Newborn baby Parents expecting to see a pink angel,probably will be shocked by the sight of a newborn baby. Nine months of stay in the amniotic fluid and several tens of hours of contraction in the contracting uterus, as well as in a close birth canal, should have an impact on the kind of child. The children born with the help of Caesarean section look different. Fortunately, the babies grow and change very quickly, and a month later you will see a real angel in the crib.

  • Child's head

The fetal head, relative to the rest of the body,corresponding to the circumference of the thorax. Later, as the child grows, the rest of the trunk increases faster, and the proportions change. During passage through the canal of the pelvis, the head contracts and changes shape, takes the form of a pointed cone. The pressure of the partially uncovered cervix causes a further change in shape - an edema appears on the cerebellum, called a generic tumor. This swelling disappears within one or two days, the conical shape will disappear within two weeks.

  • Hair

Hair covering the head of a newborn,are just a likeness of hair, which will grow later. Some newborns are just bald, others have an impressive mane. Most, however, have a delicate hairline. The hair of the newborn period will gradually fall out and be replaced with new hair.

  • Generic grease

It is believed that a layer of gray matter,Covering the skin of the fetus, is designed to protect against long-acting amniotic fluid. Newborns that are born prematurely have a thicker layer of ointment, the transferred children have almost none at all, except for the folds of the skin and the places under the nails.

  • Appearance of the genitals

In newborns, both men's andfemale genitalia, especially expressive genital organs of boys, born with the help of caesarean section. The nipples can be the nipples of newborns of both sexes. Sometimes even a pink substance called "sorcerer's milk" is released, as a result of the action of the mother's sex hormones. These hormones can also cause milky white or even bloody vaginal discharge in girls. These phenomena are normal and disappear within a week or 10 days.

  • Lanungo

Thin, fluffy hair, called lanungo,can cover the shoulders, back, forehead, whiskey full-term children. Usually they fall out during the first week of life. In preterm infants, these hair are usually more abundant and retained longer.

  • Swelling around the eyes

Edema around the eyes of a newborn is often causedapplication immediately after the birth of eye drops that protect against infection. Usually within a few days it disappears. The eyes of children are almost always blue, regardless of the later color.

  • Stigma on the skin and skin damage

Very often after birth, red spots appearat the base of the skull, on the eyelids, on the forehead, called "fateful" spots. These stigmata usually disappear at the age of four. Vascular tumors (angiomas) - stigmata of strawberry color, borne above the skin level can be of various sizes - from small points to large ones, even very large ones. Sometimes they can pale to a pearly gray hue or disappear altogether. Stigmas of coffee color with milk can appear on the skin in each period of life and do not turn pale. You can also observe the redness of small pimples and other skin changes, eventually disappearing.

Emotional connection of the mother with the newborn

newborn baby There is a theory by which the emotional connectionmothers with a newborn is established in the postpartum period due to the manifestation of certain brain functions. On the basis of this theory, the researchers concluded that separating the newborn from the mother immediately after birth makes it difficult to establish mental connections between them in the first period. Today, in many hospitals, mothers are allowed to keep children with them after childbirth, to take care of them from 10 minutes to one hour and even more, instead of the complete isolation practiced earlier. But, as often happens with the popularization of good ideas, the very idea of ​​creating and retaining emotional connections has caused a different interpretation and even some abuses that distort the very idea. Mothers who were born surgically and who could not see their child after childbirth were nervous, believing that later their relationship along the line of the parents - the child would be impossible to restore. Some very excitable parents, whose children had to be in the intensive care unit for several days or weeks, tried to use the slightest opportunity to establish contact with children. Some of these nervous parents tried to get in touch with children in all possible and impossible ways and insisted on these contacts even in cases when it was associated with an increased risk for the child. Of course, the establishment of an emotional connection between mother and child in the postpartum ward is desirable. This very first meeting between the mother and her offspring gives them both a chance to establish a direct contact - the skin to the skin, eyes to the eyes. This is the first step in the development of a strong parental feelings. But only the first! And does not mean that this should happen at the time of delivery. This can happen later, on a hospital bed or through a hole in the incubator window, or even after a week, already at home. Mothers who had the opportunity to establish such direct contact with the first child and did not have such an opportunity with the second, usually do not notice the difference in mutual relations with both children. Parents of foster children, who most often did not see the children until the moment when they take the child from the hospital (and sometimes later), quite manage to establish close emotional ties with these children. Some specialists are firmly convinced that in fact, until the second half of the first year of the child's life, physical contact does not yet play a significant role. Of course, this process is complicated, and emotional contacts are not established in a few minutes. But it is never too late to begin to establish contacts that draw people closer together. Unfortunately, in the modern world, there are sometimes problems of mother-infant relationships, especially in very young mothers. This feeling of alienation is all the stronger, the more difficult the delivery was. Young mother has to spend a lot of time and patience to overcome the internal conflict. Love at first sight flares up only in novels, in life everything is somewhat different. In order to have this kind of feelings, remaining for life, it is necessary to spend a lot of time, effort and patience. And if we talk about the mutual feelings between a newborn and his parents, then the same rules apply as in the emergence of feelings between a man and a woman. The physical closeness of the child and mother in the first hours after birth does not guarantee the instant appearance of emotional intimacy. The appearance of feelings is not as rapid and obvious as postpartum changes in the mother's body. And we should not think that in the very first seconds after birth, unlimited motherly love will break out. In fact, the first sensations of a woman after the termination of childbirth are more a feeling of relief than love, especially if the birth was difficult. This feeling of relief, caused by the fact that the birth is finally over. And there is nothing abnormal in that a crying and reacting newborn child is perceived by the mother as something completely alien, and, in any case, is not at all perceived as a pleasant phenomenon. The conducted studies show that it takes an average of about two weeks (sometimes this process stretches for months to ten), so that the mother has the first tender feelings for the child. The reaction of a woman to her child in the moments of the first intimacy depends on many factors: on the duration and severity of childbirth, on whether the mother was exposed to narcotic drugs during childbirth, from the previous experience (if any). This also depends on the attitude to the issue of the appearance of a child in your life, from the relationship with the husband and from a number of other reasons that can upset the young mother, as well as on the state of health and very much, perhaps, to a very large extent on your character. Some of the most subtle feelings develop very slowly. Give the opportunity to your child and yourself to understand your feelings, allow your mutual love to develop in a natural and unhurried manner. If after 2-3 weeks you can not establish close emotional contact with the child, and even vice versa, irritation and dislocation increase, consultation with a pediatrician and a psychologist is necessary. We advise you to read:

