gastritis in children In a children's polyclinic, in line to the doctorgastroenterologist, more and more often you can observe very small children. It's amazing, is not it? Where does the gastritis come from such small crumbs? How to treat this disease? And, most importantly, how to prevent gastritis in children? In fact even a chronic gastritis at children - already for a long time not a rarity. In the event that you have a child, these questions will surely be relevant to you. This is exactly what will be discussed in today's conversation. So, what is gastritis? As is known, the internal surface of the stomach is lined with a mucous tissue. And periodically this mucous membrane is involved in the inflammatory process. It is this process that doctors call gastritis. There are two forms of the course of this disease - acute and chronic. The acute form of the disease is very violent, with pronounced symptoms, the child's well-being worsens very, very much. But the advantage of the acute form of gastritis lies in the fact that with timely started and proper treatment, it disappears without a trace. The chronic form of the disease proceeds more easily - the symptoms are less expressed, and the general condition of the child is almost not worsened. However, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that chronic gastritis is most often a man's companion for life. Therefore, you should try not to allow the development of acute gastritis in any case. gastritis in children symptoms

Causes of the disease

As you know, nothing happens just like that. And gastritis, like any other disease, will never arise without cause. And for parents it is very important to know what exactly can lead to the development of gastritis. After all, having such information, parents will be able to try to prevent the disease:

  • Infectious gastritis

Not so long ago the phrase "infected with gastritis"would sound absurd. However, to date, doctors have determined that there are a number of gastritis, the development of which provokes a pathogenic microflora. So a child can get infected through tableware, common toys - for example, in a kindergarten. The share of such gastritis accounts for about 20% of all cases.

  • Improper diet

It would seem that a small child can not a prioriit is wrong to eat. But no - many babies eat right from birth. According to the idea of ​​nature, all the young should eat mother's milk. Including human. But very often for one reason or another, my mother can not keep breastfeeding. And it's good, if you can immediately find a formula suitable for your child. The first year of life in general is the most responsible - the frequent change of milk mixes, untimely or incorrect introduction of lures. Given that the digestive system of the child is still fragile, the load on it turns out to be serious. And this is by no means the worst. It really becomes frightening that a one-year-old baby sitting in a wheelchair, flaunting the chips with rapture, and in his bottle instead of juice or water, a sparkling drink splashes. You grinned incredulously, believing that this is a banal exaggeration? Alas, no ... Yes, you yourself look around! For example, a fast food cafe - every day a considerable number of parents with children gather there. This is exactly how the fertile soil for the development of gastritis is created.

  • Binge eating

"A spoon for my mother, a spoon for my dad." Familiar words? Most mothers and grandmothers selflessly stuff the crumbs of everything that comes to hand. They sincerely believe that they are working for the welfare of their baby. And what really? But in fact, the only thing that can be achieved in this way are constant stomach overloads, disruptions to his work, irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, its inflammation and, consequently, the notorious gastritis. Chronic gastritis in children is often the way it develops.

  • Biscuits, sweets and chocolate

Candy, cookies, chocolate - what a childhood withoutthem? However, remember that biscuits, chocolate, and even ordinary caramel contribute significantly to the development of gastritis. Therefore, in no case is it inadmissible to pop a one-year-old crumb with candy. Doctors - pediatricians in general forbid giving children any candy at least until the age of three. The same goes for cookies - of course, except for special ones, designed for the little ones.

  • Stressful situations

Surely you have heard that "all diseases are fromnerves ". And gastritis very often develops precisely because of stress. Anticipating your objections - they say, what kind of stresses a child can have - we hasten to assure you: in a child's life, stress is no less than in an adult. And sometimes even more. After all, those problems, which in your opinion do not exist at all, for the child often seem insoluble. Of the most common stressful situations in children, it can be noted: moving to a new place of residence, changing kindergarten, the emergence of a new family member, conflicts with peers in kindergarten. Especially strong stress in those children, whose parents constantly swear among themselves. And do not think that closed to the bedroom door will help to hide conflicts from the child. Children are very sensitive to the psychological atmosphere in the family, so you will hardly be able to tell lies about them. And do not forget about another important aspect. What does your child watch on TV? What games does he play? And how much time per day? Remember that even good cartoons and fairy tales in a large number have a very serious strain on the child's nervous system. And what can I say about aggressive games, which in our time in abundance?

  • Food poisoning

Approximately half of all cases of acute gastritisin children, banal food poisoning becomes the culprit. And this is quite understandable - toxins act on the mucous membrane of the stomach very detrimental, provoking its inflammation. Well, inflammation, as we remember, is the gastritis. Therefore, carefully monitor the quality of the foods your child is eating. And pay attention not only to the shelf life, but also to conditions - in particular, to the temperature regime.

  • Other diseases.

Less often, but still there are cases when gastritisdevelops as a result of already existing diseases in the child, for example, such as: hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. And if there are any sources of chronic infection in the body - for example, sinusitis, caries, nephritis - the risk of developing gastritis also rises many times. In addition, gastritis can be caused by the presence in the body of lamblia and other worms - they greatly injure the mucous membrane of the stomach, causing its irritation and inflammation.

  • Medications.

With a high degree of probability, gastritis cancause various pharmacological drugs. Medications often provoke severe irritation and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Of course, a single dose of medicine is unlikely to lead to the development of gastritis. But the systematic - for three days or more - the use of certain medications - very much even can be. Unfortunately, in some cases this can not be avoided. For example, if the child is sick and needs a course of treatment with any aggressive medications. As a rule, doctors always remember about the threat of developing gastritis and try to prevent it. But very often parents are the culprits of such a gastritis. How often adults begin to treat the child on their own, giving them some medications. And as a logical result - gastritis does not make you wait long. That is why in no case can you decide on your own need to treat a child with medicines. All medicines should be prescribed only by a pediatrician.

  • Genetic factor

As is known, very many diseases havethe tendency to be inherited. Gastritis was not an exception to this rule. In the event that the mother, father or any of the close relatives of a child suffers from gastritis, only the slightest provoking factor is enough - for example, a small error in the nutrition of the child - how gastritis immediately manifests itself. treatment of gastritis in children

Symptoms of gastritis in children

So, in what causes can provokethe development of gastritis in a child, we figured out. It is equally important to know what signs may indicate gastritis. After all, the sooner parents notice the problem and show the child to the doctor, the sooner the treatment will begin. And the sooner the treatment is started, the less damage to health and unpleasant minutes for the child himself and his parents. Symptoms of gastritis may differ, depending on the age of the child.

  • Painful sensations

So, in very young children the main symptomsgastritis is anxiety and crying. If the crumb does not yet know how to talk, he will simply pinch his legs, pull them to the tummy, and hold his hands to the stomach. If the baby is old enough, he will certainly complain to adults about the pain in the stomach.

  • Lethargy and apathy

Listing the symptoms further, one can not help but mentionlethargy and apathy. The child begins to be capricious, to refuse from usual entertainments - viewing of cartoons, games, walks. He will increasingly seek to lie down. Noticing this for your child, do not ignore this state in any way. After all, the symptoms of many diseases, and not just gastritis, also include apathy and lethargy.

  • Changing the color of the skin

Pale baby skin, dark circles under the eyes -also very distinctive symptoms of gastritis. Nausea, vomiting, plaque on the tongue. If all the above symptoms most often indicate a chronic course of gastritis, nausea, vomiting and white coating on the tongue are often the signs of an acute course of the disease. As already mentioned, acute gastritis always takes place in a pronounced form. Remember that the symptoms of gastritis can vary in each case. Therefore, in all cases when you are in doubt, be sure to seek medical help. Only a doctor can correctly assess the condition of the child, diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment of gastritis in children

Treatment of gastritis in children depends largely onWhat exactly caused the development of the disease. Successful treatment is possible only if the causes are eliminated. Otherwise, the disease will come back again and again. As a rule, in most cases, doctors manage to establish these reasons. But there are general principles that are relevant in all cases. Without them, treatment is unlikely to be successful. So:

  • Psychological atmosphere

Remember that all kinds of stress - the mostfertile soil for gastritis? So, for the treatment of gastritis it is necessary to eliminate all these stresses. It is necessary to create the child the most comfortable psychological environment.

  • Child's Diet

Treatment of gastritis is simply impossible without revisiondiet of the child. Ask your doctor - it will help you choose a menu that is perfect for your child. In addition, follow and the schedule of food - the child should eat at the same time. And this is relevant not only for the period while the treatment is being conducted. In no case do not give the child any medication. Medical treatment should be carried out exclusively under the strict supervision of medical personnel. Well, of course, only by appointment of a doctor. That is why doctors prefer to treat gastritis in children in a hospital. We advise you to read:

