home-made mayonnaise Mayonnaise is used in almost all dishes: salads, snacks, sandwiches, liver cakes. Many people simply do not represent their lives without it and eat it with everything: with fish, cutlets, chops, borscht and soups. Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of this product, which sometimes takes up more than one shelf on the shelves in supermarkets. But homemade mayonnaise, cooked by own hands, will be better than what is sold in stores. First, it does not contain preservatives, which are crammed with its "relatives", and secondly, you will always be assured of the quality of your dish. You will not spend a lot of time doing homemade mayonnaise, because all recipes are very simple and do not require special skill. Therefore, if you want to eat healthy and healthy food, we suggest that you take into consideration the following recipes.

Mayonnaise at home

Do not know how to make mayonnaise at home? It's very simple: read this recipe, go to the store and buy the necessary products, then mix and dress your favorite dishes with sauce. Ingredients:

  • 700 milliliters of vegetable oil
  • three tablespoons of lemon juice
  • one small spoonful of salt, the same amount of mustard
  • 10 grams of sugar
  • three chicken proteins

Cooking method: Home-made mayonnaise is prepared in just five minutes, but it will not have to be doubted in its quality. So, combine in one deep pial of chicken proteins, sugar, mustard, and also salt and lemon juice. Now you need to whip all the ingredients to uniformity - you can use a kitchen knife, but better - a blender. When finished, pour the vegetable oil into the resulting sauce with a thin stream and turn on the electric appliance again. As a result, you must have a dense mass without lumps. If the dish seems too thick, dilute it with a small amount of cold, but necessarily boiled water, and again mix everything well. Now you know how to make homemade mayonnaise, with which the taste of your dishes will play in a completely new way! Believe and check!

Mayonnaise "Home" using yolks

We offer to make an appetizing homemade mayonnaise notbased on proteins, as in the previous recipe, but with the use of chicken yolks. By the way, for its preparation you need mustard. If you want to give the dish a sharp taste, buy a sharp, if not, take a softer product (even grainy). Ingredients:

  • yolk - two pieces
  • 120 milliliters of sunflower oil (use refined) oils
  • a tablespoon of sour lemon juice
  • half a small spoonful of sugar, as much mustard
  • add salt to your taste

Cooking method: Before you start the cooking process, get the necessary dishes: a clean spoon, a deep bowl or a plate, a special kitchen whisk. If you have a blender or mixer, we recommend that you whip all the ingredients of mayonnaise with one of these devices. In this case, you can achieve the ideal consistency of your dish. When the preparation is complete, separate the chicken proteins from the yolks and transfer them to another bowl. Now add to them a specified amount of mustard and granulated sugar, put salt on your own. Whip all the ingredients with a whisk; when not a single lump remains, and the mass will acquire a uniform light beige color, gradually pour in the oil. It depends on it the density and density of the future mayonnaise, so if the consistency of the dish does not suit you, you can add a little more sunflower product. Turn on the mixer and whisk the mixture thoroughly, then add the lemon juice and mix several more times. Ready mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator no longer than four to five days, keep this in mind! If you overdid it with vegetable oil, as a result of which the dish was too thick, add a little boiled water to it. In the same way, act in case of excess lumps: diluting mayonnaise and stirring well, you can get rid of them. mayonnaise home

Mayonnaise in milk without eggs

There is a huge variety of differentways to prepare mayonnaise: on sour cream, with or without eggs, with olive or vegetable oil, with herbs or nuts. Great culinary experts have unlimited imagination and every day come up with new versions of the sauce, which are then shared with the rest of the people. We will tell you about one of the most interesting recipes: this time we propose to make mayonnaise on the basis of milk without chicken eggs. Would you like to try? Then go for it! Ingredients:

  • 100 milliliters of pasteurized milk (you can use home, but pre-boil it and cool it)
  • any vegetable oil - 150 milliliters
  • table salt - to taste
  • two tablespoons of sharp mustard
  • half a lemon (two large spoons of juice will be needed)

Cooking method: Pour milk into a small pan, put it on a stove and warm it up a little. However, the product should not boil! After you enter the vegetable oil and stir well. Put here also mustard, a few pinch of table salt and lemon juice. Mix whisk the mixture thoroughly with a whisk or a special kitchen appliance such as a blender or mixer. Put the mayonnaise in the refrigerator - when it cools down, you can safely use it for salad dressing or cooking other dishes. Today, supermarkets sell ready-made lemon juice in jars, but we still recommend using a regular fresh fruit. So it will be much more useful and tasty! Let's notice that, having added to a mayonnaise, prepared by own hand, this or that ingredient, you will receive an incredibly appetizing sauce. Try these supplements:

  • Finely chop garlic or crush it with a special press and mix with mayonnaise. Refueling is ideal for both meat and fish dishes;
  • Vegetable salad can be made with cheese sauce. To do this, grate the product on a medium grater and combine with the ingredients specified in the recipe;
  • Mayonnaise with fresh herbs, previously finely chopped, will perfectly complement the taste of fried or stewed fish;
  • For dishes of Mediterranean cuisine, you can use a sauce with green olives and lemon zest.

As you can see, even the most common recipe for homemade mayonnaise can be played in a new way. Cook with pleasure and boldly bring in the dish your adjustments, because every housewife is her own cook!

Mayonnaise in Swedish style

To make a Swedish mayonnaise, you will need a microwave oven. This dish is different from all the previous ones, and you will now understand what it is. Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of delicious mayonnaise
  • half a glass of apple jam
  • four tablespoons of fresh horseradish (it will have to be grated on a grater)

Cooking method: As you can see, this dish includes the usual shop mayonnaise, but thanks to other ingredients it acquires a completely new and original taste and can rightfully be called "home". First, peel the horseradish and grate it with thin strips on the grater, then mix with apple jam and enter the delicious mayonnaise. Whisk the mixture until smooth and shake in a refrigerator. If you want to give the dish a pronounced sour-sweet taste, put a little more horseradish than indicated in the recipe. In addition, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. This sauce perfectly matches both with hot, and with cold meat or fish dishes. mayonnaise home recipe

Spicy mayonnaise with curry at home

This mayonnaise is suitable for any meat or fish dish. If you love spices, then this recipe you will definitely have to your liking. Ingredients:

  • one egg yolk
  • Boiled water and mustard - at your discretion
  • 150 milliliters of oil (olive or other vegetable)
  • salt and vinegar to your taste
  • two tablespoons ground curry
  • sugar - on request

Cooking method: We did not specifically specify the required amount of salt and mustard, as each person has his own taste, so add these products according to personal preferences. As for ingredients such as water and vinegar, the same principle works here: if you want the mayonnaise not to be too thick, pour more liquid, and the vinegar will add acid to the sauce, so it should not be too much. When preparing, break the egg and put the protein in one bowl (you can make "Gogol-mogol" from it), and the yolk into another. Then the latter combine with the table salt, stirring everything well, gradually enter the vegetable oil, pouring it out with a small stream. For a second, do not stop working with a whisk, because you should get a perfectly homogeneous mixture. If it seems very thick or, say, the oil does not mix, add a small amount of vinegar and water (necessarily boiled). At your taste, season the dish with sugar, salt, mustard and, if you want, with ground pepper - curry is introduced at the very end. Within three or four minutes, whisk the resulting mass until you get rid of the lumps and do not achieve a uniform color. Mayonnaise, cooked at home, of course, is not stored for as long as its store counterpart, but this is all the charm - the dish does not contain preservatives and does not harm your health.

Mayonnaise with cucumber brine

This sauce is quite high-calorie and not the mosta useful product, and nutritionists do not recommend it to eat in large quantities, so try to season salads with ordinary vegetable oil. But sometimes you can pamper yourself. Here for such fleeting weaknesses we have prepared for you a simple recipe. We propose to make mayonnaise with our own hands, this is not a long procedure, which takes no more than five to ten minutes of precious time. But such a product significantly wins the taste of its store counterpart. Ingredients:

  • 400 milliliters of olive oil
  • 40 grams of not too sharp mustard
  • yolk - two pieces
  • small table spoon of vinegar
  • five grams of table salt
  • one and a half teaspoons of sugar
  • slightly less glass of cucumber marinade (you can use pickle from tomatoes)

Cooking method: Very carefully beat whisk egg yolks, and then add to them mustard, granulated sugar and table salt. Several times mix all the ingredients well and start to pour olive oil slowly, and after it, your vinegar should take its rightful place (use ten percent). At the very end, add cucumber brine and work for five minutes to make a homogeneous mass of light beige. If you have a blender, a mixer or a food processor, use these appliances, because with them you can whip the food just perfectly, and the consistency cooked with their help dish will not differ from the mayonnaise that stand on the shelves of stores. We have already mentioned that this product is quite caloric. But there are no desperate situations, so if you are worried about your figure and at the same time can not deny yourself the pleasure of eating one or two tablespoons of this sauce, suggest the following trick. Dressing with mayonnaise salads, dilute it with fat-free natural yoghurt or sour cream in a ratio of 50 to 50. Thanks to these simple actions, the calorie content of the dish will be almost halved, and you can enjoy your favorite food without harm to your waist.

Walnut mayonnaise for meat dishes

Mayonnaise of nuts with cranberry and lemon juiceIdeal as a filling for hot steak from beef or pork. He will give the meat juiciness and extraordinary piquancy. If you are going to fry on the nature barbecue, be sure to prepare this dish and grab it with you. We guarantee that the picnic will be held on "Hurray!" Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of crushed walnuts
  • four tablespoons of any (at your choice) vegetable oil
  • a large spoonful of lemon juice
  • the same amount of cranberry sauce

Cooking method: For this dish, we recommend using walnuts. There are two ways: cook it, fry nuts on a dry frying pan, or add fresh ones. Try both options, then you can objectively judge which of the two flavors suits you best. So, first clean the nuts, and then, wrapping them in a clean towel, so as not to scatter anything, rastolkite with a rolling pin. Then pour them with vegetable oil, mix several times and enter the lemon and cranberry juice. This mayonnaise is not stored for long, so use it immediately after preparation, otherwise the dish will spoil, and you will not have time to enjoy its taste.

Mayonnaise according to Polish recipe

For lovers of mayonnaise, we offer one more original recipe for Polish cuisine. Ingredients:

  • 120 grams of wheat flour
  • three chicken eggs
  • a small piece of butter or fat (you need to pass the flour)
  • 30 grams of granulated sugar
  • 15 grams of table salt
  • 300 milliliters of oil (take any vegetable, but it is better if it is olive)
  • 30 grams of ordinary vinegar
  • three glasses of cooled boiled water
  • 10 grams of any mustard

Cooking method: To mix mayonnaise to homogeneity, it was easy for you, you need to use freshly sifted flour, since it does not get stuck in lumps, and you do not have to be nervous about it. First you need to sift the wheat flour for seven minutes. This can be done on animal fat, if any, or in butter. Fry the product, constantly stirring with a spoon, for five to seven minutes, but not longer, otherwise you will spoil the flour and all have to start again. Then in the same bowl, pour the boiling water along with the table vinegar, mix thoroughly and hold on the plate for another quarter of an hour until a third of the liquid evaporates. After the resulting mixture (it should be very thick), dilute the remaining water and cool it a little, after draining the remaining liquid. In chicken yolks, pre-whipped with a fork or a halo, pour out the sugar and salt, add mustard and thoroughly rub all the ingredients. Now gradually pour out all the vegetable oil, whisk again - and the dish is ready! Cover it with a special food film and store it in the refrigerator in this form.

Sweet mayonnaise with currant berries

Sweet mayonnaise with red currant berries you are notmeet in any supermarket. Such a unique and original dish can be prepared only by yourself, and this recipe will help you in this. You probably will be interested in what mixes the sauce with. It is perfect for grilled meat - it's better if it's a juicy beef steak. Supplement the feast with a glass of dry wine, and a great mood is guaranteed to you. After all, delicious food can work wonders! Ingredients:

  • two eggs (only chicken yolks will be needed)
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 50 grams of red currant
  • salt - at your discretion
  • small spoon of sharp mustard
  • 15 grams of granulated sugar

Cooking method: Carefully washed currants, free from tails and leaves and dry. To do this, spread berries on a clean kitchen towel, and then wipe through a sieve. You can use a blender - so you will spend a lot less time, plus fruit puree will get more homogeneous. Now whisk the whites with whisk and combine them with mustard (even grainy), then add the salt, the amount of sugar and currant specified in the recipe. Take the mixer and whip them all the ingredients, and in the resulting mass, enter the vegetable oil, pouring it slowly, in small portions. A few more times turn on the kitchen appliance to make homemade mayonnaise as homogeneous as possible. Put the dish in the fridge and try to use it completely for four days - then its taste will change, as you understand, not for the better. After all, this sauce, unlike mayonnaise, which is sold in stores, does not contain preservatives, and therefore is not stored for long. homemade mayonnaise recipe

Italian mayonnaise for meat salads

If you, for example, cooked meat for cookingsome dish and do not know where to put the rest of the broth (because it seems to pity and pity, and you can not find use), do not torment yourself with unnecessary questions. Just make from it mayonnaise - its recipe is very simple. Ingredients:

  • refined vegetable oil - 650 milliliters
  • three small eggs
  • 250 milliliters of broth
  • 30 milliliters of vinegar (take the usual table)
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • salt - 10 grams

Cooking method: So, take ready-made broth (or boil a piece of meat and give the liquid time to cool) and proceed to the direct preparation of mayonnaise. Proteins stir with a fork, then lead them to a little table vinegar and not too spicy mustard. In small portions add refined oil without stopping and working in the same direction. After the mass is thick enough, dilute it with vinegar, pre-mixed in half with water (in the absence of meat beef), or with broth, as required by the recipe. Salt, as well as sugar, put it at your own discretion, then rub the mayonnaise until all the lumps and butter have left. This dressing is ideal for hearty meat salads, for example, for olivier. Also, it is perfectly combined with a shish kebab, roast beef or pork.

Mayonnaise with home-style starch

We told you about the home-made mayonnaise, forthe preparation of which only needs to mix all the ingredients. This recipe is somewhat different from the previous ones - in this case the sauce will have to be cooked. But it does not take much time - you will spend about fifteen minutes. Ingredients:

  • 250 milliliters of normal medium-fat milk
  • a tablespoon of vegetable non-fat oil
  • table vinegar - optional
  • homemade egg - one piece
  • one tablespoon of potato starch
  • salt - according to personal preferences

Cooking method: At the initial stage, combine the potato starch and table salt, then pour both products into the already beaten egg mixture and mix well. Put on a quiet fire pasteurized milk, as soon as it is slightly warmed, pour oil and other ingredients to it. Constantly stir it with a spoon and so cook it for about six minutes. Then lightly cool, season with table vinegar (enter it a little, every time trying to taste, otherwise mayonnaise will turn out too sour), if you want, you can add mustard and a few pinch of sugar. At the very end, whisk the mixture with a whisk and place it on the top shelf in the fridge. We hope that these recipes will help you in preparing delicious, exquisite and original dishes. In addition, with this sauce, the dishes will be more useful and less caloric. Finally, we will give a few tips that will be useful to every mistress: To make the juicy steak or shish kebab even tastier, serve it with mayonnaise made at home, supplemented with a mixture of herbs or special spices. We recommend the use of cumin, thyme, rosemary, as well as marjoram, fragrant or ground pepper and more. Do you want to give the sauce a "playful" and colorful look? Add the mayonnaise cooked beets, grated on a medium-sized grater. With this bright colored sauce you can decorate the dish with fish, crab, shrimp. Cheese baked in the oven, or grilled chicken, and also avocados are perfectly combined with mayonnaise - just add to it not ordinary, but tender granular mustard. Exactly the same sauce, mixed with cooked celery, will perfectly complement the taste of turkey, ham, fried beef or salmon. We advise you to read:

