chocolate cake with cherryThe recipe for this cake is known to everyone, and invariety of its variations. These are desserts, the distinctive feature of which is the richness of creams: butter, chocolate, with rum and liqueurs. They can also be made with layers and impregnations, with different types of syrups and pomades, to which you can add nuts, essences, fresh or dried fruits. Only one feature of these cakes will remain unchanged - these are biscuit chocolate cakes. It should be noted that cherries are very advantageous in all these combinations with other products. You can use any berry: raw, dried, canned, alcoholized, jellied. In any version, cherries give the chocolate cake notes of exquisite taste. We offer you recipes containing chocolate and cherries - choose the one that your family, friends, colleagues will like the most!

Cake "Genoese biscuit" with cherry

This recipe is based on the well-knownBlack Forest or Black Forest cakes. The invariably advantageous combination of chocolate cakes, airy cream and cherries will not leave anyone indifferent. And even if you are taking on such a difficult recipe for the first time, rest assured that you will definitely succeed! Ingredients: For the cake:

  • wheat flour - 60 grams
  • cocoa powder - 70 grams
  • 6 eggs
  • 80 grams of butter
  • one and a half glasses of sugar
  • vanillin, citric acid - by pinch
  • cherry liqueur - 60 milliliters
  • half a kilogram of frozen cherries (can be fresh)

For the cream:

  • 2 tiles of bitter chocolate
  • 1 orange
  • a liter of cream (30% fat content)
  • 1 lemon
  • 40 grams of granulated sugar
  • vanillin
  • powdered sugar
  • 1 pack of fixer for cream

Method of preparation: Для начала подготовьте все компоненты. Сбрызните дно разъемной формы водой, вырежьте из пергамента равный ей по диаметру круг, застелите им дно. Растительным маслом смажьте бумагу и присыпьте ее мукой. Замороженную вишню нужно разморозить, когда она нагреется, откиньте ее на дуршлаг, пусть стечет лишний сок, а после немного подсушите ягоды. Выньте косточки. Растопите сливочное масло в микроволновой печи или на огне. Через мелкое сито просейте пшеничную муку, после нее — порошок какао. Делать это желательно 2 раза, тогда мука и какао будут пышнее и обогатятся кислородом. Рецепт генуэзского бисквита включает один важный момент: чтобы корж хорошо поднялся, сахар нужно размалывать блендером, но не сильно, а слегка. До размеров столовой соли. Когда вы подготовите все компоненты, можно приступать к работе над тортом. Разбейте яйца в глубокую миску, добавьте сахарный песок и ванилин. Поставьте эту миску на паровую баню. Пока смесь прогревается, взбивайте ее миксером на малых скоростях. Затем снимите миску с бани и продолжайте работать миксером, только уже на значительно более высокой скорости. Смесь должна увеличиться в размерах раза в три. Как вы уже заметили, этот рецепт бисквита совершенно не содержит ни соды, ни разрыхлителя, в его составе минимальное количество муки. Подогрейте немного сливочное масло. Постепенно смешайте яичную массу, сливочное масло, всыпая в него порциями какао с мукой. Тесто отправьте в форму, разровняйте по поверхности. Поставьте в духовку (температура 180 градусов). Выпекайте полчаса, дверцу не открывайте. Готовый бисквит при нажатии малость пружинит и легко отделяется от бортов формы. Когда корж остынет, возьмите длинный нож и проведите им по стенкам формы. Пирогу дайте возможность остыть при комнатной температуре. Для пропитки бисквита нужно приготовить сироп: возьмите воды 80 миллилитров, добавьте лимонную кислоту и сахар, подогревайте на слабом огне, непрерывно помешивая ложкой из дерева. Когда сироп закипит, накройте кастрюлю крышкой и проварите еще две минуты. Снимите смесь с огня и дайте ей охладиться. Затем в сироп нужно добавить вишневой водки или ликера. Разрежьте пирог на три части. Из апельсина и лимона выдавите сок. Не забывайте, что вам необходимо еще приготовить крем для торта, для чего отделите 150 граммов шоколада, остальную половину плитки оставьте для оформления. Нарубите или нарежьте этот шоколад, смешайте его с 50 миллилитрами горячей воды, а затем размешайте до пластичности. Взбейте сливки с сахаром (100 граммов), закрепителем сливок и ванилином. Если у вас не оказалось под рукой готового закрепителя, знайте, что его состав — это крахмал и сахарная пудра. Теперь вы легко можете заменить этот компонент другим, более доступным. Ваша следующая задача — добавить взбитые сливки к шоколадной массе, поэтапно, небольшими порциями, осторожно перемешивая каждый раз. Оставьте немного для среднего коржа. На пропитанный сиропом бисквит нанесите часть крема, только ровным слоем. Укладывайте друг на друга коржи, не забывая о сиропе и креме. Пришло время использовать вишню: средний «этаж» намажьте пропиткой, и сверху на нее выложите ягоды, только плотным слоем. В последнюю порцию сливок влейте апельсиново-лимонный сок. Вишню закройте слоем этого крема. Торт поместите в холодильник. Через 30 минут достаньте его и обмажьте боковые стороны оставшимися сливками. Если есть фантазия и желание, из сливок при помощи кондитерского мешка можно сделать бордюры и цветы. Оформите подсушенными вишнями верх торта, присыпьте пудрой. Шоколад, который остался, можно измельчить на терке и сложить горкой в центре торта. Десерт будет вкуснее, если настоится в холоде более 12 часов. chocolate cake with cherry

"Chocolate anthill" with cherry

You haven't tried an 'anthill' like this yet!It looks like a chocolate hill, and inside there is a delicate snow-white airy soufflé made from mascarpone curd cream and lots and lots of juicy cherries. Be sure to try to bring this recipe to life - such a dessert is incredibly delicious! Ingredients: For the crust:

  • condensed milk - 1 jar
  • 2 eggs
  • a glass of flour
  • food soda - 0.5 teaspoon
  • 5-6 tablespoons of cocoa powder

For the cream:

  • fat cream (30%) - half a liter
  • mascarpone cream - half a kilogram
  • 100-150 grams of sugar
  • cherry - 350-400 grams
  • gelatin - 2 packs of 9 grams
  • grated chocolate (for decoration)

Method of preparation: Make the biscuit.Sift flour through a fine sieve, beat eggs with a fork, combine with flour, add a can of condensed milk. Quench the soda with a tablespoon of vinegar and add to the total mass. Stir. Place the dough in a mold and put it in the oven for 20 minutes at a standard baking temperature of 180 degrees. After the time has passed, when the sponge cake is ready, check with a stick in the center of the cake. If it comes out dry, this means that the dough is completely baked. When the sponge cake has cooled, you will need to make a small basket out of it. To do this, step back 1-1.5 centimeters from the edge, take out the middle with a knife. Be careful not to damage the bottom of the cake. Put the crumb in a separate bowl. Now it is time to make the cherry filling. You can use fresh or frozen berries, you can even take canned ones. Remove the pits from the cherries, if they were frozen, do this when they thaw. Next comes the cream, the recipe is as follows: whip the cream with sugar until thick, then add mascarpone cream cheese and chocolate chips. Dissolve the gelatin as written on the package in the instructions, add to the cream. Mix in the dried cherries. The cream will be quite thick. Put it in a beautiful mound on the chocolate sponge cake, giving it the appearance of an anthill. Knead the sponge cake crumb into crumbs and sprinkle the cake thickly with it. The cake should be in the refrigerator for several hours before serving. Then it will turn out very tasty, and everyone who tries it will be delighted!

Chocolate cake with cherry jelly

This chocolate cake is dedicated to all those wholoves the combination of dark rum and cherries. If you can't use the alcohol itself, add rum essence to the dessert - the taste will not suffer. Dark chocolate with 75% cocoa content is suitable for the biscuit. Ingredients: For the cherry coating:

  • cherry - 300 grams
  • 30 milliliters of dark rum
  • water - 30 milliliters
  • cornstarch - 2 tablespoons
  • granulated sugar

For the biscuit:

  • vanilla extract - 5 milliliters
  • chocolate bar
  • 5 eggs
  • butter pack
  • granulated sugar - 180 grams
  • wheat flour - 110 grams

For the cream:

  • 30 milliliters of dark rum
  • a glass of cream
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar
  • a glass of sour cream
  • 2 grams of gelatin
  • vanilla extract - 5 milliliters

For impregnation:

  • 60 milliliters of dark rum
  • 100 grams of cherry confiture (jam)
  • 60 milliliters of Amarena syrup from cherries

Method of preparation:Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Line the bottom of a 24-centimeter-diameter mold or saucepan with parchment paper and grease the sides of the mold with a piece of butter. Place the pitted cherries in a saucepan, pour in water and rum and simmer for 7-8 minutes. Mix the sugar with the starch, then add to the boiling cherries. Keep on the stove until the sauce thickens thoroughly. Then cool by turning off the heat. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave. Add the yolks one at a time, stirring. Beat the butter with vanilla and sugar until it turns white, and mix with the chocolate. Beat the whites until elastic foam and add to the dough in parts. Add the twice-sifted flour. Transfer the mixture to the mold and leave it in the oven for 40-45 minutes. Without removing the finished cake, let it cool in the form. Soak a sheet of gelatin in water. When it is saturated, squeeze it out and dissolve in warmed rum. Whisk the sour cream, add gelatin and cream, mix. Cut the sponge cake into two equal halves, soak both with a mixture of rum and cherry syrup. Put a layer of jam on the bottom cake and spread it out. Next comes the cream. Then cover the dessert with the second cake, press it down slightly. Put the filling of jellied cherries on top and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. When the cake has cooled, grease the sides with cherry jam and sprinkle generously with chocolate shavings.chocolate cherry cake

"Drunken Cherry" - a cake with chocolate

I would like to offer you a recipe for cookingone of the most famous desserts. This is a chocolate cake with cherries, but not a simple one. It is the "drunken" berry that makes this dessert especially piquant. And how successfully you "drunken" the cherries in cognac, so good will be your cake. The recipe will be just right if a celebration or some kind of holiday is planned. The cake will fit perfectly into the dessert menu of your table. It is easy to prepare and consists of the most common products that any housewife can find. In order for the cake to be tasty and airy, the technology and recipe for its preparation must be strictly followed. Ingredients: Sponge cake:

  • sugar - 1 glass
  • cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon
  • 6 eggs
  • flour - 1 glass

Cherry for the cake:

  • cherry - half a kilogram
  • cognac - 500 milliliters


  • butter pack
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons
  • a bank of condensed milk


  • 20 grams of sugar
  • butter - a quarter of a pack
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons

Method of preparation:It is important to emphasize that the cherries for this dessert need to be prepared in advance, as they need to steep for at least 10 hours. It is better to do this the night before, and by morning the berries will be ready. Wash the cherries with water, remove the pits and pour in cognac, cover with something and set aside. If you come across very sour berries, try adding a few spoons of sugar to the alcohol. The cake recipe includes cognac, but in fact, you can pickle the berries in vodka, brandy or even liqueur. This chocolate-cherry cake is prepared on the basis of a classic sponge cake, the composition of which is simple and includes a minimum of ingredients. Beat the yolks with sugar until white. Sift the flour with cocoa twice through a fine sieve, add to the yolk mass. Use chilled whites for whipping, beat them until a thick foam. Then carefully stir one spoon of whites into the general thick. Rotate the spoon in a circle, lifting the dough from the bottom up. It should have an airy texture and "breathe". When the dough becomes a homogeneous thick consistency, put it in the form, then put it in the oven for 35-45 minutes. Choose a medium temperature, no more than 180 degrees. Take out the baked sponge cake and cover it with a slightly damp towel. When it has completely cooled, remove the top layer with a knife, and then take out the middle of the crumb from the bottom cake with a spoon. But the sides should remain at least two centimeters thick. The recipe for the cream for the cake is very simple: beat the butter at room temperature with a whisk with condensed milk, and then again, but this time adding cocoa. Throw the cherries infused with cognac in a colander to drain the excess liquid. Place all the berries in a bowl with cream, mix. Pour the biscuit crumbs from the chocolate cake layer into it. If desired, you can saturate the cream with cognac flavor by adding a little alcohol from the cherries. The glaze for the dessert will be cooked on a sour cream base. Mix sugar and cocoa powder in a dry plate, add sour cream, put on the gas, and, stirring, heat until boiling, throw in the butter at the end, stir and turn off the heat. Cool the glaze. It's time for the final stage: put the cream with cherries on the cake layer with sides (leaving a handful for the top decoration), smooth it out, cover with the top layer. Pour the glaze over and arrange the cherries beautifully.

French Cherry Chocolate Cake

The most delicious festive pie with juicy freshcherries and chocolate pieces, covered with glaze, will please everyone! This recipe is quite simple, and the result is delicious. French chocolate cake with cherries is a fragrant, delicate pastry with a multifaceted taste. Note that this dessert has an interesting property: in the complete absence of cream, it retains the feeling of a cake. Ingredients: For the cake:

  • 1 bag of baking powder
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons
  • milk or cream - 4 tablespoons
  • starch - 7 tablespoons
  • 4 eggs
  • butter pack
  • 1 cup of flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • on a teaspoon of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger
  • cognac (rum, liqueur) - 2 tablespoons

For the filling:

  • chocolate bar
  • a glass of cherries

For the glaze:

  • 3 dices of chocolate
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons
  • sour cream or cream - 20 milliliters
  • 20 grams of butter
  • salt

Method of preparation:You will need a pie pan with a diameter of 26 centimeters. Beat the eggs with sugar, adding salt. Soften the butter, combine it with the eggs, stir in the cream. In another bowl, combine all the dry ingredients of the sponge cake: cocoa, baking powder, spices and flour. Then gradually pour the dry mixture into the bowl with the dough, mixing thoroughly each time and crushing the lumps. The mass should be saturated with air and "breathe". Due to this, the sponge cake will rise higher and be tastier. Add cognac. Grease the pan with a piece of butter, lay out a fairly thick dough, a large half at once. Scatter cherries, lightly sprinkled with starch, and chocolate chips over it. Carefully cover the top with the rest of the dough. Bake for about 20-30 minutes at a standard temperature (160-180 degrees). The icing for the cake will be sour cream. To cook it, pour cocoa and sugar together, then add the dry ingredients to the sour cream, heat over the fire, add chocolate cubes, stir, bring to a boil, add a piece of butter, and when it has completely dissolved, turn off the heat. Pour the cooled glaze over the pie, give it a little time to harden.recipe for chocolate cake with cherries

Cottage Cheese Cake "Winter Cherry"

The cherries give this cake its juiciness and freshness.chocolate glaze adds mystery to the taste, and light curd cream gives a feeling of lightness and airiness of the dessert. Thanks to this combination of ingredients, this chocolate cake with cherries will turn out not only amazingly tasty, but also healthy. Ingredients: For the crust:

  • 20 milliliters of vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • milk - 100 milliliters
  • cocoa powder - 10 grams
  • wheat flour - one and a half cups
  • 1 bag of baking powder
  • a glass of cherries (can be frozen)
  • a glass of sugar
  • 150 milliliters of boiling water

For the cream:

  • half a kilogram of curd mass or soft curds
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass
  • butter packing
  • vanillin

For decoration:

  • chocolate - half tiles

Method of preparation:The recipe for this sponge cake is custard. Beat the eggs with a mixer, add sugar. Pour in the butter. In another container, mix all the dry ingredients: cocoa, baking powder, flour. Pour the milk into the adze, pour in the dry mass, mix with a spoon, and then beat with a mixer. Brew the dough with 150 milliliters of boiling water, beat again. For baking, you will need a form no more than 20-22 centimeters in diameter. Grease it inside with butter or cover it with paper, put ½ of the dough, and a layer of cherries on it. This will be the first cake, do the second one in the same way. The oven temperature should be 200 degrees, it will take half an hour. Divide each baked cake into two parts. This way you will get 4 chocolate-cherry sponge cakes. The recipe for curd cream includes sugar, cottage cheese and butter. For a homogeneous state, mix the ingredients in one pan and grind with a blender. Add vanilla. Soak all the cakes with curd cream, leaving a little for the sides. Decorate the cake with thinly sliced ​​chocolate, let it stand for at least an hour and serve to the delight of those with a sweet tooth.

