diet with erosive gastritisGastritis is a disease thatis very common - both in children and adults. And most often there is an erosive form of gastritis - the gastric mucosa is affected too much and ulcers are formed. They can be localized throughout the entire gastric mucosa, or they can be grouped in one place. Until a certain time, gastritis can be asymptomatic, but eventually it will still make itself known. Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, pain - this is not a complete list of all the "delights" of erosive gastritis. But in order to accurately diagnose the disease, be sure to familiarize yourself with such a concept as a diet for erosive gastritis. And also visit a gastroenterologist. Firstly, you can make a mistake with the diagnosis on your own, and this can be fraught with very serious consequences. Secondly, the doctor, taking into account your condition, will select the most appropriate course of treatment.erosive gastritis diet

Prohibited products

As mentioned above, diet for erosivegastritis is simply necessary, and it should be very, very strict. Of course, no one says that a sick person should torture himself with hunger - on the contrary, the diet should be balanced. But fractional - portions should be small, as well as the break between meals - no more than three hours. However, it is very important to remember the list of products that must be strictly excluded from the diet:

  • Fatty foods

Fatty foods should be strictly prohibited. This applies to both fatty meats and fatty fish. And it doesn't matter how small the portion is.

  • Seasonings and spices, sauces

No hot spices or seasonings -maximum, it is dill and parsley. Everything else is very irritating to the mucous membrane of the stomach, and this worsens the condition of the sick person. The same applies not only to hot spices, but also to all hot products. You will also have to give up all sauces, including mayonnaise. At best, you can leave sour cream.

  • Canned food

Everyone without exception is strictly prohibitedcanned food - meat, vegetables, fish. The preservatives contained in them are a very serious burden for the already weakened mucous membrane of the stomach.

  • Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are, of course, very useful fororganism. But not if a person has gastritis. Fruit and vegetable acids will worsen the condition of your stomach many times over. Therefore, all fruits and vegetables must undergo heat treatment.

  • Some drinks

Any carbonated drinks, even mineral water, alcohol and coffee should be excluded from the diet. By the way, any juices are also strictly contraindicated for erosive.correct diet with erosive gastritis

List of allowed products

Many may protest loudly, saying,What should you eat then? Believe me, you have quite a choice. Soups, ideally of a slimy consistency, various porridges - semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Of course, it is very difficult to eat empty porridge - butter or cream will do as a dressing. Once a day, you can include lean meat, steamed meatballs and cutlets, meat soufflé, lean fish in your diet. You should not completely give up meat products, as you can develop anemia and other very unpleasant complications. Several times a week, a sick person can include low-fat cottage cheese and kefir in the menu - this will help to avoid calcium deficiency. In addition, you can eat a steamed omelet twice a week. Homemade compotes and kissels will not be superfluous - the main thing is not from sour berries and fruits. In addition, you can drink weak black and green tea, just do not overdo it with sugar. Remember that all food should be thoroughly chopped, and ideally even pureed. Take your food slowly, chewing thoroughly - despite the fact that it is already pureed. As a rule, such a diet should be followed for some time after the symptoms of the disease disappear. How long exactly - your gastroenterologist will tell you. We recommend reading:

