brush your teeth with sodaA snow-white smile without a single spot is a dreamevery girl. But only a few can afford to become the owners of such beauty. Laser or chemical whitening is not a cheap pleasure. In a professional clinic, representatives of the fair sex have to leave more than one hundred rubles to at least one step closer to the ideal. Therefore, those who cannot afford such procedures try to use folk beauty recipes. Unfortunately, women forget that such experiments always conceal a hidden threat. Baking soda is the most popular substance with which girls try to put their teeth in order. This is not surprising, since sodium bicarbonate is in almost every housewife’s house. And you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort on preparing special mixtures.

Whitening with folk methods: is the risk justified?

Before you start brushing your teeth with foodsoda, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. After all, in most cases, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Perhaps it is better to save up a little money and go to a specialist than to deal with the consequences of self-medication later. Advantages

  • High efficiency Sometimes one is enoughcleaning with soda to get rid of old plaque that regular toothpaste can't handle. Before an important meeting or date, just rub your teeth with the prepared mixture. And the rest of the day you will sparkle with a snow-white smile. Perhaps that is why this method of whitening is so popular.
  • Cheap and available Bicarbonate for salesodium in stores and supermarkets. A pack costs five to ten times less than special whitening pastes, gels, strips and similar products. And that's not to mention a visit to the dentist. In addition, baking soda is enough for the fair sex for hundreds of times.
  • Possibility to carry out procedures at homeconditions Not all girls have the opportunity to set aside several hours for a visit to the clinic. In order to whiten your teeth, you will first have to undergo an examination, repair your teeth, and do a full cleaning. At home, you can remove yellow plaque in just ten minutes.
  • Please note!You can use soda in its pure form or mixed with paste no more than once a week. Otherwise, you can seriously damage the enamel. Do not risk your health. Caries is the least that awaits girls who are eager for quick results. Disadvantages

  • Short-term result Don't expect itthat once you whiten your teeth, you will no longer have to resort to such procedures. The positive effect after using soda lasts a maximum of a couple of days. Then the enamel begins to turn yellow again, plaque and formations appear on it.
  • Damage to enamel This is perhaps one of the mostbig pitfalls that you will have to face after the second or third cleaning. Small particles during friction grind the enamel, leaving scratches and cracks on it. Due to this, the teeth become more sensitive to temperature changes. Hot and cold food over the next five days can cause severe acute pain.
  • Allergy Do not use sodium bicarbonatenot only harmful, but also dangerous to health. Some representatives of the fair sex may be allergic to baking soda. As a result, a rash may appear on the palate, tongue, lips and gums. Due to irritation of the mucous membrane, burning, itching or painful sensations may occur. Bleeding gums are also not uncommon.
  • Contraindications:who shouldn't risk it It is harmful to use not only soda, but also hydrogen peroxide, activated carbon, ash, citric acid. Teeth whitening is strictly prohibited for girls with such serious diseases as periodontal disease, caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, etc. It is not recommended to use such substances for people with sensitive, damaged or very thin enamel. You will also have to give up such dangerous experiments if you wear braces, have built-up teeth, a crown or a filling. Otherwise, you can ruin the artificial material.clean teeth with soda

    How to properly brush your teeth with homemade pastes?

    There are quite a large numberways to clean your teeth at home using sodium bicarbonate. If you don't have the time or desire to mess around with complicated recipes, you can use soda in dry form, without impurities or additives. However, a concentrated solution will be more effective and efficient. For whitening, you will need either a regular toothbrush that you use constantly, or a cotton swab. After dipping the tip in the solution or powder, you can start cleaning problem areas. When finished, rinse your mouth with plenty of water or herbal infusion. It is best to brew chamomile, oak bark, yarrow. To reduce the harmfulness of soda, add it to toothpaste once a week, and do not use it in its pure form. Making toothpaste with your own hands

  • Powerful If you don't want to wait longresults, this option will come in handy. The only thing is, you shouldn't use this folk beauty recipe more than once or twice a month. So, to prepare it you will need: baking soda, regular toothpaste, table salt, hydrogen peroxide. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions until you get a homogeneous mass. Apply a small amount of paste to your teeth and leave for about two minutes. In case of heavy contamination, it is recommended to lightly rub the enamel with a brush or gauze folded in several layers. After the specified time, rinse your mouth. Please note that you should never swallow this product! Otherwise, you can get poisoned.
  • Eucalyptus paste To reduce aggressivethe effect of bleaching agents, be sure to add any neutralizing ingredients to the mixture. But, despite the lower risk of injury, such pastes can be used once a week without harm to health. This has virtually no effect on the effectiveness. If you have a tendency to gum inflammation, you can prepare the following remedy. For this you will need: table salt (fine, iodized is possible) - 1 tsp, baking soda - 1 tsp, olive oil - 2 tsp, eucalyptus leaf powder - 1 tsp. Heat the oil to room temperature, add all the necessary components to it and transfer the resulting mixture to a glass container. It is recommended to store the whitening toothpaste in a dry, dark, cool place, inaccessible to animals and children.
  • Tooth powder If you are concerned not only aboutyellow plaque, but also tartar, soda alone will not be enough to combat this problem. However, you should not rush from one extreme to another. In some cases, if the enamel is weak, you can simply lose your teeth. Therefore, before taking such risks, you should think carefully, weigh all the risks and consult a dentist.
  • The following cleaning paste is very effective.To prepare it, you will need white clay (sold in pharmacies) - 50 g, chalk - 45 g, baking soda - 20-25 g, essential oils of mint and tea tree (to soften the effect) - 10 drops. Mix all the ingredients and use as toothpaste, but not more than twice a week. A soda solution (3-4 teaspoons per half a liter of water) will help you get rid of food debris, inflammation and gum abscesses. It is recommended to rinse your mouth every one and a half to two hours until the condition improves completely. Please note that the liquid should be at room temperature. Using a hot or cold mixture is very harmful to your teeth, as you can aggravate the situation.Can I clean my teeth with soda?

    How to prevent yellowness?

    Brush your teeth with baking soda even once a weekincredibly harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures so that such procedures have to be repeated as rarely as possible. The most interesting thing is that in some cases, it is enough for the fair sex to just get rid of bad habits. And, of course, it is necessary to provide proper care and not neglect visits to the dentist. Causes of plaque

    • Tobacco

    Smoking is one of the main causes ofyellow plaque on the teeth of girls. Try to reduce the amount of nicotine you consume to a minimum. However, if you find it difficult to give up tobacco, rinse your mouth with a special solution after each cigarette.

    • Food and drink

    Both natural and artificial colorsequally bad for the enamel. Instead of coffee and black tea, for example, it is better to drink green tea. It invigorates quite well, plus it does not leave marks on the teeth. It is better to replace brightly colored candies and bars with dried fruits, honey or condensed milk. Try to exclude wine and other colored alcoholic drinks from your diet altogether.

    • Medications

    Before you take any pill,Be sure to read the annotation and study the instructions. Antibiotics, antidepressants and other drugs can affect the color of teeth even in unborn children. Therefore, be especially careful if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

    • Injuries and diseases

    A sharp darkening of the enamel indicatesany serious diseases, including infection. If you notice that the color has changed significantly and has become grayish-brown, consult a doctor immediately. Do not delay your visit if you accidentally injured a tooth or a piece has broken off. Otherwise, caries will eventually appear on the damaged area. Learning to care for teeth Even children know that teeth should be brushed in the morning and evening. However, many sometimes forget how long this procedure should last. Often, about a minute is spent on manipulating the brush, no more. As a result, plaque is practically not removed, but simply rubbed off. You should remember once and for all that the whole thing should take at least three minutes (ideally 5). But unfortunately, only a few are aware of the benefits of special floss. Many residents of our country still consider floss a waste of money. In fact, this device helps get rid of food stuck between the teeth. Otherwise, the remains begin to rot. However, try not to use wooden toothpicks if you don’t want to chip off a piece of enamel or scratch your gums. Also, don’t forget to use mouthwash. It’s not necessary to buy an expensive product in the store if you can make it at home. A decoction of chamomile, nettle, oak bark, green tea, a solution with soda – all this will help keep your enamel white and your teeth healthy. We recommend reading:

