How to become beautiful again after giving birth?Here we will give some tips thatwill help you to be healthy, cheerful, maintain normal lactation, thereby ensuring the health of your child. The first thing you definitely need is sleep. If your child is very restless, ask your husband to replace you as a night nurse, at least every other day, giving you the opportunity to get enough sleep. If the baby sleeps normally at night and you do not need to sleep with him during the day, do not put the stroller on the balcony or loggia with a sleeping child, and if it is possible to take the stroller outside, then be sure to try to walk with the child yourself. You will not be able to do all the chores at home while the baby is sleeping, but movement and fresh air will add strength, energy, health and good mood to you. A woman should always remain a woman, both when she is expecting a child, and especially when she has already become a mother.

Body care

body care after childbirthFirst of all, don't forget about personal hygiene.After childbirth, sweating increases. Therefore, you need to wash more often and more thoroughly than usual, at least twice a day under a warm shower. The water should be warm - 34-35 ° C. After taking a shower, rub your body with a terry towel - this speeds up blood circulation and improves well-being. You can use deodorants. After 6-8 weeks, you can take baths for 15-20 minutes, but not very hot. Baths from herbal and flower decoctions have a therapeutic effect, raise overall tone, improve mood, enhance blood circulation and metabolism. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs at home: 1 kg of finely chopped fresh herbs or 300 g of dry herbs are poured with 3-4 liters of cold water, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. After 10 minutes of removing from heat, strain the solution through two layers of gauze and add to the water in the bath. Here are some recipes for herbal baths:

  • General strengthening and stimulating actionhave baths with decoction of chamomile mixture (4 parts), seabuckthorn fruit (5 parts), field horsetail (3 parts), pine needles (12 parts), birch leaves (5 parts), nettles (3 parts), mother-and-stepmother (6 parts), strawberry leaves (6 parts).
  • It cleanses the skin, eliminates bad odor,reduces sweating bath with a decoction of a mixture of leaves of birch, St. John's wort, raspberry, peppermint, mountain ash, sage, oak bark, yarrow, cowberry, rose petals, taken in equal parts.
  • Bath with decoction of a mixture of lime blossoms (1 part),leaves of currant (2 parts), peppermint (3 parts), hops (1 part), chamomile (3 parts), turns (1 part), horsetail (1 part) is recommended for dry skin. It softens the skin and gives it elasticity.
  • For oily skin prone to acne and acne,a mixture of plantain (1 part), calendula (2 parts), St. John's Wort (1 part), thyme (2 parts), chamomile (1 part), juniper (1 part). Baths from broth of ferns are especially recommended for women, whose skin on the abdomen, chest, hips after pregnancy and childbirth lost elasticity.
  • It is not a bad idea to do a salt treatment 1-2 times a month.cleansing the skin of the body. Mix 350 g of table salt with 0.5 cup of cream. Using a cotton swab or sponge, rub the mixture into the skin in circular motions. Rub especially carefully the keratinized areas - elbows, knees, feet. Rinse under the shower first with hot and then with cool water. Lightly pat the body dry with a towel and apply nourishing cream to the still damp skin.

Bathing and swimming in running water, a lake or the sea is possible provided that the water is warm and clean enough. Refreshing moderate swimming is always good for a woman.

Hand care

You need to take special care of your hands.The baby's skin is tender, sensitive and very vulnerable, it can easily become infected. Therefore, wash your hands with hot water and soap, and clean under your nails with a special brush. Be sure to do this every time before feeding your newborn and before eating. Pay attention to the condition of your nails: long ones will only get in your way, break off, and you can scratch your baby with them. Use a nail file to periodically give them the desired shape. It is advisable to do a manicure, but it is not at all necessary to cover your nails with varnish, since it is unlikely to hold due to frequent washing. If the skin on your hands has become dry and your nails have begun to break, do hand baths 1-2 times a week: from warm vegetable oil with the addition of vitamin A, 3 drops of iodine or 5 drops of lemon juice; from sea or table salt; with glycerin (add 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of ammonia to 2 liters of water); with soda (50 g per 1 l of water). After the bath, lubricate your wet hands with a rich cream and massage, then remove excess cream with a paper napkin. Do not throw away squeezed lemon or cucumber peel - wipe your hands with them. Regular rubbing of a special nail cream with bioactive multivitamin concentrates into the nail plate and around the nail fold has a good therapeutic effect. Nails are strengthened, their color and shine are restored.

Feet care

foot care after deliveryA woman, when there is a small child in the house,spends almost the entire day on her feet. She may develop dilated veins in her lower extremities and flat feet. If you used to wear high-heeled shoes and now switch exclusively to flat-soled house slippers, then your calf muscles almost certainly hurt, your posture has changed, and flat feet have developed. Perhaps you should wear wedge-heeled house slippers and wear comfortable, stable high-heeled shoes when going outside. This way you will be less tired. In addition to daily washing, your feet can be massaged with a hard terry towel from the foot up, with the foot firmly and the knees and hips - weaker. Women with dilated veins on their legs and with pronounced nodes should not have a massage without a doctor's permission. To prevent varicose veins, it is recommended to lie down with your legs elevated for 15-20 minutes several times a day. If venous nodes appear, rest should be extended to 30-45 minutes. If you have long-term swelling and dilated veins in your legs, you should see a doctor. When your legs are buzzing from fatigue, make a foot bath from an infusion of mint, hemp and elderberry, it is good to add a decoction of chamomile, mint, coltsfoot. After the bath, lubricate your feet with cream - it has a softening, antiseptic, deodorizing and wound-healing effect. For roughness and cracks on your heels, do soda baths every night, and for sweaty feet, baths from a decoction of oak bark, sage and nettle. Before going to bed, it is useful to knead and massage your feet to relieve tension. You can do this with the help of your husband or on your own. This exercise also helps: for several minutes, lift a handkerchief or pencil from the floor with your toes and lower it again. It is advisable to get a pedicure at least once a month, then your feet will look even more beautiful and well-groomed.

Skin Care

facial after birthUnfortunately, many women believe thatухаживать за кожей лица и шеи можно, только посещая салоны красоты. А поскольку после родов женщины вынуждены, в основном, находиться дома, то все заботы о своем лице они откладывают «на потом», считая, что сейчас главное для них — это ребенок, и ничего больше. Иногда женщины прикрываются этой «философией», оправдывая неумение правильно организовать режим дня и свой быт. Именно в послеродовой период меняется гормональный фон женщины и многие физиологические процессы, может стать иным количество подкожно-жировой клетчатки. Кормящая женщина теряет с грудным молоком немало белков, минеральных солей и воды, часто недосыпает. Повышается физическая и психологическая нагрузка на ее организм, резко изменяется режим дня и жизненный стереотип. Все это может привести к уменьшению упругости кожи, ее эластичности, к появлению сухости и морщин. А ведь гигиенический и профилактический уход за кожей лица и шеи требует совсем незначительных затрат времени: 5-10 минут Утром и 10-15 минут вечером. Общие принципы ежедневного ухода за кожей всегда одинаковы и не зависят от типа кожи. Это очищение, увлажнение, питание и защита. Порой женщины тратят много времени, сил и денег для того, чтобы приобрести чудодейственное импортное средство для ухода за кожей. И при этом выбрасывают остатки натуральных продуктов питания, которые во много раз благотворнее действуют на кожу, чем любые «заморские» средства. Итак, утром вы проснулись и приступили к приготовлению завтрака. Осмотритесь вокруг: вас окружает прекрасная кладовая косметических средств. Не спешите вымыть баночку или бутылочку из-под майонеза или меда, кефира или простокваши, выбросить коробочку из-под сметаны или творога — на их стенках осталось достаточное количество продукта для косметической маски. Подержите ее 10-15 минут, затем смойте теплой водой и 1-2 минуты помассируйте руками или полотенцем (похлопывая) кожу под подбородком. Ополосните лицо холодной водой, лучше кипяченой. На влажную кожу нанесите крем, соответствующий типу вашей кожи. Через 2-3 минуты удалите избыток крема салфеткой или полотенцем. Все эти процедуры можно выполнить «между делом», не отводя на них какого-то специального времени. А макияж? «Какой там макияж с грудным ребенком? — ответят многие женщины. — И раньше-то не было времени этим заниматься!». Советуем тем женщинам, которые до родов пользовались декоративной косметикой, и теперь делать макияж, но только более легкий и менее заметный. Слегка подкрасьте глаза и губы, наложите светлые тени и легкий румянец. Видимо, нецелесообразно в это время пользоваться тональными кремами, которые закрывают кожные поры, усиливают потоотделение на лице. Кроме того, резкий запах крема, так же как и духов, может раздражать обоняние вашего ребенка. Для вечернего очищения жирной кожи можно просто умыться с мылом. Если у вас сухая кожа, используйте лосьон или косметическое молочко. Затем нанесите на лицо питательный крем, излишки которого через 5-10 минут снимите салфеткой. Не оставляйте на лице толстый слой крема на ночь. Он действует как согревающий компресс, затрудняет дыхательную и выделительную функцию кожи. Во время беременности часто на лбу и щеках появляются коричневые пятна хлоазмы. Особенно предрасположены к этому женщины, у которых много веснушек. Хлоазмы после родов обычно исчезают. Однако если они не обесцветились полностью, пользоваться специальными отбеливающими косметическими средствами нельзя, они имеют лекарственные добавки, которые с молоком матери переходят в организм малыша. В это время для выведения таких пятен можно использовать только натуральные продукты.

  • A good whitening effect is possessed by masks fromjuice of fresh berries: viburnum, red and black currant. A napkin moistened with berry juice, hold on the skin for 10 minutes, then moisten the napkin again and repeat the procedure. Mashed unripe berries can be mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and make a mask for 30 minutes, and then moisten the skin with diluted lemon juice. With oily skin, freshly made vine juice is mixed with beaten egg whites (1: 1) and apply on face. The duration of the mask is 30 minutes.
  • Help mask from berries strawberries and vegetables (cucumbers or tomatoes). Kashitsu from the fruit is applied to the face and after 20-30 minutes washed off with infusion of lime flowers (2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water).
  • A mask made from onions is good for dry andnormal skin: mix freshly squeezed onion juice with honey (1:1), soak a napkin, apply to the face and hold for 15-20 minutes. Wiping the skin with rice broth twice a day also has a whitening and toning effect, and after drying - with cucumber lotion. If you have a lot of freckles, it is useful to wash your face with horseradish juice diluted with water (1:1).
  • For pigment spots you can usewith wine vinegar lotions combined with a sour milk mask: soak a cotton or gauze pad in a 6% solution of wine vinegar and apply to the stain. After 10 minutes, remove the pad and apply a sour milk mask (1/4 cup) mixed with a teaspoon of wheat flour. The first week, do the procedure daily, then every other day, and when the stain becomes lighter - once a week. This mask can be alternated with a radish mask, apply a small amount of nourishing cream to the face, carefully place radish slices on the stains. After 30 minutes, wipe the face with cool milk.
  • A good whitening effect is lemon. With pronounced pigmentation, we recommend alternating honey honey-lemon lotions and masks of lemon juice, milk and yeast every other day. To make a lotion mix the juice of 1 lemon with 2 tablespoons of honey. Saturate this mixture with a gauze napkin, put on face and hold it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. In order to make a mask, you need to dilute 25 g of yeast with 1 tablespoon of milk, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on face and after 20 minutes wash it off with warm water, and then wipe the face with ice from parsley broth (2 tablespoons of leaves boil in 300 ml of water, cool, filter). The course of treatment is 15-20 procedures.
  • It is also good at macula and freckles to lubricate the skin with carrot juice 2 times a day. After drying, rinse with water and milk (1 tablespoon of milk per 1 cup of water).

On a clear sunny day before going outsideapply sunscreen to your skin, wear a wide-brimmed hat. We have specially offered you a wide range of products that a housewife always has at one time or another of the year, so that you can take care of your facial skin, choosing the most suitable recipes for you. Teeth also require your attention, since the mother's body gives a lot of fluoride and calcium to the "construction" of the fetus's bones. It is not surprising that after childbirth, many women begin to have pain, crumble and fall out teeth. It is good if your diet includes fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, cottage cheese and other products containing phosphorus and calcium. At the first signs of tooth decay, consult a dentist. If you have gained excess weight during pregnancy or after the birth of your child, we suggest you read the article "Have you started to gain weight?" Here we talk about what physical exercises you need to do and how to eat right to get in shape. We recommend reading:

