fighting depressionIf you feel like you are suffering from depression,то вы не могли не заметить, что она постепенно начинает менять вашу жизнь. Вы стали совсем другой, и все теперь воспринимаете не так, как раньше. Беспокоитесь буквально обо всем. Делать вам ничего не хочется. А то, что еще совсем недавно приносило радость и даже делало счастливой, теперь уже совершенно неважно для вас. Вы должны понимать, что депрессия – довольно серьезное состояние, и если вы опустите руки и не будете принимать никаких мер, то последствия могут быть самыми негативными. Борьба с депрессией должна стать вашей ежедневной целью. Научиться справляться с последствиями депрессии в повседневной жизни возможно, необходимо только осознать важность этих мер. Да, это довольно тяжело. Да, было бы гораздо проще плыть по течению с единственным желанием – забыть обо всем. Но если вы хотите быть счастливой, вы должны постараться найти выход из вашей «черной дыры». Для борьбы с депрессией вам, возможно, придется заставлять себя делать то, что делать не очень хочется. Возможно, вам придется несколько поменять окружение: сейчас вам необходимо как можно больше общаться с людьми, которые дадут вам положительные эмоции. А возможно, вам даже придется найти специалиста, с которым вы могли бы поговорить о своей депрессии. Никто не говорит, что борьба с депрессией бывает легкой. Но если уж с вами это произошло, то вы должны найти способ избавиться от этого состояния, даже если депрессия проникла уж очень глубоко внутрь вашего существа. Просто вспомните обо всем том хорошем, что есть в вашей жизни и ради чего стоит бороться. Это может быть ваша семья, ваша любимая работа, ваши друзья. А мы поставили перед собой задачу помочь вам найти дорогу к избавлению от депрессии.

How to start the path to recovery?

Try to understand what is impossible in lifeto do without negative emotions altogether. We have all been very upset and sad about something at some point. Sadness is a completely natural emotional response to certain environmental stimuli. Most of us have an internal support system, or a system for responding to negative stimuli, that allows us to overcome sadness and achieve inner mental balance in order to return to a normal state and the ability to feel happy as soon as possible. Among people prone to long-term sadness and depression, there are two groups. One group consists of those who have a serious chemical imbalance, which requires a visit to a doctor and, possibly, the prescription of medication. Our article is not intended for this group of people. The second group of people are those who are simply “stuck” in their emotions and do not know how to return their lives to a normal rut. Their internal “support system” has failed, and drugs are not needed to restore it. And it is this group of people that we want to suggest several ways to combat depression.depression

10 Simple Ways to Overcome Depression and Sadness

If you really want to change your life for the better, then try not to leave any of the points listed below without attention!

  • Do not forget that often causeour oppressed state is purely physiological factors, for example, dehydration of the body. If you drink enough water, you will feel terrible, not knowing that you just need to increase the amount of fluid consumed. It is only necessary to start drinking more, and you will feel a noticeable burst of energy, and how to remove the spleen like a hand.
  • Lack of sunlight can also becomethe cause of the disorder No wonder so many people who experience the so-called "seasonal sadness." Especially hard they have to in winter, when the days become much shorter. That's why you should go out every day to walk for at least half an hour under the sun's rays.
  • Do not neglect and complete rest you shouldthe amount of sleep necessary for the health of your body and mind. It is very important! Lack of sleep adversely affects the condition of the entire body, and especially the brain and nervous system suffers.
  • Set your goals Not so important,how grand they will be. You can set for yourself the usual everyday goals. The main thing is that you deliberately think about what you want to do today. And be sure to write them down! Something special happens to us when we write down our goals. In our brain at this moment, certain chemical changes are formed, neurons are activated and include the necessary hormones, and we begin to think about how we can achieve these goals. The thought of something sad will remain much less energy.
  • Pay more attention to sports Ifphysical capabilities allow, try so upload yourself to fully put on. When you are literally standing in a pool of your own sweat after class, you will feel how endorphins powerfully pump your body. And when you go to the shower, the pleasure will be complete. If you do this regularly, then we dare to assure you that we will have to try hard not to feel happy!
  • Learn to forgive. Too often we are sadbecause of the grievances that sometimes arise from real trivialities. People, as you know, like to cherish their grievances. When you forgive, then take off a large load of negative emotions and open your own way to the opportunity to be happy.
  • Be thankful Very often when we complainon something or someone, we can cause sadness in ourselves. Complaints about life and people exclude the opportunity to feel joy and gratitude. Right now sit down and make a list of things that can lift your spirits and for which you are grateful for life. Try to make this list as detailed and long as possible. And if you compile a list of hundred items, then we can safely assume that you will feel much better!
  • Appreciate friendship True friendship supports yourvitality and is able to help cope with any negative phenomena in everyday life. Even if you do not have real friends, it is not difficult to correct this omission. Everyone wants to be heard, wants to be appreciated and loved. Start with the training of listening skills, learn to appreciate and love, and all this will return to you in augmented form. There is nothing more valuable in life than real friendship.
  • Read more, especially when you are sadTake a temporary "vacation" from reality and go head first into the world of one of your favorite books. I must say that many wise people have gone through the state of depression through which you are now passing, and they told in their stories about how it was. You can learn a lot from these books.
  • Keep a diary entry This can be goodexit in case your depression lasts. You can dream up, "transport" yourself to another world, to rest from the depressing reality. Or you can describe in detail what is happening in reality, spreading your thoughts on the shelves. This can lead you to the right decision. Sometimes it happens that such records evoke creative potential in a person. Many great books were written by people who, at the time of their writing, experienced a period of pain and suffering.
  • As you can see, nothing is impossible from youis required. The main thing is to really want to get out of depression. Well, are you ready to successfully complete this difficult part of your life? We wish you success! We recommend reading:

