depression during pregnancy It would seem that pregnancy is the happiestperiod in the life of any woman. However, alas, this is not always the case. Emotional instability for the expectant mother is the usual condition. A woman can cry or laugh, and all in a very short time. Therefore, it is difficult for anyone to surprise anyone with a bad mood of a future mother. But just a bad mood is not the worst. Much worse, if the future mother faced such a plague as depression. Depression during pregnancy is a phenomenon that occurs very often. But, unfortunately, very often depression remains without due attention. But this is fraught with serious consequences.

General information about depression

Depression is serious enoughdisease. It is characterized by a depressed state of mind. As a result, a person has a stably bad mood, a negative vision of the surrounding world, a pessimistic perception of reality. Simply put, a person suffering from depression is sure that everything is very bad and nothing will change in the future, and he simply is not able to somehow influence the situation. By the way, doctors-psychotherapists assert that women suffer from depression twice as often as men. There are two versions of this explanation:

  • Features of the female psyche

Women are much more willing to share theirexperiences with others, unlike men. That is why it is much easier to diagnose depression. So, and in the statistics are the representatives of the fair sex.

  • Interrelation of emotional state and hormonal background

The psychological state of a woman directlydepends on her hormonal background. As a vivid example - the notorious PMS. And the main distinguishing feature of premenstrual syndrome is emotional instability. But the change in the hormonal background before menstruation is not so strong. What can I say about a pregnant woman? After all, in her body, there are real hormonal storms! Of course, depression does not occur during pregnancy in every future mother - only 20% of all pregnancies. Yes, and depression in pregnant women is much softer than that of all the rest. But to leave it without attention is in no case impossible, since depression increases the risk of complications of pregnancy.

Risk Factors for Depression

Of course, it is very difficult to predict whether depression will affect you. However, there are a number of specific risk factors. These include:

  • Depression before pregnancy

Especially often with depression while waitingthe child is faced by women who were depressed before pregnancy. Especially in the event that the medication treatment of this illness was interrupted due to pregnancy.

  • Genetic predisposition

In the event that one of the relativesthere were cases of depression, the future mother is much more than others is at risk of depression. Their family and friends should be especially careful.

  • Unwanted pregnancy

Very often depression in a future mother developsin the event that pregnancy is undesirable, and the appearance of the child is perceived as a negative event, which can greatly complicate life.

Causes of depression

In the event that a pregnant woman has broken withfather of the future child, or in the period of the child's expectation there was a grief - a serious illness or the death of a loved one, or some other really unpleasant event, the cause of the depressive state is quite clear. But, fortunately, such serious reasons are rare. Most often, depression occurs - at first glance - for no apparent reason. And the future mother feels well, and the pregnancy proceeds perfectly, and the future father of a speck of dust blows off his wife, and at work - understanding and support. But the joy of life does not work, the mood is getting worse and worse. Why is this happening? Doctors say that during pregnancy, depression occurs because of the combination of two factors - physical and psychological. With the physical everything is quite clear - during pregnancy there is a global restructuring of the hormonal background. And it is because of this that emotional instability appears, which can persist throughout pregnancy. In addition, during pregnancy, the future mother has a lot of psychological stress. And it is not surprising - after all, the habitual way of life of a woman during pregnancy changes radically, all life submits only to bearing pregnancy. In the event that a woman and before pregnancy led a passive, home way of life, such changes will not have much impact on her psychological state. But in the event that the way of life of the expectant mother before pregnancy was active, such changes will become very strong stress. In addition, it is not easy for those women who are too demanding. They believe that they must do everything, keep everything under control - and work, and household, and the situation in the family. But it's not so easy to manage all this during pregnancy. And the future mother begins to lose optimism and moping. depression in pregnancy

Symptoms of Depression

So, with the causes of the development of depression, are we moreless understood. Let's now understand, what are the symptoms of this very depression makes itself felt. After all, only knowing about the signs, you can notice the disease in time, and therefore, to provide the future mother with all the necessary help.

  • Low mood

The first sign of depression is constantlylow mood. The future mother is not pleased with almost anything, even those things that pleased her before. Of course, bad mood sometimes gives way to good, but for a short time and rarely enough. And if treatment of depression is not started on time, such "light spots" will be less and less frequent.

  • Increased anxiety

Of course, any future mother worries aboutthe health of your future baby. However, with depression, this anxiety assumes a hypertrophic form - a woman is panically afraid of everything. The fear of premature termination of pregnancy becomes a very persuasive idea. The woman lives constantly, like "on a powder keg", waiting for trouble. As a consequence - a very strong emotional instability, tearfulness. Tears flow on any occasion, and sometimes even without any reason.

  • Apathy

A woman loses interest in everything that happensaround. In especially difficult cases, even preparing a dowry for a future baby becomes a woman not interesting. A pregnant woman can sit for hours or lie, looking at one point, completely immersed in her sad thoughts.

  • Self-Healing

Sometimes depression leads to a womanbegins to blame himself for all possible sin, about, and often without it. The future mother considers herself a burden to her family, a worthless being. She is sure that her mother will be useless, she will not be able to cope with her duties. And these thoughts can completely deprive the woman of peace.

  • Sleep Disorders

During pregnancy,disturbance of the normal rhythm of sleep. This can be both increased drowsiness and insomnia. And insomnia is more common - dark thoughts simply do not allow a woman to fall asleep. By the way, the constant lack of sleep also has a very negative effect on the emotional state of a woman. It turns out a kind of vicious circle.

  • Unreasonable aggression

Sometimes emotional instability is manifestednot excessive tearfulness, but unreasonable aggression. The future mummy becomes a real fury, terrorizing everyone around. However, she herself suffers from this very strong because she understands the inadmissibility of such behavior.

Behavior of relatives

Very often, even the closest people, not to mentionabout all the others around, they simply do not understand what is happening to the future mother. They become nervous and even angry. A pregnant woman hears tips like "pull yourself together". Believe me, if the future mother could, she would have done it. With depression, the help of close people is very important. And it is needed even if the woman herself does not ask for this help. She may not even realize that she needs help. But it is the correct behavior of native people that can help a woman get out of depression in the shortest possible time. It is very important that close people do not succumb to the mood of a pregnant woman. Of course, depression is not the flu, it does not spread by airborne droplets. But the pessimistic mood can be earned very much. Therefore, be sure to observe a certain psychological distance - remind yourself and the future mother that depression is a temporary phenomenon, and very quickly its condition is normalized. Do not criticize a pregnant woman, and certainly do not blame her for anything. On the contrary, always remind her that such a state is not the fault of a woman, but a real disease that requires proper treatment. But in any case, do not concentrate the attention of the whole family on the depressive state of the future mother. It is much more reasonable to try to provide a woman with as many positive emotions as possible. After all, you probably know what it is possible to please a person close to you? Dare - you will necessarily succeed. In addition, in any case, do not try to remove the future mother from all sorts of cases. Of course, a pregnant woman should rest as much as possible. But if you completely exclude a woman from the life of the family, she can feel abandoned and useless. And this only worsens the emotional state of the future mother.

Advice of the future mother

The following tips are useful as thefuture mother, and her family. If these rules are observed, depression, if she overtakes the expectant mother, will proceed more gently. And it will pass much faster.

  • Timely response

First, always remember that the earlierdepression will be noticed and the necessary measures taken, the easier it will be to cope with it. Start acting as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Until the condition worsened, you need to act. Try to have more fun and relax. What do you like most? Go shopping? So, it's time for shopping. Do you love nature? Why not go on a picnic? And, maybe, you have long dreamed of a warm sun and a gentle sea? In any case, your positive emotions should be in the foreground. All the rest - wait. In the end, nothing terrible with your husband will not happen, if he has dinner dumplings.

  • Operating mode

Of course, we are all adults and beautifulwe understand that it is impossible to enjoy all 9 months of pleasure. Life does not stop, and you have to do things anyway. But in order not to get bogged down in them "with your head", you need to plan your day. It is best to do this in advance, in the evening. But try not to get on your own hook - the schedule should not be too hard. Otherwise, the risk is high that something can not be in time. And in this case, depression will only worsen.

  • Complete rest

In no event must we forget thata pregnant woman very badly needs a full rest. Do not take on all the domestic chores and worries - leave most of the household. They do not show activity? Ask them for help! Maybe they just do not know that you need it. After all, fatigue in the period of waiting for the child is the most important enemy of the future mother. Fatigue has the property of accumulating, which means that sooner or later it will make itself felt irritation, fatigue and depression. And then it's almost a stone's throw away from depression.

  • Diet of a pregnant woman

Everyone knows that a full meal on timepregnancy is a guarantee of health of both mother and future child. However, not everyone knows that poor nutrition provokes the development of depression. Although depression itself suppresses appetite. Therefore sometimes the future mother sometimes has to make a certain effort, but still eat. Otherwise, it will be a vicious circle, which in the end, sooner or later, will have to be broken.

  • Motor activity of a woman

In almost all cases, depression leads tothe appearance of apathy. So, the motor activity is reduced - the woman is almost always in a sedentary state. In this case, the proverb "wedge by a wedge kick out" is appropriate. Try to move as much as possible - of course, within the framework of reasonable, exhaust yourself in any case impossible. But here the gymnastics for expectant mothers, aqua aerobics, or even the most common walking tour can greatly improve the mood of the future mother. And the overall positive effect of physical exertion on the body of a pregnant woman is very difficult to overestimate. Surely your body will thank you. By the way speaking about walking. Take the rule of walking for at least two hours. Being outside the home also has a very positive effect on the emotional state of the expectant mother, especially in the third trimester. After all, monotony is very tiring. Although in no case should we forget about caution. When leaving home, do not forget to bring your passport and exchange card, a certain amount of money. Make sure your mobile phone is always charged. And in any case do not go on long trips - in the third trimester childbirth can begin at any time. They should not take you by surprise.

  • Appearance of the future mother

In any case, a woman always remains a woman. A woman always wants to look good. And if she looks untidy, the depressive state will only worsen. Therefore, try to make time for yourself under any conditions. Hygiene procedures alone are clearly not enough. Go to the hairdresser, buy a new, liked you blouse, make up. For sure, the feeling of your own attractiveness will greatly improve your mood. depression during pregnancy symptoms

Postpartum Depression

Talking about the depression that may occurduring pregnancy, you can not fail to mention - at least in short - and about the postpartum pregnancy, so that it does not take you by surprise. Many women who have recently become mothers have postpartum depression. This depression is associated with the social, chemical and psychological changes in the life and body of any woman that occur after the birth of the baby. In addition, these are emotional and physical changes taking place in the life of a young mother. Most often, this depression occurs on the third week after childbirth. And it is not surprising - during pregnancy, the level of almost all hormones grows about 10 times. And after childbirth sharply decreases, quickly returning to the norm - about the same three weeks. It goes without saying that such jumps can not but affect the physical and emotional state of the young mother. After all, a lot depends on the hormonal background. Moreover - the congratulations and raptures of relatives were overshadowed, the flowers were withered and everyday life began, which the young mother could only guess earlier. Time for sleep is less, responsibilities - more and more. Especially if the baby cries often. Of course, the young mother is very much frightened - after all, there are not, and can not be, exactly how to calm or at least differentiate the cries of the baby. Spinning around the house like a routine, Mom does not have time to do anything, gets out of the way. Everything falls from the hands, and the feeling of being invaluable in her glorious deed only worsens her condition. That's where Mummy gets into the swamp of reflections about her ineptitude and curvature. Opportunities for communication with young mothers are not so many, especially since now it is not fashionable to walk with strollers, grouping in groups, as it was before. But it is in this circle of like-minded people that you can and need to find support, understand that you are not worse than everyone and with similar problems are faced by any woman who gave birth. To prevent this kind of depression it is possible - asking for help and allowing your relatives to help you. In addition, try not to concentrate on just one baby. Do not stop paying attention to your husband - you did not push him into the far corner, as temporarily useless thing on the farm? Your man is also very hard, so try to support him a little. And then he, for sure, will treat your state with even greater understanding. And about yourself, my darling, you must not forget. You can always find a little time for your hobbies, sports or recreation. Try to do something that has been going on for a long time, but you could not do it. Even such simple things - a balanced diet and a morning exercise - can help you improve your condition.


Do you remember how our conversation started? That's right, with the statement that pregnancy is one of the best periods in the life of any life. Therefore, in no case should you allow depression to spoil this very period. As you can see, it is quite possible to cope with this ailment, there would be a desire and a little knowledge. But in the event that you feel that you can not cope with depression yourself, be sure to seek help from a psychologist. Very often, women refuse to go to the doctor, fearing ridicule and condemnation of others. And very vain - today a visit to a psychologist is not something shameful. And such professional help will help to avoid a lot of problems. Including postpartum depression. After all, it is also far from the most pleasant phenomenon that a new mother might be waiting for. After all, it is during these first weeks and months after childbirth that the maximum amount of feedback and attention is required from the mother. But even in the event that you did not manage to avoid the appearance of postpartum depression, do not despair. Cope with it is quite possible. And fast enough. All the worries and troubles will pass very quickly. And the happiness of motherhood will remain with you for the rest of your life! If you realize this, not one depression will not be terrible for you. We wholeheartedly wish you a positive pregnancy, a light birth and a happy life. We advise you to read:

