Wisdom tooth extraction Toothache is almost the most painful sightpain that occurs in humans. Surely, every one of us ever encountered her. There are a lot of folk ways to cope with toothache, however, the only really effective tool is a visit to the dentist. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to save a tooth. So, for example, the removal of the wisdom tooth became the most ordinary operation. Yes, yes, it is the operation - after all, when the tooth is removed, a real surgical intervention occurs. Of course, doctors will try to save the tooth until the last, because the removal of the tooth complications causes considerable. So, for example, in the absence of even one tooth, the quality of mechanical processing of food in the mouth significantly worsens. This phenomenon leads to the emergence of a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - from gastritis to ulcers and colitis. In the same case, if the removal of anterior teeth occurs, the external appearance of a person deteriorates significantly, correct articulation is violated, which almost always leads to the appearance of the strongest complexes. And often complications after tooth extraction significantly complicate the life of both a sick person and a doctor. However, despite all this, it is sometimes impossible to save a tooth and it must be removed. To remove the teeth, there are a number of indications, such as:

  • The presence of a granulomatous,granulating periodontitis, often expressed in chronic form. However, the decision to remove the tooth is taken only if the patient has strongly curved and impassable root canals.
  • Presence of a purulent periodontitis in a sick person. However, even with this disease, the decision to remove the tooth is taken only if the doctor can not carry out outflow from the periodontal outflow of pus, since the tooth has either impassable or extremely curved root canals.
  • The presence of such a disease in a sick person,as odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw. If you are faced with such a serious disease, be prepared for the fact that the extraction of the tooth will be immediate, without the slightest delay. Eliminate the presence of foci of pathogenic bacteria, as well as toxic products of their vital activity and tissue decay is possible only by removing the diseased tooth. Such a measure allows to strictly limit the course of the inflammatory infectious process, and also leads to its attenuation.
  • Also, the removal of the tooth is simply necessary in the event that there is a pathological process in the area of ​​wisdom teeth on the lower jaw.
  • The presence of a sick person's teeth, which provoke a chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, as well as neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve.
  • The presence of a person significantly advanced fromtooth tooth socket, with significant exposure of the roots. Such teeth often hamper the normal chewing process, injure the soft tissues of the oral mucosa, and in addition make prosthetics impossible without their prior removal.
  • The patient has superfluous and atypically located teeth, which worsen the bite of a person and can also injure his mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
  • The patient has teeth withprofoundly destroyed by dental crowns, quite simply - roots. However, the roots should not always be removed, but only if the tooth is a chronic foci of infection and can not be used in prosthetics as a support.
  • The presence of a patient's teeth that are in the region of the jaw fracture and not subject to reposition fragments, but only being a potential conductor of the infection.
  • The presence of a multi-root tooth, which the dentist tried repeatedly, but failed to cure, but the treatment was constantly complicated by the onset of acute periodontal inflammation.
  • The presence of a single person in the patient's teeth, which interfere with the correct fixation of a removable prosthesis.

Effects of tooth extraction

In some cases, after examining your cavitymouth and teeth, the doctor can offer you several alternative treatment options. Most often, of course, tooth extraction is one of the cheapest methods of treatment. However, in no case should we forget that the prosthetics that you need in the future, will cost much more than the treatment of the tooth now. Often, the removal of only one tooth leads to a violation of the entire dentition - adjacent to the removed teeth begin to shift significantly. As a result, the person begins to experience significant difficulties with the chewing process, the joints of the jaw. Also very quickly displaced adjacent teeth will begin to undergo deformation and destruction, which will become your next headache. No wonder, even if you can not save the tooth, the doctor always recommends that the sick person replace the removed teeth as soon as possible. And again, when deciding on the removal of the tooth, which can still be cured, remember that the replacement of the tooth is much more expensive than treating it.

Dental examination

In order to decide on the removal of the tooth,the doctor needs to perform a thorough examination of your mouth. Part of this examination is an X-ray of a problem tooth. With this picture, your doctor will be able to assess the condition of both the inside of the tooth, and its root, and the bone around it. Depending on the complexity of the forthcoming removal, he will either propose to perform the operation in person, or he will recommend that you consult a surgeon. Before you remove the tooth, the doctor will conduct a thorough examination and ask you a number of questions that will help him get the information necessary for the successful operation. As a rule, the doctor will ask you about:

  • All your previous visits to the dentist, treatment, removal of teeth, if any, features the course of the gum healing process.
  • About the general state of health.
  • On individual intolerance of individual drugs.
  • About what you are taking medicine. This information is very important for the doctor, because the most common medications, such as aspirin, can significantly reduce blood coagulability, other drugs - to increase blood pressure. All this can cause bleeding after tooth extraction.
  • If you are taking contraceptives,be sure to tell the doctor about it - women who take hormonal contraceptive drugs, are much more likely to form so-called "dry holes."

Preparing for tooth extraction

tooth extraction complications Among people there are two opposing opinionsabout the question of whether it is necessary before taking out the tooth to take antibiotics. Some argue that taking antibiotics is simply necessary, in the opposite case, inflammation after tooth extraction is possible. The other side argues that taking antibiotics does not bring anything, except excessive load on the liver and kidneys. In fact, the question of taking antibiotics should be decided by the doctor individually in each case. As a rule, a preliminary intake of antibiotics before the removal of the tooth is prescribed if the doctor has detected a large amount of infection. In the event that the doctor prescribed you antibiotics, adhere strictly to the admission scheme. Otherwise, antibiotics will not only be useless, but even harmful to your body. In the event that during the reception of antibiotics you notice strange reactions of your body, for example, shortness of breath or the appearance on the body of the rash, immediately stop taking the medication and inform your doctor about it. So, the decision to remove the tooth is accepted. It is quite natural that you will experience anxiety and fear of this procedure. Most often, the cause of fear is, first of all, ignorance. The procedure for removing the tooth is described in detail below. Before the doctor proceeds directly to the removal of the tooth, he will necessarily perform local anesthesia - anesthesia of the gums and nerves of the tooth by injecting an anesthetic. Before taking an injection, most doctors prefer, to reduce pain, to treat the injection site with a ice-quench spray, which greatly reduces the sensitivity of the gum, reducing the pain from injection to a possible minimum. After this, the doctor will ask you to wait for some time until the anesthetic drug begins to work. After a while you will feel how the sensitivity in the area of ​​the injection decreases. The removal of the tooth doctor usually begins about 10 minutes after the injection. Recently, more and more often large clinics practice the removal of teeth under general anesthesia. Pharmacological drug used for general anesthesia, does not bring the human body absolutely no harm. The most common removal of teeth using general anesthesia is offered by doctors in the following cases:

  • Panic, uncontrollable fear of the patient beforedental office. Such people can manipulate the dentist uncontrollably clench their teeth and stuff, which greatly complicates the effective effective work of the dentist. Removal of the tooth with the application of general anesthesia not only facilitates the work of the doctor, but also helps the sick person to avoid additional stressful situations.
  • The patient has an increased emetic reflex. The fact that a doctor who is armed with various instruments is trying to climb into his mouth does not like almost anyone. However, quite often there are people who have developed a vomitive reflex to a great extent, and such manipulations cause severe attacks of vomiting. In this case, it is most expedient, if there is such an opportunity, to carry out the extraction of the teeth just under general anesthesia.
  • In the event that a sick person suffers fromallergic reactions to standard local anesthetics. Such people are forced to endure all the painful sensations that arise during the removal of the tooth, since local anesthesia is strictly contraindicated. Such a situation can lead even to the emergence of a real pain shock. And general anesthesia never causes allergic reactions, so it is successfully used in allergic patients.

The main thing to remember about if yousuggested the removal of teeth under general anesthesia, this is that for the conduct of such a procedure, the medical institution should have its own appropriate license, as well as an anesthesiologist. It is unacceptable to calculate the dose and monitor the condition of a sick person during anesthesia by a dentist.

The process of tooth extraction

You should be prepared for the fact that during theremoval of the tooth, you will very well feel a fairly strong feeling of pressure, because the doctor will make an effort. The root of the tooth is very tightly located in the bone hole. In order to extract the tooth, the doctor needs to significantly expand the tooth socket. Due to the fact that the jaw bone has the ability to contract significantly, the doctor expands the socket by loosening the tooth back and forth. It is because of these actions that the sick person feels a significant sense of pressure. However, do not strain and wait for that feeling to come after this feeling of pain. This is because in the human body there is a huge number of different types of nerve fibers and endings that are responsible for different sensations. That anesthesia, which is used to anesthetize in dentistry, blocks those nerve endings that are responsible for the pain, but almost does not affect the nerve endings that are responsible for the feeling of pressure. That is why it is necessary to repeat once again - during the removal of the tooth under anesthesia you will not feel pain, but only a feeling of pressure. If suddenly, which is very unlikely, you will still feel pain, immediately let the doctor know about it. The physician will insert an additional amount of anesthetic into the area of ​​tooth extraction, which completely blocks the nerve endings. It should also be remembered that taking analgesics such as "ketones" or "baralgin", which a sick person often drinks to eliminate pain in the tooth, can reduce the effect of anesthesia. Try at least 12 hours before you remove the tooth to avoid taking these drugs. If you still accepted them, be sure to inform your doctor about it.

Difficult tooth extraction

In some cases, the usual way to extract a toothfrom the hole. Most often it happens in the event that the roots of the tooth are too complicated form - curved or curved. In such cases, doctors decide to remove the tooth from the fragments. The essence of the method is as follows: the tooth with special tools is excised into fragments, which the doctor then extracts, using special tongs to remove the teeth. Very many sick people, hearing that they have shown this is a tooth extraction, are extremely frightened. However, you should not be afraid of this - the procedure is completely painless and allows you to remove the tooth much easier and faster, and also allows you to avoid complications after tooth extraction.

First day after tooth extraction

complications after tooth extraction After the extraction of the tooth is completed,the doctor will necessarily examine the hole, in order to make sure that there are no remains of the tooth and dental deposits. In the hole will be laid cotton swab, which you need to tightly clamp and hold for about an hour. Also, the doctor will tell you that after tooth extraction you can not do, but what, on the contrary, is necessary in order to reduce the risk of postoperative complications to a possible minimum. The following are general guidelines, but be sure to print them out and show your doctor - maybe he will add something else, depending on your specific situation.

  • Bleeding from the tooth socket immediately aftertooth extraction. Normally, bleeding stops about a half hour after removal. As already mentioned above, the doctor will put a cotton swab on the socket, which you will need to tighten firmly and leave for about an hour. However, sometimes bleeding can continue for several hours. In this case, you will need a sterile bandage - with cleanly washed hands, cut a small piece, form a tampon of the required size from it and repeat the procedure. If bleeding can not be stopped after two to three hours, you need to urgently seek medical help.
  • Formation of a blood clot in the socket of the removed tooth. Clot after tooth extraction is simply essential for successful healing of the wound. That is why in the first day you must follow a number of rules to prevent the destruction and removal of the blood clot:
    • In no case it is impossible to rinse your mouth in the first day after removal and even just spit out saliva.
    • The use of a hot liquid - tea, coffee or soups - also often leads to the dissolution of a blood clot. Try to avoid eating them.
    • Smoking also often leads to a shiftblood clot. A similar effect is observed when drinking drinks through a straw. This is explained by the fact that when smoking and drinking, a vacuum forms in the mouth, which causes this very shift of the blood clot.
    • Rinse after tooth extraction.Very often, from relatives and friends, the person to whom the tooth has been removed, hears advice about the need to rinse the mouth. Be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor, however, the first day after tooth extraction, rinsing is strictly prohibited, in order to avoid damage to the blood clot.
    • Edema after tooth extraction.Have you swollen your cheek after tooth extraction? This sometimes happens. As a rule, the more difficult the removal, the higher the probability of edema of nearby soft tissues. In order to remove this tumor, doctors recommend applying to the cheek from the side of the removed tooth. Ice should be applied every hour for about 10 minutes. Continue the procedure until the edema disappears completely. However, in no case do not apply ice to the gums - this can lead to the entry into the wound of pathogenic microorganisms and, as a consequence, the development of infectious inflammation.
    • Smoking.Smokers are much more likely than non-smokers to face various complications, such as temperature after tooth extraction, inflammation of the socket and others. If you can, try to refrain from smoking at least for a day, or even two.
    • Anesthetics.As a rule, after removal of the tooth, the sick person does not experience particularly strong pain. The pain experienced by the patient is tolerable enough and can be easily suppressed by taking pain medications. However, always check with your doctor which medicine you can take. Be sure to read the instructions that are attached to the medicine. If you have any doubts, be sure to talk about them with your doctor. Remember that the reception of pain relievers is desirable to combine with food intake. This must be done in order to minimize the negative effect of the drug on the stomach. When taking painkillers, often a sick person is distracted by attention, drowsiness. Especially neat with taking these drugs should be people who drive a vehicle, or work with dangerous mechanisms.
    • Antibiotics after tooth extraction.No less important is the question, such as the remedy after tooth extraction. As already mentioned above, often a few days before the expected date of tooth extraction, the doctor appoints a sick person to drink a course of antibiotics. Do not stop taking antibiotics immediately after tooth extraction - this can lead to a worsening of the condition, as well as to producing immunity to this type of antibiotic in pathogenic microflora, which will make its use meaningless the next time.
    • Restriction of motor activity.After removal, especially if there was a complicated tooth extraction, to prevent possible bleeding and stimulate the normal formation of a blood clot, the sick person should observe certain limitations of motor activity. So, for example, it is necessary to refrain from playing sports and hard physical work. During sleep it is necessary to put an additional pillow under the head, in order to make the head higher. This will also help to avoid the additional risk of damage to the blood clot.
    • Food.In the event that the removal of the tooth was not complicated by anything, there are practically no special restrictions in the diet. The only thing that you should pay attention to is that the food is chewed on the opposite side from the removal. However, in the event that the removal of the wisdom tooth complications did give, the doctor will certainly advise you to follow a diet of liquid and soft foods. As already mentioned above, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all hot drinks, which often lead to the destruction of the blood clot and the disruption of the normal healing process.
    • Teeth cleaning.At a time when healing occurs after tooth extraction, it is extremely important to maintain oral hygiene. Very many people after tooth extraction prefer a few days not to brush their teeth at all. However, this leads to the propagation of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity and can cause inflammation of the well. Brushing is simply necessary, but in the first week, you need to replace your brush with a soft toothbrush. Do not use any rinse mouth.
    • Treatment after tooth extraction. If a sick person has painful teeth in the oral cavity that require treatment, he, of course, will be concerned with the question of when, after removal, one can begin to treat them. As a rule, dentists recommend waiting about a week. However, always ask this question to your doctor.

    Complications after tooth extraction

    Unfortunately, even the most competent andprofessional removal of teeth does not give you any guarantee that there will not be any complications. The following are the main complications most common after tooth extraction:

    • Suturing

    In the event that the removal was very difficult andThe gum is heavily damaged, the doctor may decide to impose a seam on the gum. As a rule, in most cases, the seams are applied using dissolving threads. But at the same time, insoluble threads can be used to apply the seams. Stitches, imposed by such threads, must be removed. However, do not be afraid of this - the procedure is very fast and completely painless.

    • Alveolitis after tooth extraction

    If you have a gum pain after tooth extraction,be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible, you may have come across a so-called dry hole syndrome. A similar syndrome occurs when the blood clot is disturbed by external factors, or is not formed at all. The presence of a blood clot is a prerequisite for a normal healing process and, as a consequence, the absence of this clot leads to various complications. Most often, the alveolitis occurs after difficult tooth extraction, during which a significant injury to the jaw bone and gum tissue occurs. So, for example, very often the pain after the removal of the wisdom tooth is caused precisely by the syndrome of "dry socket". This is explained by the fact that most often the wisdom tooth is largely immersed in bone. And in order to remove it, the doctor has to significantly injure the bone and gum. Also, alveolitis often complicates the removal of the root of the tooth. Strict adherence to the recommendations that your doctor will give you, as well as hygiene of the oral cavity, will allow you to reduce the risk of developing the "dry hole" syndrome to a minimum. Also remember that women who take contraceptives, as well as those who smoke, have a significantly higher risk of developing alveolitis, so they should be especially careful and attentive to their health. As already mentioned, the removal of the wisdom tooth may have consequences in the form of the alveolitis, however, the removal of the remaining teeth is also often complicated by the "dry socket" syndrome. The main symptoms of the alveolitis are:

    • Blunt pain

    Appearance in about three - four daysdull pain in the place of tooth extraction, which is gradually amplified. Most often, painful attacks can not be stopped with the help of ordinary pain medications. Almost always sick people complain that the pain spreads towards the auricle.

    • Unpleasant odor

    In the mouth there is an unpleasant odor after removaltooth. Also, often sick people notice the presence of an unpleasant aftertaste. Very often sick people ask a question - how much does the tooth ache after removal? Normally, pain sensations disappear within a day. If after this period the toothache continues, you need to immediately consult a dentist. The dentist will carefully examine you, and then begin treatment for the alveolitis. Do not hesitate to contact such problems with a doctor - the formation of a "dry socket" is quite common, and doctors know how to cope with this formidable complication after tooth extraction. Treatment of the dry hole syndrome is as follows: the doctor applies a special bandage on the gum at the site of removal, which is impregnated with a special compound that disinfects the wound, relieves pain and speeds up the healing process of the wound. Completely wound wound hole will heal in about a month. Over time, this hole will gradually fill with a bone tissue.

    Extraction of teeth in children and pregnant women

    swollen cheek after tooth extractionEspecially it is necessary to talk about tooth extraction duringpregnancy. Sometimes the need for tooth extraction arises unexpectedly, for example, if a pregnant woman feels severe pain during the eruption of wisdom tooth, or she has other serious indications for tooth removal. How to act in this case? Continue to suffer from pain, or still decide to remove? How to act in each specific case, the surgeon - dentist should solve. Of course, pregnancy is a contraindication to the removal of teeth, but this contraindication can not be considered absolute. A pregnant woman must definitely visit a dentist once every three months, who will conduct a preventive examination of the oral cavity, as well as give the necessary recommendations for dental care. However, in the event that a pregnant woman has a toothache, she should immediately go unscheduled to the dentist. If the period is short and pregnancy is not yet apparent, be sure to report it to your doctor - dentist. Any surgical intervention in the body is a strong stress for him. And for a woman's body, tooth extraction is a stress much more intense than for an ordinary person. That is why all planned removals are carried out before or after pregnancy, and during it - only for emergency indications. For pregnant women, pharmacologists have developed special anesthetics that do not penetrate the placental barrier, and, accordingly, do not bring the health of the fetus the slightest harm. Removing baby teeth in children also has a number of features. To the decision to remove the milk tooth, the dentist should be approached with special responsibility, as this can lead to a number of disorders, such as unintentional disruption of the integrity of the rudiments of permanent teeth, and the formation of a malocclusion in the child. That is why the milk teeth are removed only according to the following indications:

    • The child has a very strongly movable tooth, and the root has already resorbed by more than 50%.
    • The presence of a tooth in the crumb with a significant violation of the roots.
    • The presence of a child's teeth with complicated forms of caries, which are practically not amenable to treatment.
    • Also, the removal of the milk tooth is indicated in the event that it interferes with the normal eruption of the permanent tooth.
    • In the event that the child has sustained a serious trauma of a milk tooth.

    The very process of removing milk teeth also hasa number of its features, distinct from those of an adult. The milk teeth have a very pronounced divergence of the roots, and the alveoli have extremely thin walls. This is why special tongs designed specifically for children are used to remove milk teeth. They are arranged in such a way that the dentist can not move them to a considerable depth and fix them too tightly, which excludes the possibility of accidental damage to the thin walls of the baby teeth. Remember that proper hygienic care for the oral cavity significantly reduces the risk of all kinds of complications from the dental system. And the prevention of a disease is always much more effective than its subsequent treatment. We advise you to read:

