how to behave on the roadIt’s not easy for a newbie to get used to the road, andespecially for a woman. It seems that all the main problems are already behind you, and driving school is finished, and the car is bought, but... How to behave correctly on the road when your hands are not yet accustomed to the steering wheel, and your legs are just trying to confuse the pedals? What to do if all the seemingly learned rules are completely mixed up in your head, and at the nearest intersection there are suddenly so many signs that their meaning has lost its meaning for you? It is difficult to answer these questions, because for each lady driver the road appears in a certain light. And each one solves her problems in her own way. However, it is still worth listening to several pieces of advice from experienced motorists.

Student at the wheel

Some people claim that the letter "u" is on the glasscar does not mean anything. After all, there is a possibility that it will simply not be noticed, and will not be focused on, thinking about something of their own. But still, many experienced drivers pay attention to the student at the wheel and try to give way or simply not drive close. It is up to you to decide whether to put such a sign on your car, but if you have already put it, then it is worth remembering some points:

  • Never be sure that everyone sees"Learner Driver" sign and no one will come close to you. This sign does not give any privileges at all. It only informs other drivers about your inexperience.
  • Never panic if you are met withcalled "joker" who, seeing your position, can provoke you, make a signal, cut you. It's best to just skip ahead, and if you can not try to park and wait until he leaves.
  • There is no need to add to the student's signvarious female symbols and inscriptions, for example, at one time the badge "shoe" was popular. Why focus on yourself? Believe me, you will already be noticed, which you will regret more than once.
  • Caught in traffic? Be polite, because traffic congestion affects all drivers, not just you. Try to enter the position and you will be answered the same.
  • While you are a student, try not to go on high-speed tracks. It's too early for you there. Everything will come in due time.

The ULD Rule

And this rule, popularly called simply -Give way to a fool, even experienced drivers should follow. If you notice that someone is behaving inappropriately and breaking the rules, do not try to listen to his conscience and teach him something. It is better to let him go ahead - and let him go looking for adventure, but not next to you. In the first week of your acquaintance with the city roads, ask a more experienced friend to drive with you through the most difficult places. This way you will quickly learn to cope with seemingly insoluble tasks.

Force Majeure

A strange light came on on the panel orIs there smoke under the hood? Or maybe the clutch pedal is not behaving as it should? Don't panic, turn on the hazard lights, and immediately pull over to the side of the road and stop. Don't scold yourself right away, my dear. It's not about you at all. Cars tend to break down and they don't choose between newbies and experienced drivers. Calm down and wait for help. By the way, stupor and panic are the worst enemies on the road. Before a long trip, try to throw all problems and emotions out of your head. And if it happens that this is impossible, it is better not to get behind the wheel at all. According to statistics, even due to simple lack of sleep, the most terrible accidents happen.

Traffic rules are as clear as day

As trite as it may sound, but at the enddriving schools, not many beginners learn all the rules well. After all, on the real road, everything is much more serious and complicated than in the pictures and in the questions on the tickets. And even if you passed the exam with flying colors, this does not exempt you from periodically repeating what you have covered. Now you will have to understand the road and always know the “correct answer”. You should especially learn those moments that are related to traffic: driving through intersections, overtaking, parking, rules for the location of cars on the road. Here you do not just pull a ticket - think - answer. Everything is different here. You drive - think quickly - react even the driver should behave on the road

Let your car become your friend

In order to understand how I should behavedriver on the road, practice more often on quiet city streets, but always during the daytime. This way you will learn to better understand your car, learn to feel it. The more you practice, the more confident you will feel, and the car under your control will start, brake and overtake more confidently. Over time, you will develop a reflex memory for all the controls of the car, and you will be able to pay more attention to the situation on the road.

Learn to look in the mirror

This advice is one of the most important fornovice drivers. Because if you master it and learn to control the situation on the road, you are guaranteed success in driving. Experts recommend starting to get acquainted with mirrors in a stationary car. Look ahead as if you are moving, but do not forget to look at the mirrors every few seconds. First of all, the rearview mirror, then the right, then the left. And do not forget to observe some points:

  • When looking in the rear-view mirror, do not turn your head, it should remain motionless.
  • When looking at the side mirrors, turning the head should be minimal.
  • Try for the time that you look in the mirror to fully study the situation, so as not to be distracted again.
  • When you look at the mirrors, do not ignore and the situation is ahead. Learn to control her lateral vision.

Do not forget about road signs

Well, now you've learned to control a little bit.road and became more confident. Now it's a small matter to learn to see and read signs. Try to look not only at the road surface when driving, but also notice with your eyes the objects that control traffic: traffic lights, markings, signs. But never linger on billboards and banners. Here, the ideal option would also be to practice with a more experienced driver in the passenger seat. Saying everything you see out loud helps a lot. For example, "I see a car on the right," "we are driving on the main road," "straight ahead and right-hand traffic is permitted at the intersection," and so on.

You stopped the traffic police inspector ...

Problems with traffic police officers often arisedue to the driver's basic ignorance of his rights. In this case, you feel defenseless and obviously guilty. And in order to understand how to behave with a traffic police officer on the road, you need to remember some nuances:

  • Firstly - any stop of the car, thisa legal act that can lead to various consequences, for both you and the traffic police officer. It is worth remembering that the inspector does not have the right to stop you without a reason, but he can always explain his actions by checking documents or carrying out an operation.
  • By the way, on the roads there are such places, onwhich even a traffic police officer does not have the right to stop you: a site with poor visibility, a section before or after a turn, a railway crossing, a pedestrian crossing.
  • The traffic police officer is obliged to introduce himself to you. If this did not happen, you can safely ask for his documents. You do not have to leave the car either. Inspector himself will come to you.
  • If the stop has passed by the rules, alwaystry to talk politely and with restraint, even if you think that the inspector is not right. Thus, you will create, if not a trust, then a neutral atmosphere.
  • You can only object to a DPS employeea case where you are completely confident in yourself. But at the same time to prove one's rightness should be tactful and give weighty arguments. And if you have undertaken something to prove, always go to the end.
  • Never argue if you reallyviolated the rules. First of all, it's dishonorable. And if the inspector witnessed the violation, you will not prove anything anyway. And while denying their guilt with clear evidence of the opposite - the punishment will be maximum.

Of course, it can be said with certainty that noon our roads such drivers who never break the rules. You just need to make sure that you end up in that group of motorists who do this only in the most extreme situations. We recommend reading:

