. It is best to give preference to clothes made of natural materials – linen, cotton. In no case should you wear clothes with a lot of seams and constricting the skin – it significantly increases the risk of stretch marks.stretch marks during pregnancy


And one more very important aspect is the correct oneNutrition of the expectant mother. It would seem, what is the connection between nutrition and the appearance of stretch marks? It turns out, the most direct - a number of products contain substances that actively protect the skin. So, the products that need to be included in the diet of the expectant mother:

  • All without exception, types of cereals. And oatmeal and buckwheat - especially.
  • Any vegetables, except cabbage.
  • Any fruit other than very sweet - may cause heartburn.
  • Any fermented milk products, preferably without the addition of colorants.
  • All sorts of dried fruits.
  • Olive oil - in unlimited quantities. This oil contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which is extremely useful in the fight against the appearance of stretch marks.

All of the above products are also good becausethat they help normalize the digestion process and prevent constipation. But you should avoid all kinds of harmful products. In particular, you should completely exclude from the diet of the expectant mother:

  • Salted, smoked and spicy foods.
  • Any fried dishes - cook better for a couple.
  • Any fast food.
  • Coffee, carbonated drinks, sweet fruit juices.
  • All kinds of pastries and white bread.
  • Mayonnaise, mustard and other sauces, except soy.

These products provoke weight gain.And excess weight, in turn, is the main culprit for the appearance of stretch marks. And all these products do not have the best effect on your overall health. As you can see, it is possible to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy. Although you will have to make some effort. But - as the old truth says - beauty always requires sacrifice. And in our case, these sacrifices are also beneficial to health. Be healthy and beautiful. Easy delivery and happy motherhood to you! We recommend reading:

