Perhaps it will be difficult to find a person whoat least once in my life I did not suffer from heartburn. From this unpleasant sensation (a burning sensation behind a thorax) to representatives of a fair sex at times it would be desirable to climb on a wall. Especially often it appears in pregnant women or young mothers, creating at the same time a terrible discomfort. To date, there are many reasons why you might have heartburn. It occurs, for example, as a result of overeating, and even in perfectly healthy people. But most often it is manifested after the use of not very high-quality products or very fatty foods, sharp, smoked, too salty foods. Quite often people who drink alcoholic beverages suffer from heartburn (even with low alcohol content). Excessive fascination with chocolate or coffee also adversely affects the work of your stomach. Do not forget that the cause of heartburn can be tight belts, overweight, active weight lifting and even taking certain medications (especially antibiotics). But, certainly, more often such unpleasant sensations arise in people having various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be esophagitis, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, etc. In such cases, the fair sex suffer from this almost every day. People try to fight the symptoms of heartburn differently. Someone prefers to be treated with herbs, some people prefer tablets and mixtures sold in pharmacies. Yes, and advertising on our TV screens is full of medical means, which simply do wonders. As marketers and actors assure, it is enough to drink one sachet in order to forget about this problem once and for all. Unfortunately, not all funds are equally useful for our health. Therefore, many women prefer to use improvised means. The most famous and effective folk remedy is ordinary baking soda.
When and how to use soda for heartburn
In fact, soda from heartburn - pretty gooda tool that even our grandmothers and mothers knew about. Firstly, very quickly it helps, in a few minutes, removing the burning sensation and heaviness in the abdomen. Secondly, after taking a solution, relapse occurs very rarely. But is it really so cloudless? Probably, if it was so, the widely advertised drugs were not successful. So, soda almost instantly neutralizes the existing hydrochloric acid in the stomach and has a so-called "antacid" effect. Apply it for heartburn as follows: you need to pour a glass of water, then add 1 teaspoon of soda, mix thoroughly and quickly drink. Unpleasant symptoms and sensations will disappear very quickly. In addition, the use of such a product helps improve digestion. But it's good when it's done in moderation. The problem is that a very frequent intake of such a folk remedy can damage a person's health. Some girls drink soda directly every time the heartburn starts, and this is highly discouraged. In any case, if you often have these symptoms, you should consult your doctor and not self-medicate. How does soda work on our body? This method is so simple, accessible and effective that many simply abuse it. Unfortunately, fans of folk medicine flatly refuse to understand what this solution so did not please doctors. Before you take on a box of soda, take a look at the process that is taking place in your body. First you should understand that reacting with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, soda turns into a kind of carbonic acid. And it, in turn, decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. After all these chemical reactions, the contents of the stomach of the fair sex representative literally effervesces. The bubbling CO2 gas irritates the walls of your digestive tract, which, in turn, is taken with renewed strength to produce more and more portions of hydrochloric acid. And what do we have as a result? After an instant relief, the acidity only increases. The more conventional baking soda is taken orally, the worse it becomes. And in the process of sorting out this substance, the acid-base balance begins to be violated in the body. Moreover, besides the excess sodium that comes with this harmful element, promotes edema formation and pressure increase. The logical conclusion is that such "treatment" can completely deprive you of all health. Unfortunately, the problem of heartburn, as such, just fades against the backdrop of new diseases caused by unsuccessful attempts to fight it. But, unfortunately, for today with such a common ailment, as heartburn, almost all the fair sex meet. And very often unpleasant feelings arise at the most inopportune moment - for example, during negotiations or just at the height of the working day. And it is in such cases where it is not possible to run to the pharmacy, it is allowed to use the most accessible and effective means - a solution of soda. This is a kind of first aid, when there is no more effective and safe means at hand. When a relapse occurs: symptoms of heartburn manifested Heartburn usually after eating. After a while there is a sharp burning sensation "under the spoon" or just behind the chest. How do doctors determine themselves is the area "in the lower esophagus". The main and perhaps the only cause of discomfort is the expulsion of the contents in the stomach, where the processes of digestion of food have already begun, back to the esophagus region. By the way, heartburn always arises, if the fair sex has increased acidity. To provoke an attack, you just need to eat the so-called "goodies": sweet dishes, as well as fried foods, and indeed any food that is usually served hot. Negative impact of soda on the human body Sodium bicarbonate or drinking (food) soda, as we know from the course of school chemistry, is a certain alkaline compound. Before you start making a solution, think about the consequences. And always take precautions. To treat heartburn with soda is allowed only to those people in whom it happens extremely rarely, and chronic diseases associated with the digestive organs are simply absent. If the burning sensation occurs after almost every meal and has become chronic, then you can not help your body with soda alone. In addition, the solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate is not so harmless, as it was said above, because after some half an hour heartburn flares up with renewed vigor. Excessive abuse of soda can lead to disastrous consequences. In large quantities of alkali accumulate in the body of the fair sex, and this leads to the emergence of acidosis. This is a kind of "acidification" of blood and tissues of your body. And with an overabundance of soda develop alkalosis ("alkalizing" the blood). All this inevitably leads to an unstable work of the kidneys and urinary system, the appearance of swelling and bags under the eyes. Pregnancy and heartburn: Is it possible to drink the solution for future mothers? In the lower part of the esophagus is the sphincter - a kind of clamp that opens when chewed food enters the stomach. The pressure is only 4 mm Hg. Art. But already in the opposite direction (that is, from the stomach), the sphincter will not miss anything, because it can withstand a load of 80 mm Hg. Art. At pregnant women of the fair sex after the first trimester in the body begin to occur serious changes. For example, there is a tone of smooth muscles and sphincter of the esophagus. The fact is that progesterone has a relaxing effect on them. In addition, the uterus helps increase intra-abdominal pressure, which also, in turn, prevents the tight closure of the same sphincter. Heartburn may begin some time after eating. In particular, if the future mother accidentally violated her regime and ate a little fat, spicy, but such delicious food. Or when she just drank black coffee. The occurrence of heartburn can be triggered by the use of sweet kissels, black bread, sour berries or fruit. This unpleasant and sometimes painful state can last from a couple of minutes to several hours, from time to time resuming. Pay attention, cause heartburn or greatly strengthen it can torso the body forward, for example, when washing clothes or fastening shoes. Sometimes there is a deterioration and there is a very severe burning sensation when a woman lies down or turns over from one side to the other. And many mothers were noticed that in the case when they rested on their left side, the above symptoms troubled them much more often. Some pregnant women of the fair sex, this attack overtakes at night and, waking up, they usually try to get up, like, drink water, eat something. These unpleasant feelings sometimes cause a feeling of longing, a depressed mood, there may be a strong belching of the air, pain behind the chest. With a very long, extremely painful and quite frequent heartburn, always consult your physician-therapist, gynecologist in a women's consultation or directly to a gastroenterologist. This can be one of the symptoms of a digestive system. And, of course, try not to overeat, to avoid serious loads. Do not do anything that would lead to stress of the abdominal press, including do not wear tight belts. We advise you to read: