Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are one ofthe most common troubles that bother expectant mothers. Hemorrhoids occur in about every second pregnant woman, however, unfortunately, few of them seek help from a doctor, experiencing a strong feeling of embarrassment. However, this is not the best option, since the disease can take such an advanced and complex form of the course that it will turn a woman's life into continuous torment. And it will be much more difficult to cure it - most likely, surgical intervention will be required. Until recently, doctors believed that hemorrhoids are nothing more than varicose veins located in the anus. However, the most recent studies show that it is not the veins that expand, but the cavernous bodies - vascular plexuses located in the anus. As a rule, hemorrhoids do not begin to develop just like that, without the presence of certain provoking factors. There are quite a few such factors that provoke the development of hemorrhoids - these include:
- A sedentary lifestyle of a person, bearing in medicine the name of hypodynamia.
- The presence in the diet of fatty and spicy food, the use of alcoholic beverages.
- Excess weight of a sick person, presence of liver diseases and gastrointestinal tract.
- Genetic factor - hereditary predisposition to this disease.
- Heavy physical labor, especially associated with lifting weights.
- Pregnancy of a woman, especially her second half - after the fifth month.
Very often hemorrhoids, never beforebothering a woman, makes itself known for the first time during pregnancy, usually in the second half, when the size of the expectant mother's tummy begins to increase rapidly. And if hemorrhoids made themselves known before pregnancy, they will certainly make themselves known with double force. By the way. Doctors say that women who become pregnant again experience all the "delights" of this disease about five times more often than women giving birth for the first time.
Causes of hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman
Very often pregnant women ask their doctorthe question of why they are so susceptible to developing hemorrhoids. And their question is not without meaning - there are a number of circumstances and physiological characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman that make her very vulnerable and prone to developing hemorrhoids. What are these reasons?
- Increased size of the uterus
As the baby grows, the uterusincreases in size. Because of this, normal blood flow in the lower part of the body, and primarily in the pelvic organs, is significantly hampered. As a result, blood stagnation develops, the tone of the vessel walls decreases. Of course, the vascular plexuses located in the anus will not be slow to expand. This explains the fact that most often hemorrhoids make themselves known already in the second half of pregnancy, when the uterus becomes large enough.
- Constipation
As you know, another very pressing issueconstipation is a problem for pregnant women. It occurs in more than half of all expectant mothers. Constipation is the main factor that provokes the development of hemorrhoids. Due to the accumulation of fecal matter, there is a strong overstretching of the rectal walls, there is constant irritation of the walls of the vascular plexuses, which are located directly under the mucous membrane. It is due to this constant mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane by fecal matter that the growth of cavernous bodies begins. Thus, the development of hemorrhoids begins. If constipation continues to progress, hemorrhoids, accordingly, continue to develop. The course of the disease in a woman begins to worsen.
- A sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman
Another factor that provokes the development of hemorrhoidsThe sedentary lifestyle that most pregnant women lead is a factor. It also greatly reduces the blood flow in the pelvic organs, which is already difficult due to the uterus constantly pressing on it and having increased in size. By the way, a sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy is fraught with many negative consequences. Remember that pregnancy is not a disease, and the expectant mother still needs to move, although without any particular fanaticism.
- Stress during tensions
Sometimes it happens that a woman over the course ofThroughout the pregnancy, it was possible to successfully avoid the development of hemorrhoids. And at the very final point of pregnancy - during childbirth, hemorrhoids make themselves known. As a rule, in all cases this occurs during the pushing period of pregnancy. During pushing, the pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases many times. At the moment when the baby's head passes through the birth canal, the vascular plexuses of the rectum are subjected to severe compression, and sometimes even injury. Moreover, pay attention to the following pattern - the longer the period of pushing - the higher the risk of hemorrhoids. Needless to say, it is especially difficult for those young mothers who encountered this disease before or during pregnancy.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are quite insidiousdisease - and its main danger is that at the initial stages it does not manifest itself in any way. But it is at the initial stages of the disease that treatment brings the most positive effect. However, it can only be detected at the early stages by chance, during a routine examination by a gynecologist. But as the disease develops, a woman begins to notice the first signs of hemorrhoids, which gradually increase if the disease is not diagnosed immediately and the necessary treatment is not started immediately. In order to suspect the presence of hemorrhoids and immediately contact a doctor who will select the optimal treatment regimen, a pregnant woman should know what the symptoms of this disease are:
- Pain sensations during the act of defecation
One of the first signs of the disease, asAs a rule, there is pain in the anus, first during defecation, and as the disease progresses – also at rest. The pain is especially severe if the expectant mother suffers from constipation – every visit to the toilet becomes a kind of test of strength for the pregnant woman.
- The appearance of hemorrhoids
Immediately after the onset of painanother bright characteristic sign of hemorrhoids develops - hemorrhoidal nodes in the rectum, both internal and external. Moreover, internal nodes, which are located in the mucous membrane, develop much more often. Almost after each act of defecation, these nodes appear outside, but after some time they are drawn back inside. A little less often, but still there are external hemorrhoidal nodes, which are located in the skin around the anus. By the way, they bring much less discomfort to the expectant mother than internal nodes. As the disease develops, hemorrhoidal nodes increase significantly in size, from the size of a pea to the size of a large plum.
- Itching and burning
Another fairly characteristic signthe presence of hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman is the periodic occurrence of a strong burning sensation and itching in the anal area. Moreover, most often these uncomfortable sensations can be greatly increased if the woman has eaten spicy foods. Although they are not the best food for the expectant mother even without hemorrhoids - they must be completely excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman.
- Bleeding
In the event that a pregnant woman noticesthere are traces of scarlet blood on toilet paper or underwear, she should also be concerned. This is a fairly common sign of hemorrhoids. And the larger the hemorrhoids, the more severe the bleeding. In no case should you ignore this problem, because it will constantly progress. Doctors know of many cases where, as a result of such bleeding, the expectant mother developed iron deficiency anemia.
- Disruption of the bowel
Often hemorrhoids entail certainintestinal dysfunction. The expectant mother may complain of a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, increased gas formation, bloating and other discomfort in the abdominal area.
- Thrombosis of hemorrhoids
One of the most dangerous complications thatcan lead to hemorrhoids - this is a blockage of hemorrhoidal nodes with blood clots. In this case, a sharp compaction of the nodes occurs - they are very dense to the touch, the slightest touch to them causes severe pain, the skin around them swells and turns red. In addition to all this, the body temperature can rise quite strongly, the general condition of the body and the well-being of the pregnant woman can worsen. In especially severe cases, hemorrhoidal nodes can fall out and become strangulated. Such a phenomenon is quite dangerous due to the development of necrosis and is called acute hemorrhoids. In such cases, the expectant mother should, without delay, consult a doctor - a surgeon who will provide the emergency medical care necessary in such cases.
Treatment of hemorrhoids in expectant mothers
Of course, in no case is unacceptableоставлять проблему геморроя без внимания, ведь в противном случае он будет отравлять жизнь будущей маме не только во время ожидания малыша, но и после него. Очень многие женщины отказываются от лечения данного заболевания, опасаясь за здоровье своего малыша, так как ошибочно полагают, что применение тех или иных фармакологических препаратов может ему навредить. Однако врачи однозначно утверждают, что лечение геморроя при беременности не только допустимо, но и просто жизненно необходимо. Однако лечение женщины, ожидающей рождения малыша, имеет свою специфику. Первое, на что необходимо обратить особо пристальное внимание – это рацион питания беременной женщины. Питание должно быть таким, чтобы исключить возможное развитие запоров, так как главный залог успешного лечения геморроя – своевременное опорожнение кишечника. Этот фактор необходимо учитывать, составляя меню. Основную часть рациона питания в идеале должны составлять те продукты, которые содержат клетчатку в большом количестве – они оказывают нормализующее стул воздействие на кишечник. К таким продуктам относятся пшеничные отруби, фрукты и овощи. Однако постарайтесь не злоупотреблять различными кашами – исключение составляют только рисовая и гречневая крупы, которые можно употреблять в неограниченном количестве. Не менее полезными свойствами обладают и кисломолочные продукты, такие как простокваша, кефир и йогурты. А вот употребление сыров любых сортов, напротив, крайне нежелательно, так как они провоцируют развитие сильных запоров. Не менее полезны такие сухофрукты, как курага и чернослив. Еще один немаловажный момент, которому необходимо уделить пристальное внимание – это правила личной гигиены. Врачи советуют будущим мамам отказаться от использования обычной туалетной бумаги и приобрести в аптеке специальные влажные салфетки. В том случае, если у будущей мамы появились наружные геморроидальные узлы, врачи рекомендуют как минимум один раз в день, перед сном, делать сидячие ванночки с отваром ромашки. Однако необходимо отметить тот факт, что все эти меры хороши только как профилактические и в дополнении к основному лечению. Для лечения геморроя врачи применяют различные фармакологические препараты – как правило, это свечи и крема. Ниже будут описаны основные схемы лечения геморроя при беременности, однако не забывайте о том, что вся эта информация дается только для общего ознакомления – а лечение все равно должен назначать врач. В том случае, если запоры не удалось ликвидировать при помощи корректировки рациона питания, необходимо прибегать к помощи лекарственных свеч. Для будущей мамы наиболее оптимальным и безопасным вариантом станут свечи с глицерином, либо Дюфалак. Эти лекарственные препараты абсолютно безопасны как для самой мамы, так и для малыша. Их можно без опасения употреблять как во время ожидания появления крохи на свет, так и во время грудного вскармливания. В том случае, если будущая мама испытывает острые болевые ощущения, для их уменьшения можно воспользоваться мазями или свечами, в состав которых входит любой анестетик, например, препарат Анестезол с содержанием лидокоина. А начиная со второго семестра беременности отек и воспалительный процесс можно устранить при помощи такого препарата, как Гепатромбин Г. Он абсолютно безвреден как для беременных женщин, так и для кормящих мам. В том случае, если геморрой принимает достаточно запущенную форму и с трудом поддается лечению, врач может принять решение о назначении препарата Детралекс. Этот препарат в значительной степени нормализует микроциркуляцию крови в кровеносных сосудах органов малого таза, а также тонизирует стенки сосудов. Его применения возможно как во время беременности, так и во время лактации. В том случае, если все вышеперечисленные меры не помогли, либо женщина обратилась за помощью слишком поздно, и врачи диагностировали наличие острого геморроя, может понадобиться лечение антибактериальными препаратами, а в особо тяжелых случаях – немедленное хирургическое вмешательство. Однако к подобной мере врачи предпочитают прибегать только в самом крайнем безвыходном случае. В большинстве же ситуаций врачи стараются сделать все для того, чтобы снять острые симптомы и отложить проведение операции на более позднее время, когда ребенок появится на свет. В заключение хотелось бы еще раз напомнить будущим мамам – если вы обнаружили у себя геморрой, при беременности лечение не только возможно, но и необходимо. И не стоит откладывать поход к врачу на неопределенное время – чем раньше вы получите необходимое лечение, тем скорее избавитесь от геморроя. Советуем почитать: