herbs for gastritis As a rule, with the first symptoms of that oranother person is in a hurry to go to a drugstore, for a drug. But is it always necessary to immediately resort to pharmacological drugs? Perhaps it is necessary to seek help from nature? Of course, we do not in any way encourage you to refuse to visit a doctor and use medicines. On the contrary - in no case can not ignore medical assistance. But it is also not worth completely giving up the help of nature. Often, herbal preparations improve the well-being of a sick person much more efficiently and faster than medications. This is exactly what we will talk about today. Or rather - about what there are effective herbs for gastritis. After all, for many centuries in a row our ancestors successfully used them to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A little about gastritis

Gastritis is nothing but an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. Doctors distinguish several varieties of the disease:

  • Acute gastritis

With this form of the disease, acuteinflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. Acute gastritis is often accompanied by severe pain, perhaps a feeling of nausea and even vomiting. As a rule, the cause of acute gastritis is the strong impact of aggressive factors - harmful substances, food. In some cases, the cause of acute gastritis may be severe stress.

  • Chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis most often develops inthe result of a systematic violation of the normal way of life, bad habits, malnutrition. In addition, often chronic gastritis is a consequence of the acute form of the disease. Usually this happens if the disease is not treated properly. treatment of gastritis with herbs

Treatment of gastritis with herbs

Of course, at the first signs of the diseasea person needs to seek medical help from a doctor - a gastroenterologist. However, in addition to the treatment that the doctor will prescribe, you can resort to the help of natural remedies - some medicinal plants are very effective. Today we will tell you how to get rid of gastritis with the help of herbs.

  • Anesthetic collection

In the event that you have an acute gastritis,accompanied by intense pain, the next decoction will help you. For its preparation, you will need the following ingredients: 10 g of immortelle grass, 10 g of sage grass, 5 grams of cumin fruit and 10 grams of rhizome root. All the herbs are mixed and placed in an enamel saucepan. Pour the herbs in one liter of water and bring to a boil on low heat. After the broth boils, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook for half an hour. When the broth cools down, strain it with a gauze cloth and place it in a glass container. The broth should be taken every morning, on an empty stomach, in half a glass. In addition, during the day you need to drink at least half a liter of broth. Before use, the broth should be heated to 37 degrees. If desired, you can add one teaspoon of honey to taste. Store the broth in a dark and cool place - preferably in the refrigerator. The course of treatment should not last more than a week. And relief comes a few hours after the first reception of the broth.

  • Healing collection

In the event that it is a question of treatmentchronic gastritis, we can advise the following collection, very effectively stimulating the process of regeneration of the gastric mucosa. To make it, you will need one tablespoon of calendula flowers, two tablespoons of coltsfoot flowers. Inflorescences must be crushed and brewed like ordinary tea. Just put in a cup of one teaspoon of raw materials and pour steep boiling water. For taste, you can add a spoonful of sugar or honey. But no more - otherwise the effectiveness of the infusion is greatly reduced. Take it by the following scheme - in the morning, on an empty stomach, one cup, during the day - two more, and one just before bed. The treatment is quite long - not less than a month. However, it helps to get rid of even the most severe forms of gastritis.

  • Collection against acute gastritis

Another great remedy against acutegastritis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting - the next broth. You will need one tablespoon of ground herb St. John's wort and burdock root, as well as four tablespoons of honey. Preparing the broth is not quite usual, but be sure to follow this sequence - otherwise the effectiveness of the herbs will be much lower. Take an enamel saucepan, pour into it one liter of water and boil. After that, dissolve honey in boiling water and only then pour the herbs. After two minutes turn off the broth, cover the pan and cover with a towel. After about three hours, strain the broth with gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Take the broth in small sips, throughout the day. In the event that you are at work, it is not so convenient - after all, the broth should be taken warm. Therefore use a thermos bottle. You will feel a great deal of relief in a few hours, and after a day there will be no trace of the disease. More precisely, from her symptoms. Remember that the treatment should not last more than one day.

  • Collection for the treatment of atrophic gastritis

If the disease takes an atrophic form,coping with it becomes much more difficult. But it is still possible. And for this you will need the following herbs - a shepherd's bag, St. John's wort, marigolds, one tablespoon each. Herbs should be placed in a thermos and pour one liter of steep boiling water. Dissolve in the broth five tablespoons of any natural honey. To insist the broth is necessary during the day. After this, strain the broth with gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Take the decoction as follows: in the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink one glass of broth. You can not have breakfast before 1 hour after taking the decoction. The next reception of the broth - one hour before lunch. It is advisable to refuse dinner after drinking two cups of broth. In the event that you can not do without dinner, try to make it as easy as possible. herbal treatment

  • Jam from the flowers of marigold

Another great tool that helps to removepain syndrome, can be jam from calendula. It is prepared quite simply - flowers of calendula (0.5 kg) should be filled with half a liter of boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, the resulting infusion should be filtered with gauze cloth and add 700 g of sugar. Cook the jam on low heat for an hour. Just a couple of spoons of such jam on an empty stomach will become a very good preventive.

  • Kalanchoe

In addition, a good tool for treatmentgastritis is a Kalanchoe. To treat the disease you need to prepare the following remedy. Three tablespoons of crushed leaves of Kalanchoe put in a plastic bag and put it for three days in the freezer. At the end of the period, boil one liter of water, pour the pre-defrosted leaves into it and cook for at least 30 minutes. Take the broth should be as follows: in the morning, on an empty stomach, two tablespoons. Before each meal - one tablespoon. And before going to bed you need to drink at least half a cup of Kalanchoe broth. The duration of treatment should be at least two weeks. And if necessary, after a week, the course of treatment can be repeated. And with acute pain attacks, Kalanchoe also very effectively removes pain. To do this, simply chew fresh leaf for a few minutes, then swallow it. As a rule, the pain recedes in a few days. However, too often to abuse this tool is still not worth it - no more than three times a week. And do not forget that such a method can not replace the basic treatment.

  • Yarrow

In the event that gastritis is accompanied byspasms of the stomach, you can resort to the help of yarrow herb. To prepare the infusion, you will need one liter of boiling water and two teaspoons yarrow. Grass should be placed in a thermos and pour boiling water, leave for a day. After this, strain the broth with gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Take a decoction three times a day - in the morning, on an empty stomach, at lunch and an hour before sleep, half the glass. The course of treatment should last at least one month.

  • White cabbage juice

In the event that a sick person has gastritismakes you aware of yourself more and more often, you can "play in advance". To prevent another attack, a sick person should drink a juice of white cabbage. And for these purposes, only freshly squeezed juice that needs to be heated to 37 degrees is suitable. An adult should drink at least half a glass of warm juice.

  • Plantain with honey

In the event that gastritis is accompanied byreduced secretory function of the stomach, it is worth paying attention to such a healing plant as a plantain. To do this, you need the juice of plantain. Grind three tablespoons of fresh leaves of plantain and mix in equal proportions with sugar. Take this remedy three times a day, one teaspoonful. And take it necessary for ten minutes before eating.

  • Sagebrush

Another great way to normalizesecretory function of the stomach is the usual wormwood. Brewed wormwood is simple enough - chop one tablespoon of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water, insist exactly ten minutes. After this, strain the infusion with gauze cloth. All this volume should be drunk in small sips, throughout the day. However, you need to be very careful - wormwood is extremely poisonous, so the dose should not be exceeded in any case.

  • Oats

If gastritis is accompanied by pulling constantspain in the stomach, you can resort to the help of oats. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of oats. You will need one kilogram of oats, one liter of water and an enamel pot. Oats pour water, bring to a boil and cook until the water is less than half. The broth is covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel and leave to stand for about 24 hours. After this, strain with gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Store the broth in the refrigerator, not more than one week. Before use, the broth should be diluted with milk in a proportion of 1 to 1. The broth should be drunk on an empty stomach, one hour before breakfast, half the glass. The course of treatment should last at least one month. If necessary, it can be repeated in a week. As you can see, with the help of gastritis treatment herbs can achieve very positive results. We advise you to read:

