Dracaena fragrant One of the most popular varietiesdracaena is dracaena scented, or, as it is also called, a dragon tree. This species is considered the most common and popular, it easily adapts to the domestic conditions. There are many varieties of fragrant dracaena, and most of them throw out a kind of flower brush with a pleasantly smelling aroma. Flowers are painted in cream shades. Although in the closed premises, in homes and apartments, Dracaena blooms extremely rarely. As a rule, shoots branch directly from the main trunk, whose height is from 35 cm to 2 m. The leaves have a pleasant green color, although there are subspecies (fragrans massangena), which have yellow strips on the leaves in the middle of the foliage. Effectively look plants of different widths and heights, located side by side. Such a game of contrasts will decorate any room: office or apartment. Dracaena fragrans is known for its useful properties. The resin is called the "blood of the dragon". Drachsen fibers are used to make brushes. This is a kind of green filter that can absorb its leaves and neutralize some poisons, for example, xylene and benzene, as well as formaldehyde. dracaena scented care

Varieties of fragrant dracaena

As mentioned above, the Dracaena fragrant is a plantmulti-port. The color of foliage, its size, the color of the bands is different. It can be plants with leaves of monochromatic coloring or variegated species, which have a border at the edges. There are forms, the height of which is not more than twenty centimeters. For example, dracaena fragrans surprise. However, the most popular varieties are compacta, and also massangeana. Massangeana - a large plant of palm-like form, grows up to one and a half meters. The difference between the subspecies is a motley color of foliage, in the center of which there is a wide strip surrounded by narrower bands of the same color. But compacta is distinguished by monophonic leaves of bright green color. Victoriae is a species that has yellow leaves of longitudinal form. Lindenii - one of the popular varieties, differs cream strips, usually on the edges of foliage. Dark green leaves of the rothiana species. Here on the edges - strips of white. The most rare varieties are dracaena lemon lime and kanzi, which are known for their striped, bright leaves. Florists, however, give the greatest preference to dracaena fragrans, because this subspecies looks great in compositions with equally popular other cultures. And as a solitary plant, it looks great. This is a great way to green the apartment, cottage or office.

Proper care of dracaena

The content of the dracaena, like any otherindoor plant, implies the right comprehensive care, which includes some requirements for lighting, watering and temperature. In addition, it is important to know how to provide the plant with good reproduction and transplantation. But first things first. First of all, let's talk about lighting. Dracaena needs good, intensive lighting, but direct light is contraindicated in this case. Simple ordinary varieties require less light than bright and mottled, colored species. Dracaena is shade-tolerant, therefore, providing the plant with shading, you will create the most comfortable conditions for him. Dracaena scented is demanding to the temperature. In winter, it should not be below 15 degrees. If the plant grows dry, the dracaena can tolerate a 12-degree regime, but one must try not to allow this. In summer, the temperature should not exceed 24 degrees, otherwise the plant will dry out. Proper care implies proper irrigation. During the period of active growth, it is necessary to water the dracenium abundantly. As a rule, this is the middle of spring-the end of autumn. In winter, when the plant is at rest, you need to shorten watering. However, do not allow drying of the root system or strong soil moisture. This can lead to a rapid decay of the stem, the death of the roots, and reproduction will subsequently be weak. Water the dracauna twice a week in the summer, in winter you need to reduce watering up to once a week. Fragrant dracaena needs air of high humidity. Otherwise, both the edges and ends of the leaves will instantly dry up. It is important to spray the plant regularly, about three times a week. If the tips are completely dry and you see that leaving them will not help, it's better to trim them neatly. For spraying, use water, pre-set, at room temperature. Twice a month, using a soft sponge soaked in water, wipe the dracaena leaves. Instead of a sponge, use a cloth to remove the settled dust from the leaves. If for some reason you can not often spray the plant, then in this case it should be placed on a special pallet filled with moist pebbles. Instead of pebbles, use peat or expanded clay. Do not forget to fill the pan with water constantly. With such a simple method, you can create optimal conditions for dracaena and complete care. How to feed the scented dracaena? For fertilizers, use liquid top dressings for indoor plants. They need to be planted according to the instructions. In no case should you allow excess fertilizer, as the plant can be seriously affected and you will achieve the opposite effect. Prepare good soil for the plant. It should be clay or, as an option, peat. Now about the transplant. It is necessary to transplant an already formed plant twice a year. If you cope with a large plant is very difficult, then change only the upper soil layer. Reproduction also has some features. The most suitable moment for this is spring and summer. The dracenes multiply due to cuttings, rooting in water or in sand. As a rule, one stem has a length of more than 10 cm. However, there are also such varieties that reproduce by air layers or seeds. If you want the plant to have several tops, then choose a well-rooted young tree. Its height should not be less than 30 cm. Cut off the top using a sharp knife. It is important that leaves remain on the trunk. After a while the dracaena will release lateral shoots, and now it is possible to root the top. dracaena fragrant dracaena fragrans

Difficulties in growing

Dracaena fragrant is a plant that is verysensitive to external sources. She does not tolerate drafts, and low humidity. As soon as the leaves have bright spots, move the pot with the plant into a shaded, less lit place. If you notice that the leaves begin to fade, then this indicates that the care of the plant is incorrect. Most likely, the whole thing is in excess watering or in its acute shortage. In addition, the leaves can fade and due to frostbite. You can also see mottled light spots from below. This is an indicator that you are using low-quality water for irrigation. It is recommended to filter or boil it before watering. Dry air in the room can provoke the dryness of the edges of the leaves, and the tips turn brown. The solution of the problem is the normalization of care, ensuring proper humidity. The second reason is drafts, lack of liquid. If the leaves are curled and become soft, then you need to raise the temperature. In the case of dracenas of tender subspecies, such manifestations can be felt if left for a whole night at the window during the cold season. Another problem that often hinders the growth of the dracaena is the yellowness of the leaves. If the plant is old, then the leaves begin to turn yellow slowly - this can not be avoided. Such dracenas are characterized by a green color of the leaves only at the top of the stem. This is due to the fact that the plant does not live long - after two years of active growth the dracaena turns yellow and then dies. Any care for the plant can spoil the pests. In this case, it is a spider mite, scab, as well as mealy mulberry, nematode and black mushroom. How to deal with diseases? First of all, once you have discovered the aggressors, immediately begin to take serious measures. You can not expect that the plant itself will stop ache! Use chemical drugs only when weaker, home remedies do not work. You need to choose less toxic, soft drugs. If you have pets in your house, do not forget about them - if they try to bite a leaf of a plant, they can get poisoned or get very sick. Try to prevent this. It is not necessary to process the plant in the room - it's best to hold it on the balcony or in the bathroom. Do not forget to follow the instructions! But the main rule is constant, stable care of the plant, observation of it. As soon as you see signs of malaise, resort to radical measures. This is the main rule for the care of any plant. Provide competent care, and the dracaena fragrant will delight you with its vivid appearance for more than a month!

