Crazy Holiday

Magnitogorsk, Children's Day, Gifts, TipsA photo: Children's playroom "Buttercups" In order to bring together a large and noisy children's company, a special occasion is not needed. Want, let it be graduation, do you want - Children's Day. The main thing is that your child will have a great time. And if you organize a holiday in the children's play room "Buttercups", you do not have to make special efforts to organize it. "Lyutiki" offer holidays in a variety of options. The banquet area for 25 people will accurately accommodate all the guests. A game zone with a trampoline and a dry pool, a drawing area, animators, a soapy disco - your children will definitely have something to do. In honor of the Children's Day, by the way, "Lyutiki" offer good discounts. Children's playroom "Buttercups" Address: st. Labor, 7aTel. 8-963-094-94-76Site group "VKontakte"

