Beauty is a flexible concept, soThe question of what an ideal girl should look like is answered by everyone according to their own horizons. For some, the most important parameter is appearance - a pretty face, chiseled features, a graceful waist, the right shape. For some, it is important that the fair sex knows how to dress well and wear only branded and expensive things. Having a Chihuahua or Yorkshire Terrier under your arm, a constant smile and a ton of makeup on your face is a must. But there is a category of people who judge a book not by its cover, but only after reading it. That is why you can meet strange and seemingly inharmonious couples: he is Alain Delon, she is an ordinary simpleton who does not even know how to put on makeup properly. In her cosmetic bag there is only lipstick and mascara of unknown manufacture. And still, the young man loves her madly, and the girl feels like a queen.
How to become the best and stand out from the crowd
First of all, you should understand that being perfectdoes not mean to be the best in everything and to be liked by the first comer. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" is unlikely to be to the taste of an immature schoolchild or a person who is not interested in anything except the tabloids. But for a mature man, such a book will definitely take the most prominent place on the shelf. Do you think that you are far from ideal? You do not like your figure or would you like to have longer and more graceful legs? According to psychologists, there are no women who would be one hundred percent satisfied with their appearance and would not want to change anything about themselves. But some have come to terms with their shortcomings and turn them into advantages, while others acquire complexes and suffer from this all their lives. In fact, it is very difficult to become the ideal that men will dream of, but, as they say, nothing is impossible. Fitness clubs, beauty salons, hairdressers, stores with high-quality and beautiful clothes, cosmetics - all this will help transform even the ugliest girl. But, unfortunately, many Cinderellas, dressed in beautiful outfits and with stunning makeup, do not feel like Princesses. Because they did not love themselves and never sought to surpass others. To be the best is to always look great. What does the ideal girl look like these days? So, this is a self-confident person who does not pay attention to unconstructive criticism. She creates her own canons of beauty, and does not follow the already established ones. Such ladies know how to think, fantasize, create, and create. They are immediately noticed in a gray crowd by their confident look, correct posture and self-satisfied look, even if she went out for a walk in ordinary cheap sneakers and jeans. And it is not necessary to wear super expensive and fashionable things, a real girl knows how to choose clothes taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the figure, age and time. In addition, even the most elegant and beautiful dress needs to be played up correctly. Remember how you usually go to work: slouching, looking at your feet, not paying attention to those around you, sadly thinking about something of your own. The ideal woman will not allow herself to look like this, even if she is alone at home. Do not forget about hygiene and cosmetics. Shower gels, foams, tonics, creams, lipstick, mascara - the ideal girl knows how to use all this and makes sure that her body hair is never visible. At the same time, you will never notice such a beauty with a ton of makeup - she applies makeup in such a way as to look as natural as possible. To be the best is to be a great conversationalist Russian is one language, but there are many dialects. Think about how often you insert strong words into your speech? Learn to speak correctly, beautifully, without filler words. A girl who does not swear always looks gentle, beautiful and smart. And she can put a boor in his place even without being rude to the interlocutor.To be the best is to have your own highlight inspectсебя в зеркало и подумайте, что отличает вас от остальных. Большие глаза можно подчеркнуть темным карандашом, чересчур пышные волосы можно собрать в великолепный хвост, маленькие губы – увеличить при помощи губной помады. Любой недостаток следует превратить в свою фишку. Быть лучшей – это не останавливаться на достигнутом Чтобы достичь идеала, нужно прикладывать усилия. Ходите постоянно в тренажерные залы, занимайтесь спортом, посещайте салоны красоты, следите за собой. С завистью смотрите на худышек и мечтаете о параметрах девяносто-шестьдесят-девяносто? Время действовать! Запишитесь к диетологу, чтобы тот разработал для вас правильный рацион. Быть лучшей – это вовремя делать маникюр Несколько лет назад было модно наращивать длинные ногти, с которыми не то что работать, но и собираться на свидание не всегда удобно. Но, как говорится, на вкус и цвет друзей нет, поэтому то, что одни считают хитом сезона, для других выглядит смешно и нелепо. Кстати, практически все мужчины не очень-то восхищаются длинными когтями, так как такая женщина у них ассоциируется с хищницей. Красиво и изящно смотрятся аккуратный французский маникюр или даже просто ухоженные ногти. В повседневной жизни лучше выбирать неяркие, не слишком кричащие и неагрессивные цвета. При этом лак должен быть дорогим и качественным, чтобы он не осыпался на второй-третий день после нанесения. И зимой, и летом не стоит забывать о ногах. Так как сжатые в тесной обуви ступни практически не дышат, на пальцах и пятках иногда появляются пузырьки, натоптыши, потертости, а ногти слоятся и шелушатся. Поэтому раз в неделю делайте ванночки из отваров, в которых следует по полчаса парить ножки, и хотя бы два раза в месяц корректировать педикюр. В наше время это такая же обязательная гигиеническая процедура, как, к примеру, чистка зубов, умывание, купание и мытье головы. Быть лучшей – это следить за состоянием волос Роскошные длинные волосы выглядят сексуально и обворожительно, при этом они могут стать самым главным достоинством даже ничем не примечательной девушки. Для этого необходимо постоянно делать питательные и увлажняющие маски, ходить хотя бы раз в месяц к парикмахеру, подстригать кончики и как можно меньше травмировать шевелюру. Красавицам, которые решили перекраситься, необходимо все хорошенько взвесить, ведь в дальнейшем им придется постоянно подкрашивать корни, даже если они воспользовались оттеночным бальзамом или шампунем. Девушкам, у которых нет возможности покупать дорогие косметические средства, можно готовить смеси и отвары в домашних условиях. Ромашку, крапиву, тысячелистник, корень лопуха и одуванчика, репейное масло продают в каждой аптеке, при этом их стоимость будет по карману практически каждому. Быть лучшей – это не запускать кожу Поры, прыщи, угри, пятна, жирный блеск – все это не украшает, а наоборот уродует любую, даже самую смазливую мордашку. И если в пятнадцать лет лицо девушки выглядит ужасно, то это говорит о ее неопытности и молодости. Если в тридцать девушка не следит за собой, значит она не очень умная. В двадцать первом веке существует такое количество различных средств (дорогих и не очень), что только истинные лентяйки не могут найти для себя что-нибудь подходящее. И если раньше, к примеру, крема считались универсальными, то сейчас продаются для жирной, нормальной, комбинировано, сухой или чувствительной кожи. Особое внимание следует уделять рукам, шее и зоне декольте, так как именно там быстрее всего стареет кожа. Знаете ли вы, что даже если девушка выглядит на тридцать и скрывает свой истинный возраст, то определить, сколько ей в этом году исполнится лет, можно всего лишь взглянув на ее кисти. Быть лучшей – это постоянно заботиться о своем здоровье Любая продукция, будь то тональная основа или крем для тела, должна защищать от ультрафиолета. Прямые солнечные лучи могут привести к преждевременному старению, ожогам, микротравмам и даже раку. Но без солнца никак нельзя, ведь именно во время загара в организме человека вырабатывается витамин Д. А вот соляриев все же стоит избегать, так как они не настолько безопасны, как вам говорят в салонах красоты. Если вы хотите в зимнюю пору ходить не с бледно-розовой, а шоколадно-коричневой кожей, наносите автозагар. Он обычно проявляется на второй час после использования, к тому же полностью безвреден.
Being the best means having healthy, snow-white Despite the fact that toothpaste manufacturers shout in unison that their products are the best, the highest quality and will save you from all troubles (tartar, yellow spots, caries, gum sensitivity), sometimes the result is far from what was promised. If you dream of becoming the owner of a Hollywood smile, but do not know how to achieve this, make an appointment with a dentist. The doctor must first examine the oral cavity to assess the condition of the teeth. The day before the whitening, he must clean the teeth to remove tartar and plaque. This procedure is completely painless, at first it is carried out using an ultrasonic device, then the teeth are treated with a special agent. Of course, after this, your smile will not immediately become snow-white, but for starters, the result will please you. The next day after cleaning, you can go for whitening. Now the dentist will compare your natural shade with the one you can get after treatment on a special scale. So, there are three main categories of tooth color, and they in turn are divided by brightness and shade into several subgroups. To avoid pain during the procedure, the dentist will first give you a few injections and apply a protective agent to your gums to avoid burning them. Only after that will they treat your teeth with a solution that will whiten the enamel without damaging it. The whole procedure will take about an hour and a half, but then you will be able to smile widely at all times and in any situation. Being the best means leading a healthy lifestyle. An ideal woman will never eat unhealthy, harmful, or fatty foods that deposit fat on the sides and stomach. But at the same time, she does not impose her opinion on others and communicates well with people who consume tons of calories. And only to a close friend will she unobtrusively hint that it is time for her to go on a diet. Smoking and alcohol are also not for her, as she knows that tobacco and alcohol have a bad effect on the skin. The most she can afford to drink is a cup of coffee with her friends or a glass of wine. That is why at forty the ideal girl looks twenty, maximum twenty-five. To be the best is to smell nice even at home How often can you meet girls in restaurants and clubs who leave a trail of aromas behind. And it seems that these are not subtle notes of Chanel No. 5, but a generous splash of Red Moscow. To avoid such a mistake, you need to learn how to apply perfume correctly. The first option is the simplest. So, spray the air above you with eau de toilette so that a cloud of drops surrounds you. The particles that settle on your clothes, body and hair will emit a pleasant smell. More persistent perfumes should be applied to the neck, décolleté, elbows and knees, hands and ankles. If you do not have money for expensive products, use aromatic oils. So, by mixing several types together, you can create your own special aroma. At the same time, you need to very carefully ensure that your perfumes, lotions, deodorants harmonize with each other in smell.
Who and why is beneficial to be nonideal
You think it's stupid for a girl to want to look likeunattractive, slow-witted, shy and uninteresting? In fact, such representatives of the fair sex are simply afraid to take responsibility. After all, it is easier to sigh and envy successful friends, blame others and appearance for your failures than your own indecision and fear. That is why thousands of women take on an unbearable burden, raise and bring up children, while simultaneously taking care of a loser husband and earning money for the family. Of course, there are few oligarchs, and then she is not very lucky with her appearance and figure. Why buy expensive cosmetics if you have no time to go to a cafe? Why go to the gym if no one will appreciate these efforts. It is necessary to understand that the ideal girl first of all does all this for herself, and not for others. She just enjoys catching men's glances and being an object of imitation for friends and just women she knows. She will not wear a robe at home, even if only her mother lives with her. And being the best is difficult, since it is a big responsibility. Thus, unsuccessful, unattractive and imperfect women are simply lazy and irresponsible. After all, if a girl looks her best, but she still does not get promoted because she lacks knowledge, skills and abilities in this area of activity, there will be no one else to blame. Another reason why the fair sex does not want to take care of themselves is the fear of being different from everyone else. Being in the spotlight is a heavy burden that few can bear. After all, you have to constantly improve yourself to match the ideal.
Who urgently needs to change something in themselves
- If the last time you bought cosmetics for yourselfmore than a year ago. No matter how difficult you are financially, you should not use overdue products. Each girl in the cosmetic bag should have the following set: dark and light shadows, mascara, lipstick, day and night creams, body cream, face, hands, tonal basis.
- If you give way to a bus. Any girl should look at least ten years younger than her age. Therefore, if the lady is only fifty, and her colleagues are not surprised when she informs about this, she should immediately go to the beauty salon. Peeling, masking, face cleaning - all this will help to throw off a couple of years and gain a second youth.
- If you do not remember when was the last timevisited the hairdresser's. No time to do the piling daily? Then ask the master to make a haircut so that you can comb your hair in the morning, and do not have to mess with ironing, ployka and other appliances.
- If you do not get into your favorite jeans. It's one thing if you get better by five to ten kilograms and it does not look critical, the other is when your young man or husband constantly throws up magazines with weight loss recipes. By the way, every woman in the closet has a thing called an indicator.
- If your dream is to sleep. Take a small vacation, send the children to your grandmother or hire a nanny, turn off the phone, and do not do anything all day. It is allowed only to sleep, eat and watch melodramas. Let the mess in the house and unwashed dishes do not bother you.
- If at the entrance to the premises people startair the rooms. Inexpensive perfumes, sold in the markets and in the transitions, a priori can not pleasantly smell. It is better to save a little money to buy good products. After all, the fragrance is the visiting card of a modern ideal woman.
Why you should look after yourself and your health
In fact, women age much faster,than men, and this despite the fact that the fair sex lives much longer. And it's not just that it's inherent in nature. Many women take on a burden that is too heavy for their weak bodies, which they carry throughout their entire lives. However, it's worth considering whether your spouse will appreciate all your efforts and will he stay with you if you look much older than your years? And how will you feel when you look at your wrinkled reflection in the mirror. But you don't have to buy expensive cosmetics, because many masks, balms, and tonics can be made from what's in the refrigerator. There are twenty-four hours in a day, not a second more, not a second less. And every girl can set aside ten to fifteen minutes to take care of herself, pump up her abs, and do some light exercises. And if you gradually introduce such "fifteen minutes" into your life, you will soon discover that you are the ideal and standard of true natural beauty.