
master classes for childrenA photo: Getty At first glance, it may seem that this type of activity is suitable only for boys. This is not so: practice shows that it is also interesting for girls to collect and disassemble both simple designers and complex mechanisms. At the robotics circles, children learn how to design and program robots, learn the disciplines necessary for learning about this discipline: biology, mechanics, physics, chemistry, the surrounding world. In children's robotics center "Robomaster.rf" (Gold shopping center, 4th floor, Phone 990 -90-28) children from 6 to 8 years are invited to the classes. The cost of the lesson will be 1500-2500 rubles per month. Parents can also participate in the learning process with their child. The robotics school R2D2 (Karl Marx avenue, 29, Vrubel St., 15, 5th clearing, 95 N. Tel 277-07-92) offers yearly training and is waiting for the children at the age from 3 to 17 years. The cost of training will be 3910-4600 rubles. / Month.


master classes for childrenA photo: GettyThe art of folding figures from paper from the autumn of this year will teach children in the recreation center "Dawn" (May 9, May 9, 16). Groups for learning this form of creativity are formed closer to the autumn, details on the schedule and prices can be found in early September by phone 269-35-76.

Manufacturing of costume jewelery

master classes for childrenA photo: Getty To know what kinds of beads, stones, ways of connections and fasteners, a variety of fasteners, accessories and tools happen, it is possible at a lesson of manufacturing of costume jewelery. After attending a course of practical studies, your child will be able to independently create masterpieces. The "Perspective" vocational training center (3 Eroshevskogo St., Phone 972-17-80) invites children from 14 years to a course in making costume jewelry and from 8 years to a course in beading, the cost is 5500 rubles per 10 lessons and then and another direction. Also in this center there is a set in the group on artistic painting of clothes, ceramic dishes, leather goods, glass. Cost: 7000 rubles. / 10 lessons. In the workshop of Tatyana Labutina (phone 8-903-3324884), classes are held on Sundays 2 times a month and last for 5 hours. In connection with such a long duration of the lesson, students from 14 years are invited to the classes.

Cream and soap making

master classes for childrenA photo: Getty Once taught to cook fragrant soap or a nourishing hand cream, your child is likely to provide your family with these supplies for years to come. To teach these interesting directions will be able in the creative workshop "Da Vinci Cat" (6th clearing, 129. Phone: 375-04-02, 8-927-651-21-95). It is noteworthy that all classes here are held with the active participation of furry pets. In most crafts, cats and cats become the main images: in the workshop you can not only cook soap with pet figures, but also make jewelry, sewing cases, housekeepers, bags with seals. For soap making and cremation, children from 10-12 years old are invited, decorating can be done from 7-8 years. 1 lesson will cost in the amount of 350 rubles.

