Sand painting has become increasingly popular in recent becoming increasingly popular not only among adults, but also among children. And this is not surprising at all - drawing with sand, or, as it is also called, sand animation, has a number of positive aspects. These include:
- Simplicity
Many children's hobbies requireparents spend a lot of time searching for the necessary supplies, which sometimes cost a lot. For sand painting, you will only need a lamp, glass and clean fine sand. Although many people prefer to use any loose substance instead of sand, be it coffee or semolina, or even granulated sugar. You can also experiment and choose the material that you like more than others. And in order to create, at first, a sand painting studio is completely unnecessary.
- Age of child
Many parents do not pay special attentionattention to sand painting for children, mistakenly believing that this activity is intended for older children. In fact, this is not true at all - even one-year-olds can paint with sand. For the development of fine motor skills, painting with simple sand is no less useful than finger painting or modeling with plasticine. But there will be much less mess and unnecessary hassle with cleaning.
- Aesthetics
The drawings made with sand are very beautiful andallow the child to express all his imagination. And parents can certainly find such drawing interesting, and joint creativity, as is known, has the most favorable effect on the relationship between parents and children.
- Plastic
An important nuance is plasticitymaterial. In order to change the image, the child does not need an eraser - it is enough to simply run a finger on the glass. On the same surface, you can create drawings an infinite number of times. Small children draw with sand with great pleasure. Sand is very good for developing fine motor skills. And, in addition, the child learns to distinguish the texture of various substances. After all, you can use not only dry sand for drawing, but also wet sand - the baby can smear it on the glass. And drawing has the most beneficial effect on the development of older children. Teachers and child psychologists note that the academic performance of those children who began to draw with sand improves significantly. This type of creativity stimulates the accelerated development of both thinking and speech of the child. Psychologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that there is a change in the child's figurative thinking: the restructuring of figurative and logical thinking is colossal. In addition, children who draw are much more stress-resistant. And this is not surprising - sand helps the child get rid of negative emotions, relax and relieve nervous tension. Such children are much less nervous, less touchy and aggressive. Many child psychologists resort to sand painting in their classes with emotionally unstable children.
Accessories for drawing with sand
To start sand painting, you need to prepare the following supplies:
- Wooden box
- Glass or plexiglas
- Lamp
A hole needs to be made in the boxthe size you need, and cover it with glass. Determine the size of this hole yourself, taking into account the desired area of the future drawing. Process the edges of the glass so that they are not sharp. For small children, it is generally advisable to use plexiglass, which the child cannot hurt himself with. On top of the plexiglass, you need to put a sheet of white paper, which is preferably secured with tape. This measure will help to give a matte finish. After this, make a small hole in the box and place a lamp inside it. Prepare the material for the drawing itself. If you are using sand, wash and dry it thoroughly before drawing. Please note that you can use absolutely any fine sand, and not just quartz. You have everything ready - you just have to wait for darkness and start drawing. You should not try to immediately make complex dynamic drawings. In sand drawing, as in any other activity, the rule "from simple to complex" applies. A little patience and perseverance - and your child's drawings will begin to truly amaze viewers! Or perhaps your child will enjoy this activity so much that a sand painting studio will become his conscious choice. We recommend reading: