business ethicsWhat is business ethics?between a man and a woman? This is not just a standard set of dry rules of conduct in the business sphere. The basic principles of the ethics of business relations of this kind are based on research of many years of experience of joint work of representatives of both sexes, on the mistakes of their behavior in relation to each other and on the conclusions made from these blunders. It is these conclusions that became the basis for the creation of business etiquette, which, in order to avoid various misunderstandings in the team, both men and women must adhere to, and as diligently as possible. What is this etiquette, the so-called business culture of behavior? Let's look into some of the nuances of working relations that exist today in many companies.

The Essence of Business Ethics in Mixed Collectives

The essence of this phenomenon is based on the principlecoordination and harmonization of interests of the entire team. Professional ethics of business relations regulates the scheme of interaction of employees in the business sphere. This culture is the basis on which the actions carried out by people working in a particular organization are built. Business etiquette is especially important in mixed teams consisting of people of both sexes. It is in such teams, where there are both men and women, that misunderstandings most often arise, often harming not only specific employees, but also the entire company. To understand the essence of the ethics of business relations between men and women, you should have at least some idea of ​​the general psychology of business. The law of behavior culture implies knowledge of the most common problems that arise in business communication between men and women. And the difficulties begin already when trying to hire a representative of the weaker sex. When providing her resume to the employer, a job seeker for a particular position must be prepared for the fact that if at the moment a man with a similar resume is applying for this position, then the employer (if he is not a woman) will certainly give preference to him. Of course, such a choice of a company director does not correspond to the ethics of business relations. However, this is what happens most often, and nothing can be done about it. To be out of competition in this case, a woman must have an advantage over a man, consisting of work experience, professional achievements, and intelligence. But even the presence of all these qualities does not give any guarantee that she will not be offered a position that is poorly suited to the applicant's qualifications. This is normal practice, and today the most common way for a woman to start in a company. And in order to make a career in the company, a business lady will have to adapt to others for some time and behave in accordance with the principles of seniority in business relations.the essence of business ethics

Elements of the ethics of business relations between men and women

As sad as it is to realize, in modern timesGender bias still reigns in the business sphere. It contributes to a somewhat dismissive attitude on the part of men towards their female colleagues, unless the latter, of course, are part of the management and do not stand a step higher on the hierarchy ladder. Therefore, some elements of business ethics in companies can be ignored. This should be taken into account and be prepared to gently but persistently defend your rights. A common example: an ordinary female employee gives an idea, a male boss, having listened to her attentively, ultimately does not approve of the proposal. And after some time, the boss begins to use the thoughts expressed by his subordinate in practice, passing them off as his own ideas. Of course, such an act cannot be called ethical, but such things happen quite often in mixed teams. What should a woman do in such a case so as not to violate the ethics of business relations? In no case should she try to expose her superiors, reproaching them for stealing someone else's idea. Just understand for the future that you need to be wiser and not lay out your plans to the management in all details. And then, if the manager accepts the proposal, he will not be able to implement it to the end and will be forced to ask her for advice, thus recognizing the authorship of the idea for the subordinate. But if he still does not recognize it and really wants to declare to everyone who the real author is, you can simply delicately tell the management something like this: “Thank you, dear Pyotr Petrovich, for accepting my proposals and appreciating them! However, I have considered this idea from a different angle and now I am thinking about how it can be improved by applying it in practice.” It is unlikely that the next time “respected Pyotr Petrovich” will have a desire to use someone else’s work as his own property. There is also a custom in many companies when men gather in the smoking room during lunch or in the conference room, discussing some important projects. It is implied that women should not be present at this discussion. This view is nothing more than a manifestation of a kind of male chauvinism towards female employees. Business ethics dictate that representatives of the fair sex may well join the men, while being persistent. It is impossible to remain on the sidelines of important discussions.basic principles of business ethics

Ethics of business relationships and flirting at work

In general, politics and culture of communicationустанавливается руководством фирмы. При этом многие из руководителей компаний придерживаются одинаковых правил, определяющих взаимоотношения в коллективах. Например, флирт на рабочем месте большинство боссов не одобряют и стараются пресекать. Поэтому, чтобы не нажить неприятностей, женщины, да и мужчины, должны воздерживаться от всяческих заигрываний друг с другом, иначе можно поплатиться за это даже увольнением из фирмы. Запрещение флирта на рабочем месте является одним из элементов этики деловых отношений. Объясняется это тем, что его подоплёкой могут быть меркантильные интересы как с одной, так и с другой стороны. К примеру, женщины, флиртуя с кем-то из коллег или с начальником, могут стремиться к повышению в должности, а мужчины – к тому, чтобы получить через свою коллегу какую-то важную информацию. Нередко флирт является очень действенным средством достижения целей в бизнесе. Это отличный инструмент для манипуляций, с помощью которого можно много добиться: использовать его для повышения продаж, для борьбы с конкурентами, для продвижения каких-то проектов и прочее. Причём имидж флиртующего мужчины в фирме страдает гораздо меньше, чем имидж флиртующей женщины. Если какой-то бизнесмен вздумал пофлиртовать с женщиной на переговорах, это воспринимается окружающими как тактический ход и даже одобряется. А вот когда женщина начинает с кем-то флиртовать, её рейтинг среди коллег сразу понижается. Поэтому служащим слабого надо уметь управлять ситуацией и не принимать со стороны мужчин-коллег откровенные знаки внимания во время работы. Особенно это касается важных совещаний, переговоров и крупных сделок. Не стоит благосклонно относиться и к попыткам флирта со стороны начальства. Чтобы не потерять авторитет у сотрудников фирмы, всегда надо придерживаться принципов старшинства в деловых отношениях. А флирт с начальником никак не соответствует этим принципам. Впрочем, нередко бывает и так, что сослуживцы не легкомысленно флиртуют, а всерьёз увлечены друг другом. Ведь работа занимает львиную долю нашего времени и является одним из тех мест, где без труда можно найти спутника жизни. И если таковой нашёлся и выражает искреннюю симпатию, то ответить ему взаимностью, конечно, можно. Но при этом не следует демонстрировать свои отношения всему коллективу, – это нецелесообразно как с точки зрения репутации и карьеры, так и с позиции укрепления этих отношений. Кроме того, боссы фирм обычно не поощряют служебные романы и, из соображений безопасности, бывают категорически против отношений своих сотрудников с представителями фирм-конкурентов. Сотрудница, решившаяся на любовный роман с таким представителем, рискует не только карьерой, но и своим рабочим местом. Конечно, согласно трудовому законодательству, уволить её права не имеют — в него не включаются такие элементы этики деловых отношений. Однако и продолжать работу в этой фирме она вряд ли сможет – суровое отношение начальника едва ли кто-то сможет выдержать долгое время. Поэтому, всерьёз влюбившись в служащего из конкурирующей фирмы, нужно либо быть очень осторожной, либо увольняться, не дожидаясь возникновения конфликта с боссом. Нет в трудовом законодательстве и пункта, обязывающего являться на корпоративные мероприятия, — вечеринки, семинары, тренинги и прочее. Они в последнее время стали очень популярными: руководство фирм считает, что подобные мероприятия повышают лояльность и работоспособность их сотрудников. А для многих сотрудников такое времяпровождение, приходящееся на нерабочее время, кажется довольно сомнительным удовольствием. Но культура деловых отношений предполагает, что явка на корпоративы обязательна. Такие мероприятия являются подарком от фирмы, и поэтому отказываться от них не следует. В противном случае можно испортить отношения с начальством, а это, конечно же, создаст серьёзные проблемы. И если предстоит корпоративная вечеринка, идти на неё нужно непременно, но даже и на ней флиртовать напропалую с сослуживцами не рекомендуется — такое поведение будет расцениваться как вызов и, надолго впечатавшись в сознание коллег, станет существенным минусом к репутации. А уж появляться на вечеринке с возлюбленным, работающим в компании-конкуренте, вообще не следует – такой поступок испортит как вечеринку, так и дальнейшую карьеру.

Ethics of business relationships and mobile phones

Oddly enough, but such a convenient inventionIn recent years, like mobile phones, they have also become one of the elements of business ethics. Bosses in companies have quickly taken this invention into account, because a mobile phone makes it possible to disturb employees anywhere and at any time. There are companies whose rules prohibit turning off phones outside of working hours, even if the employee is on vacation or sick leave, or do not allow them to be turned on during work. When applying for a job in a company, such rules should be discussed with the employer so that the ethics of business relations in the company is not inadvertently violated due to ignorance. However, both the ban on turning off phones outside of working hours and the taboo on turning them on during work are nothing more than an infringement on a person's privacy. Many women, having turned off their phones while at work, lose the opportunity to communicate with their loved ones, and answering calls from their superiors in their free time - the opportunity to fully relax. The company's employees are not its property, and the company has no right to exclusively own their time. Therefore, in such situations, men and women should not be shy and delicately hint to the boss that in addition to work, people also have a personal life, and one should not interfere with the other. This is entirely consistent with the norms of business ethics. If the boss still continues to call outside working hours, and there is no way to turn off the phone during this period, you can get two numbers, personal and work, and turn off the latter in your free time. Perhaps the boss, trying in vain to get through on weekends, will understand that disturbing his employees when they are resting or sick is, at the very least, improper.principles of business ethics

Principles of business ethics for appearance

Of course, no boss of a large companywill be favorable or indifferent to the sloppy appearance of its employees. Business culture implies a number of rules concerning appearance and stipulating the need for clean hair, skin, shoes, clothes, moderation in the use of cosmetics and perfumes and modesty in the use of jewelry. From the point of view of business ethics, the clothes of the company's employees should correspond in style to the direction of this company's activity. For example, business suits of fashion house employees differ from the dress code of bank employees, and the appearance of a woman selling cosmetics differs from the images of those who represent some legal agency. Usually, the management of large companies is very demanding about the appearance of their subordinates. As for small firms, their requirements for the clothes of employees are more democratic. Nevertheless, if a woman intends to make a good career, she should not wear excessively short skirts and too low-cut blouses when going to the office - a strict culture should still be present. If someone is going to a conference or a business meeting on the road with a stop at a hotel, a formal business suit can be replaced with more casual clothing: a blouse with trousers, knitwear, etc. A not very revealing evening dress is suitable for evening receptions. Clothing in all these cases should be not so much fashionable as prestigious and stylish.

Elements of business ethics: rules of courtesy

The essence of business ethics in the fieldPoliteness is the principle of equality of employees of both sexes. This means that both men and women must adhere to the same rules of behavior at work. Both shake hands at work, stand up to greet a visitor, wash coffee makers and teapots in turns - this is the culture of behavior. There are no gender priorities in business ethics: doors are opened by those who are closest to them, and the first person to exit the elevator is the one standing near the door. In reputable companies, it is considered impolite to address a colleague by a diminutive name or some nickname. There should be no "sunshines", "cuties", "honeys", Natashas and Sashenkas at work. This, of course, does not mean that all men and women are obliged to address each other only by their first name and patronymic (although such address is also included in the rules of business etiquette in some companies) - it is enough to simply adhere to some formality. All the "darlings", "bunnies", "honeys" - this is later, after work. At the same time, work conversations should be conducted politely, without a commanding tone and pressure on colleagues. The culture of communication allows each employee of the company to defend their opinion, but it should be done delicately, without excessive emotionality. Criticizing the management, colleagues or competitors in their absence is unacceptable. Men and women can express critical remarks to a person's face only if they contain elements of constructiveness. In general, the following are the principles of business ethics:

  • The employee's behavior should correspond to the company's procedures and contribute to its progress.
  • Behavior at work is considered ethical, if it corresponds to the moral standards, foundations and traditions existing in the firm.
  • The culture of communication at work must meet the requirements of universal ethics.
  • There is no gender division in business relations. The main thing in them is the collective interests.
  • Service conversations are not conducted in an orderly tone.
  • Communication with colleagues should be as conflict-free as possible.
  • Criticism of other employees of the company or competitors should be open and constructive.
  • The conduct of the company's employees should not restrict the freedom of others.
  • Employees of the company are obliged to suppress violations of ethical norms, regardless of who they were admitted to.

In conclusion, I would like to give one more piece of advice,concerning the ethics of business relations. Many employers are very sensitive to the fact that their employees work somewhere else even in their free time from their main job. This is a kind of professional jealousy, because of which the boss can make unjustified claims against the employee, resort to penalties, demote, even fire. From a legal point of view, all these actions are illegal, but not everyone decides to put the employer-owner in his place with the help of the law - sooner or later he will still find a way to punish the obstinate employee. Therefore, before deciding to take on a part-time job, it is advisable to have a polite conversation with the management, focusing on the principle of business ethics: "Do not limit the freedom of others." If such a conversation does not work out, you need to firmly make it clear to the employer that our personal space has boundaries that cannot be crossed. Do not be afraid to defend your own interests. This applies to all aspects of business etiquette. A good employer should be understanding of the employee's life position. And if the manager is inclined to tyranny, you need to think about whether there is any point in working under him at all. Remember that the culture of business communication should work for you first and foremost. We recommend reading:

