Many women notice as they age that their skinbecomes less attractive: more flabby and less silky. Some give up and do nothing. But elasticity of the skin of the face is the calling card of an interesting and energetic woman. Achieving this is not as difficult as it may seem. You just need to put in a little effort. The elasticity of the skin of the body allows us to be confident in ourselves and not be embarrassed by open swimsuits and deep cleavage. And it is not at all necessary to visit expensive beauty centers, experiment on your body with unknown procedures and newfangled drugs. Everything you may need can be found among the rich abundance of folk remedies. Today we will talk about how to make your skin more elastic.
Folk remedies for skin elasticity
Among the folk remedies for skin elasticity there aremany of them, which are always at hand for any disciplined housewife. And if you can't find them in the kitchen, then you will find a large number of them on the shelves of supermarkets. If your skin has lost its elasticity, healthy appearance and pleasant smoothness, use the following recipes.
How to Make Your Facial Skin Firmer with Milkor cottage cheese, not every woman knows. The recipe for this mask for facial skin elasticity came to us from the Scandinavian countries. Since ancient times, Scandinavians have been famous for their delicate skin of a pleasant creamy shade. Their secrets are worth borrowing. Natural goat or cow's milk will help increase skin elasticity. With its help, you can prepare a bath for skin elasticity. This is done very simply: 2 liters of natural fresh product are added to the bath. Cottage cheese will help increase the elasticity of the skin of the face. Take 3 tablespoons of the fattest cottage cheese that you can buy. Rub it well with 1 tablespoon of honey. Gently apply the resulting mask for facial skin elasticity for 20 minutes, excluding the area around the eyes. After the time has elapsed, remove the mixture with a cotton swab, previously moistened in cold milk. These products for the elasticity of the skin of the face and body are quite good. The fats contained in milk and similar products help smooth the skin. More precisely, linoleic, arachidonic and linolenic acids, which belong to the group of essential unsaturated fatty acids, and oleic acid form a thin protective layer that prevents moisture loss from the skin's surface.
How to improve facial skin elasticity withoat flakes, the Swiss told us. Take a few spoons of oat flakes, soak them in unpasteurized milk or natural yogurt. Spread this gruel on your palms and face. After 20 minutes, even skin that has lost its elasticity, is chapped and overdried, will become more beautiful and smooth. If your skin is oily or combination, mix a handful of oat flakes with the juice of 1 lemon and well-beaten egg whites. Of course, you can use various products with all sorts of incomprehensible components. They can be much more powerful than folk remedies for skin elasticity. But what could be better than the gifts of nature? Oat flakes contain B vitamins and folic acid - they regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands and relieve irritation. And oat flour makes the skin matte.
The properties of honey were known to our most ancient peopleancestors. This is a very powerful antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the body, unless, of course, you are allergic to it. You can increase the elasticity of your skin with honey in several ways, for example, a honey massage. This method is very effective after pregnancy. The skin quickly becomes more elastic and beautiful. A very effective way to use honey is to smear it all over your body. This procedure should be done in a sauna. The effect will exceed all expectations and you will instantly forget about the inconvenience caused by being in a sticky substance. Honey is rich in fructose and glucose, contains vitamins, microelements and the most powerful antioxidants - polyphenols. This remedy for the elasticity of the skin of the body should be tested for individual intolerance. Just smear your lips, and if you feel discomfort or any unpleasant reactions, do not use it.
How to Make Your Skin Firmer with Your Favoritemashed potatoes? Is it possible? Yes, very much so. We will need the water in which this vegetable was boiled. Put your hands in the cooled water. The sensation is reminiscent of a paraffin bath in a beauty salon. You can make your facial skin elastic with the help of potatoes boiled in their skins. Mash it into a gruel and apply it to your face. This mask is also suitable for increasing the elasticity of your body skin. As a result, you will get smooth and soft skin. Since starch can be represented as large polysaccharide molecules that cannot penetrate deep into the skin, but are able to retain moisture. In addition, a large amount of vitamin C helps smooth and cleanse. Raw potatoes can be used to reduce swelling and soothe irritations.
How to improve skin elasticity with beans?There is a recipe for a beauty mask that was brought from Spain. The variety does not matter much here, it is important that the product is clean, without various pesticides: they can cause irritation. Take a glass of beans and pour water over them for 12 hours. When the time comes, boil the beans in a small amount of water until they become soft. Rub the hot beans through a sieve, add the juice of ½ lemon and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. The cooled mixture is the mask for elasticity of the skin of the face. Apply it to the face for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water, and then cold. This procedure will help make the skin elastic, smooth it. This is a good remedy for dry and delicate skin. Beans contain vitamins of group B and magnesium, which nourish the skin.
How to make your skin elastic, they can tell youPractical German women. While baking pies, they certainly manage to take care of their beauty. It's quite simple - yeast can work wonders! Make a mask for facial skin elasticity. For it, you will need 20g of crushed yeast and a drop of warm milk. Mix the ingredients well. Apply the gruel to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Rub the hardened mass into the skin in circular motions. Rinse off with water everything that remains on your face. Raw dough can be used as a mask for body skin elasticity, for example, for the décolleté and neck area. Roll out the raw dough into a scarf and wrap it around your neck. Leave it until it dries. When you remove it, you can wipe the treated area with lemon juice. The result of this remedy for body skin elasticity will be not only matte and elastic, but also narrowed pores. Yeast regulates the sebaceous glands, and its extract is used in the preparation of creams for oily skin. The skin's appearance becomes fresher and more radiant.
Skin elasticity products for the face thatare created on a natural basis with your own hands, have a wonderful property - psychologically you take part in the "creation" of your beauty. After all, the loss of skin elasticity causes internal discomfort associated with the perception of age and the visual sensation of "fading" of youth. Japanese women, for example, make their skin more elastic with 4 tablespoons of almond shavings and a glass of boiled water. Mix the ingredients, keep in mind that the water should be at room temperature. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass. Cleanse your face and apply our mask for facial skin elasticity. Rub in with circular motions and rinse off like a simple scrub. You should do this procedure several times a week. Such a mixture will help restore elasticity to the skin of the face, make it smooth and moisturize it. Almond oil for skin elasticity is used quite often. It smoothes, softens and increases the protective capacity of the lipid barrier. It is suitable for people with sensitive skin prone to irritation. Almond crumbs are rich in protein, which is responsible for skin elasticity.
How to increase the elasticity of the skin of the body withVinegar is known to temperamental Italians. To care for the skin of the neck and décolleté area, use fruit vinegar: grape, apple or lemon (5%). It should be diluted with water 1:1. Voila! Our "lotion" is ready. To give the skin elasticity, just dip a cotton pad or tampon in the cooled liquid and wipe the chest. For the neck, use a bandage. Moisten it in the resulting product and wrap it around the neck, tightly, but not squeezing. But it should be taken into account that fruit vinegar will have a lightening effect on the skin in addition to smoothing. And it can dry out sensitive skin even more, or even cause irritation.
Baths for skin elasticity, compresses and masks
In addition to various lotions and masks, you can alsoпринимать ванны для упругости кожи. Они также способны поднять настроение и позволят расслабиться. Медово-молочная ванна – повысит упругость кожи тела. Возьмите чашку теплого меда и горячее, но не кипяченое, молоко. Как следует размешайте и добавьте 2 ст. ложки розового масла. Размешайте до однообразной консистенции и вылейте в ванну. Длительность процедуры варьируйте по своему усмотрению. Травы для упругости кожи также могут быть эффективными. Приобрести все ингредиенты можно в аптеке. Это удобно, быстро и просто. А если вы разбираетесь в травах, то собрать их самостоятельно не составит никакого труда. Сначала нужно приготовить настойку из трав для упругости кожи. Возьмите тимьян ползучий, донник лекарственный, ромашку лекарственную, листья березы. Эти травы берутся по 1 части. Грыжника голого следует взять 2 части. Все составляющие заварить кипятком и дать настояться. После выливаем в ванну и наше «озеро» красоты и здоровья готово. Вы не только очистите кожу, но и возвратите ей эластичность и упругость. Потерянную упругость кожи поможет вернуть и настойка из мяты, лепестков роз, мелиссы и душицы. Все ингредиенты заливаются кипятком, настаиваются и выливаются в ванну. Для упругости кожи тела, для бодрости и хорошего самочувствия можно принимать минеральные ванны. Достаточно купить большое количество минеральной воды, подогреть ее и вылить в ванну. «Домашнее джакузи» послужит глотком свежего воздуха, как для вашей кожи, так и для вас самих. Повышение упругости кожи тела может быть достигнуто с помощью цитрусовых ванн. Кроме того, они послужат профилактическим средством против ранних морщин. Возьмите апельсины, грейпфруты и лимоны (по 2 штуки каждого фрукта) и выжмите из них сок, который после вылейте в ванну. Вода должна быть комнатной температуры. Как сделать кожу тела упругой при помощи полыни? Можно сделать паровую ванночку. Эта процедура будет способствовать лучшему кровообращению кожи. Возьмите полынь горькую. Нам понадобится 1 столовая ложка мелко нарезанной травы. Заливаем ее 1 литром крутого кипятка и паримся над настойкой. Если кожа сильно сухая, то длительность процедуры 2-3 минуты, следите, чтобы пар не был слишком горячим. Для обладательниц нормальной кожи длительность распаривания можно увеличить до 5 минут. Жирная кожа потребует 8-10 минут распаривания очень горячим паром. Как вернуть упругость коже лица при помощи компресса из лепестков шиповника. Точнее из настойки. Возьмите 3 столовые ложки лепестков, залейте 200 мл кипятка и дайте настояться. Когда настойка остынет, делайте компрессы. Сделать кожу тела упругой помогут контрастные компрессы. Горячий накладываем на 2-4 минуты, после, на 10-15 минут, накладываем холодный. Такая процедура способствует укреплению мышц. Хорошо подходит для кожи лица и шеи. Восстановление упругости кожи лица – это дело не одного дня. Регулярные компрессы из минеральной воды повысят упругость кожи. Накладывать их следует на лицо на 25-30 минут. Кроме всего прочего, такая процедура поможет избавиться от отечности. Можно сделать маску для упругости кожи тела в целом. Потребуется 1 столовая ложка меда, и по 1 столовой ложке овсяных хлопьев и кокосового молока. Тщательно перемешиваем и наносим на предварительно очищенное тело. Длительность маски 30 минут. Начинаем смывать теплой водой, повторно смываем уже прохладной. Чтобы ощутить результативность следует проводить подобную процедуру не менее 3 раз в неделю. Восстановить упругость кожи лица поможет французская маска. В стеклянную или эмалированную посуду влить 1 стакан свежих сливок. Взбить сырое яйцо и добавить в сливки. Выжать сок целого лимона, присоединить его к другим компонентам. 100 г водки и 1 чайную ложку глицерина также добавляем в смесь. Тщательно размешиваем и протираем лицо и шею пред сном. Хранить следует в холодильнике и не более полугода. Как восстановить упругость кожи лица и шеи знает и знаменитая красавица Софи Лорен. Понадобится 100 г сливок и по 1 чайной ложке желатина, меда и глицерина. Желатин необходимо залить сливками на ночь. Утром, разогрев его на слабом огне до полного растворения, добавляем глицерин и мед. Восстановить упругость кожи груди не просто. Но если регулярно делать упражнения и маски, поддерживая тело в тонусе, можно достичь не плохих результатов. Эффект усилят контрастный душ и пилинг. Возьмите 1 столовую ложку натурального йогурта и стружки (или мякоти) кокоса, добавите по 1 ч.л. морской соли и овсяных хлопьев. Все тщательно перемешайте. Нанесите полученную маску на предварительно распаренную кожу груди. Массажными движениями в течение 5-10 минут втирайте пилинг, после смойте все теплой водой. Следует проводить процедуру по 2 раза в неделю на протяжении 3 месяцев.
Essential oils for skin elasticity
Essential oils for skin elasticity are also veryeffective. Different oils produce different effects and should be used according to the instructions. We will only name some of them, and you will make your own choice. Among the oils for skin elasticity, the following can be named:
- Anise. Tones, good antiseptic, promotes elasticity of the skin, effective for insomnia.
- Orange. Stimulates blood circulation and renews the skin. Smoothes wrinkles.
- Valerian. Relieves irritation and smoothes wrinkles.
- Carnation. Has a rejuvenating effect.
- Essential oil for the elasticity of the skin of grapefruit fruits tightens and tones the skin.
- Spruce. Tones up muscle tissue, restores strength.
- Incense. Smoothes wrinkles, helps to rejuvenate aging skin.
- Mandarin. Moisturizes, smoothes, improves color and tones.
- Myrrh. Powerful rejuvenating effect.
Wraps for skin elasticity
Wraps for skin elasticity are also a good ideauseful. The Indians were the first in the world to guess the miraculous effect that regular chocolate has on the human body. Increased skin elasticity occurs due to elastin and collagen, which, under the influence of chocolate, begin to be produced even more intensively. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and soft. Caffeine, which is part of chocolate, normalizes metabolism, helps to get rid of age spots, and reduces the appearance of cellulite. This procedure can be carried out at home, replacing cosmetic chocolate with cocoa powder. Without the help of a specialist, it is better to carry out wrapping on individual parts of the body, on the most problematic ones. If you have any chronic diseases, it is better not to carry out such manipulations without consulting a doctor. Chocolate wrap for skin elasticity is done as follows: for half a liter of hot water (exclusively!) take 200 grams of powder. Dilute well. Pre-cleanse the skin, and then apply the resulting mask to the body. Cover with cling film on top, and then with a sheet. Wrap yourself in a blanket as well, this will create a thermal effect. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes, then take a shower and apply a moisturizer. Which of the proposed options is closer to you, it is up to you to decide. Some will like oils, others will like masks. In any case, even if you do not have the opportunity to visit beauty salons, you can take care of your health yourself. And this is already the first step to soft, silky and elastic skin. Be beautiful and attractive! We recommend reading: