If you have never tried a cottage cheese cake withchocolate, consider that you do not know anything about desserts at all. Modern stores offer a huge selection of sweet products with different fillings - fruit, chocolate, nuts - and with all sorts of impregnations. If you wish, you can buy any dish you want, every sweet tooth will find something for yourself. However, a product prepared at home cannot be compared with those presented on the shelves of supermarkets. Firstly, you will always be sure of the quality and freshness of your product. And secondly, you can make it at any time, as soon as you want to enjoy something delicious and not very healthy for your figure. We suggest that you immediately familiarize yourself with several recipes, thanks to which you will no longer have to rack your brains over what to bake for a children's party or how to please your child for good grades. A delicate cake with curd dough and chocolate will appeal not only to little lovers of sweets, but also to adults. This dish is a wonderful reason for another meeting with friends. And if you're not into noisy parties, gather your family for dinner, brew some aromatic tea and show off your culinary talent.
Sponge cake "Strawberries in chocolate" with cottage cheese
Not everyone is good at baking.Some people get along well with meat, others cope wonderfully with salads, and some housewives cook surprisingly appetizing first courses. Whatever category you belong to, this does not mean that your first culinary experience with a cake will be unsuccessful. Moreover, in this case, you do not even have to mess around with the dough - just buy a ready-made sponge cake. The main thing is that it is soft and fresh. So, we offer a recipe for lazy and busy people. Cooking the dish will take a minimum of time, but will certainly give maximum pleasure. Ingredients:
- 500 grams of fat-free cottage cheese
- one lemon (you need a little peel and a little juice)
- 130 milliliters of milk
- two eggs
- 100 grams of sugar
- packing gelatin (about 15 grams)
- three large spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
- eight grams of starch
- one shop sponge cake with chocolate flavor
- 350 grams of fresh strawberries
- powdered sugar - to your taste
- 70 grams of milk chocolate
Directions: If you're ready to get started, go ahead!Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and pour it into a bowl, then add the cottage cheese and freshly squeezed fruit juice, then thoroughly grind the products with a regular fork. Now pour the starch into the milk and put the dishes on a low heat, heat while stirring constantly, then break the yolks into the resulting mixture, and put the whites aside for now. Carefully work with a whisk so that all the ingredients are combined. Add sugar and bring the milk to a boil: as soon as the first bubbles appear on its surface, turn off the burner. For making the cake, it is recommended to use instant gelatin, since it does not need to be soaked for a long time, which ultimately saves a lot of time. So, dissolve it (not all of it, but only twelve grams) in the milk-yolk cream, stirring well. In a separate bowl, beat the remaining egg whites until fluffy white foam forms, then add them to the other ingredients and whisk or spoon a few more times. Now combine the milk cream with the curd mass, and remove the leaves and stems from the strawberries, rinse and discard in a colander. As soon as the berries are dry, puree them. You can use a blender for this, but if you don’t have one, try another method: rub them through a sieve. Cut some of the strawberries into small cubes and leave the rest for decoration. Add three grams of gelatin and five tablespoons (meaning tablespoons) of the curd-lemon mass to the resulting berry porridge. Mix everything thoroughly and put both types of cream — strawberry and milk — in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Now take the store-bought cake and carefully cut it horizontally, trying not to damage the product. Grease the bottom "floor" of the dish generously with curd mass and cover with the second sponge cake, which should be treated with berry puree on all sides. Do not skimp on the cream, the more of it, the juicier and softer the cake will be. You can put fresh strawberries between the cakes, cutting them into thin slices. Put the dish in the refrigerator for at least three hours. Before serving, the product must be decorated, because it should be not only tasty, but also attractive. Divide the berries into several parts with a knife and put them on top of the cake. Then sprinkle with powdered sugar and pour over chocolate, previously melted in a double boiler. Dip a couple of berries in the remaining sweet syrup, and when they harden, put them on the "roof" of your creation. The preparations are finished, now you can put the kettle on. Enjoy your meal! This "lazy" cake recipe is just what the doctor ordered, especially when there is no time or energy for culinary delights. It is also suitable for housewives who are not good with dough. Of course, buying strawberries in the summer is not a problem, but what to do in the winter? Use frozen berries or replace them with other more affordable fruits. Bananas and oranges go well with chocolate.
Gentle cake-souffle "Perfection" with cognac
It is not for nothing that the name of the cake sounds like"Perfection", and if you decide to try this recipe, you will understand why. The dish turns out incredibly juicy and tender, with a slight taste of cognac. If the first cake turns out lumpy, do not despair. Continue practicing and baking the dessert until it finally turns out the way you would like. Remember that talent does not always lead people to success. Sometimes its absence is compensated by persistent study and perseverance. This applies not only to science or art, but also to cooking. So go ahead: dare and master the recipe. Ingredients: For the dough:
- eggs - two pieces
- 1/3 faceted glass of sugar
- ten grams of cocoa powder
- 2/3 cups of flour (necessarily sifted)
- baking powder - teaspoon
- butter - for lubricating the walls of dishes
- Vanillin - according to your taste
For the curd filling:
- 700 grams of small cottage cheese (it is recommended to use not too fatty product)
- one and a half glasses of cream
- tile of white chocolate (if you do not like white, take black)
- 20 grams of instant gelatin
- 380 grams of condensed milk
- 200 grams of milk chocolate
- 400 milliliters of sour cream
For impregnation:
- warm water (pre-boiled) - 1/3 cup
- one and a half small spoons of sugar
- the same amount of good cognac
Method of preparation: Если любите печь и делаете это довольно часто, рекомендуем приобрести специальную посуду для торта. Первая понадобится непосредственно для выпечки коржей — она должна быть как можно ближе по диаметру к основной форме. Так не придется отрезать от готового изделия слишком много лишнего. Вторая посуда пригодится для того, чтобы в ней застывало суфле, именно поэтому она должны быть с высокими стенками. За неимением последней подойдет обычная не слишком глубокая кастрюля. Ну что же, предлагаем пуститься в кулинарное путешествие. Наденьте фартук и приступайте к замешиванию теста. Помните, что бисквит — очень нежная и требовательная в обращении субстанция. Так что для начала хорошо просейте муку, чтобы впоследствии коржи хорошо поднимались. А непосредственно во время выпечки не шумите, не хлопайте дверью и не открывайте дверцу духового шкафа, так как торт может осесть лишь от одного дуновения ветра. С помощью миксера взбейте сахарный песок и яйца в однородную пышную пену, затем высыпьте в нее ванилин, разрыхлитель, предварительно смешанный с мукой, и какао-порошок. Еще несколько раз включите прибор, пока не увидите, что все комки исчезли, а тесто загустело. Внимание! Оно не должно быть слишком жидким, в противном случае придется добавить немного муки. Теперь хорошо обработайте дно и края формы куском масла и выложите в нее полученную массу. Отправьте посуду в разогретую до 200, максимум до 220, градусов духовку. Держать изделие в печи слишком долго не стоит — достаточно пятнадцати минут. Проверьте бисквит на готовность: аккуратно проткните его спичкой, если она останется сухой, значит, все в порядке. Прежде чем доставать корж, немного подождите, после выньте его из формы и накройте полотенцем. Пока кушанье остывает, смело переходите ко второму этапу. Залейте половину указанного в рецептуре количества желатина тремя столовыми ложками кипятка. Уберите его на время распускаться, а сами тщательно разотрите творог, добавив в него сметану. Чтобы вам было легче взбивать крем, рекомендуется подогреть продукты на паровой бане или, например, в микроволновой печи. Затем поработайте венчиком, чтобы добиться однородной пышной массы. По возможности можете приготовить ее в блендере. Сливки вылейте в небольшую миску и сюда же поломайте на средние куски плитку белого шоколада. Поставьте посуду на слабый огонь и подогревайте, не переставая помешивать, до полного растворения сладкого продукта. Полученную массу соедините с творогом и сметаной и взбейте. Сюда же введите сгущенку, по желанию добавьте немного свежевыжатого лимонного сока, который придаст кушанью пикантность, и особый чуть кисловатый вкус. К этому времени желатин должен распуститься, так что недолго — две-три минуты — подержите его на плите, после вылейте в крем, напоследок еще несколько раз перемешав ингредиенты. Возьмите остывший корж и разделите его на две круглые части, одна из которых должна быть чуточку выше — на два сантиметра. Верхнюю корку тонко срежьте и подсушите в печи. Теперь нужно сделать пропитку: растворите в кипяченой и охлажденной воде сахарный песок, добавив коньяк. Перемешайте ингредиенты и полейте сиропом первый корж. Действуйте очень аккуратно: оторвите от фольги полоску в два сантиметра толщиной, сложив ее по длине в три или четыре раза. Этой лентой плотно оберните корж, чтобы ее края выступали над ним, образовывая своеобразные бортики. Вылейте на бисквит белое суфле и отправьте его в холод на три часа. Не вздумайте вынимать будущий шоколадно-творожный торт, пока он полностью не застынет! Не теряя драгоценного времени, переходите к приготовлению темного крема. Схема та же, что и в первом случае: растопите молочный шоколад в подогретых сливках, сюда же введите распущенный желатин. Затем вылейте смесь в оставшийся творог, смешанный со сметаной, добавив 150 граммов сгущенки. Взбейте все ингредиенты до однородности. Вырежьте из фольги круг, а с коржа снимите ограничительную ленту. Все «этажи» блюда должны быть одинаковой высоты, при необходимости аккуратно подрежьте их края. Теперь оберните застывшее суфле бумагой, специально подготовленной для этого, и, так же, как и в первом случае, вылейте сверху молочно-шоколадную смесь. Уберите торт в холодильник на всю ночь. Когда он достаточно застынет, снимите фольгу и украсьте блюдо. Например, можете обработать края и верхушку изделия засушенными и растолченными в мелкую крошку обрезками коржа. Или используйте второй вариант — нанесите узор с помощью сливок из баллончика.
Cake of bitter chocolate with rice flakes
We offer another delicious and not so deliciouscomplex recipe. Delicate dough with the taste of dark chocolate and rice flakes will give pleasure not only to children, but also to adult lovers of sweets. To prepare the dish, it is recommended to use good quality butter, in extreme cases, replace it with margarine. Just take a fresh and not cheap product. Dough:
- bitter chocolate tile
- butter or margarine - 50 grams (for lubrication and for dough)
- 150 grams of rice balls (breakfast cereals, which are usually consumed with milk)
Curd layer:
- 12 sheets of instant gelatin
- half a kilogram of small, not too fat cottage cheese
- 150 grams of yogurt (you can buy with any taste, we have pineapple)
- 100 grams of sugar
- lemon peel - to taste
- 15 milliliters of freshly squeezed lemon juice
- a packet of vanilla sugar
- can of pineapple
- 200 milliliters of 30% cream
- black chocolate - 30 grams
- small packing of fixer for cream
- 35 grams of chocolate flakes
- two-hundred-pound bag of cream
Method of preparation:Make a water bath and put a bowl of chocolate on it, breaking it into small pieces. As soon as it melts a little, add butter and cook sweet syrup, stirring constantly to get rid of lumps. Pour rice flakes into a blender and grind, then combine with chocolate and mix well. Put the resulting mass in a mold treated with butter, smoothing it out on top with a spatula. Put the product in the refrigerator and after an hour, when it hardens, carefully take out the thin cake. Before this happens, mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add sugar, pour in yogurt, throw in a little vanillin, then add the remaining ingredients - lemon juice and grated zest. To prepare the dish, we recommend using instant gelatin, which does not need to be boiled or dissolved for a long time. Pour hot water over the sheets and put on low heat, after three to four minutes, when they have completely melted, remove the gelatin from the stove. Just keep in mind that you should not bring it to a boil. If you bought pineapple rings, cut them into small cubes of the same size and mix them with the curd mass together with the sweet fruit syrup. Add gelatin here and stir with a whisk. Now, in a separate bowl, thoroughly whip the cream - when it becomes thick and fluffy, pour the product into the above ingredients. Continue working with a fork, mixer or whisk, soon you will notice how the curd filling will gradually begin to thicken. Make sure that it comes out homogeneous - to do this, you should get rid of lumps. If you want to make a two-tier cake, carefully cut the chocolate cake into two parts of the same height. Then generously grease the first "floor" with cream and cover with the second. Now, do the same for the top and edges of the dessert. Once you've done this, put it in the refrigerator for two or three hours. In the meantime, prepare the ingredients you'll need to decorate the dish. Pour the fixative into the cream and whip the mixture. Then put it in a special pastry bag and apply beautiful patterns to the cake. Sprinkle the dessert with rice balls and medium-grated chocolate. You can melt the chocolate and pour it over the dish. Enjoy! If you want something sweet, but don't have the strength to make a chocolate-curd cake after a hard day at work, follow the simplest recipe. Buy ready-made sponge cake layers in the store, then take a simple cream recipe - for example, one consisting of cottage cheese, sour cream, vanilla and sugar - and make it yourself by whipping the ingredients in a blender. This procedure will take about fifteen minutes. Then grease the cakes with the resulting mass and decorate: with fresh berries, chocolate, nuts or other. Well, for a family celebration, it would not be superfluous to bake the cake yourself. We hope that our advice will help you with this. We advise you to read: