How to get rid of breast milk

For the time of weaning the child, it is better to send itto visit relatives for a few days. If this is not possible, mom should wear clothes that close the breast as much as possible, so that the baby will pay less attention to it. And at his request to give a breast, you can tell him that there is no more milk in to get rid of breast milk fastHow to get rid of breast milk? Take special medications or use effective folk methods Photo: Getty If a woman has made a firm decision to stop breastfeeding, in order to quickly get rid of milk, you need:

  • To address to the gynecologist who will appoint special medicines suppressing a lactemia. Apply them in a strictly specified dosage.
  • Wear a dense bra for 24 hours a day. He should only securely fix the breast, but do not squeeze it.
  • Apply cold compresses. Reduction of lactation is facilitated by compresses with ice wrapped in a towel. Cold helps to relieve burning and soreness.
  • Express a little milk with a feeling of bursting. Over time, the production of milk decreases, because the baby does not suck the breast.
  • Drink herbal teas that reduce the production of milk based sage, parsley, elecampane, horsetail, bearberry.
  • Apply camphor compress - lubricate the breasts three times a day and tie with a warm kerchief.
  • Limit fluid intake because it increases lactation.
  • Limit the use of products that contribute to the production of milk: honey, nuts, milk, dill, carrots, cheese.
  • In no case can you tighten your chest, as it was done before. This method can lead to the development of mastitis.

    How to get rid of stagnant breast milk

    If during the cessation of feedinglactostasis, it is important not to allow his transition to mastitis. If the breast is only swollen, but does not hurt, the woman does not have temperature, then you can take such actions:

    • apply a warm compress or take a warm shower;
    • gently massage the breast at the stagnation site, moving to the nipples;
    • express a little milk, paying special attention to the area where stagnation was formed;
    • To reduce the swelling, apply a cold compress for 5 minutes.

    As compresses for pain reliefYou can use a cabbage leaf and a honey-rye cake. If the seals can not be eliminated, the temperature rises, then you need to seek emergency medical help. When you need to quickly get rid of breast milk, you can use special medications prescribed by your doctor, or proven folk remedies. Read further:

