The dearest, the warmest, the most fragrant,the most – the most! Mom's breast. It's so wonderful when the baby nestles comfortably under the breast and sucks, smacking his lips contentedly. As a rule, the mother also rests at these moments. But sometimes it happens that the baby hangs on the breast for almost the majority of the day, taking breaks between meals of only 20-30 minutes. Of course, this somewhat limits the mother's actions - it is not so easy to walk with the baby, it is not so easy to manage to do housework, it is not possible to fully relax. Usually, mothers of children from one to three months face this problem. Unfortunately, mothers often begin to get nervous in such cases: maybe he does not have enough milk and is constantly hungry? In such a case, a woman should not be upset at all, but you simply must understand what is happening and whether it is normal for the baby to constantly hang on the breast. To begin with, it is necessary to exclude the most unpleasant reason for every mother - lack of milk. After all, the first thing a mother will think about, whose baby hangs on her breast for hours, is that she cannot feed her baby to his full capacity. This is checked quite simply - it is enough to count the number of times the baby urinates during the day. If you practice using diapers, then replace them for one day of the experiment with regular gauze diapers - it will be easier to count how many times a day the baby pees. If your result is from 10 to 12 wet diapers, then there is absolutely no need to worry, your baby has enough milk. If you counted less than ten wet diapers - still do not be upset! The main thing is to believe that there is ENOUGH milk in your breast and, be sure to contact a breastfeeding consultant - perhaps the problem is simply in the wrong attachment, which entails a lack of milk and constant hanging on the breast.
Another common reason whythe baby constantly hangs on your chest may be an unstable, and sometimes even stressful situation in the house where his mother lives. If you have any reasons to constantly test your nerves for strength, the child, sensing your condition, intuitively wants to protect himself - and is there a more reliable and comfortable place for a baby than under his mother's breast? Therefore, try to protect yourself and the baby from problems that make you worry and nervous. Remember, mom should be calm and balanced. Often mothers complain about the baby "hanging" on the breast at night, which does not help them get enough sleep. In this case, it should be immediately noted that this is an absolutely normal and even necessary phenomenon, because it is the amount of milk sucked at night that forms the "requirements" of the body for the whole day! The main thing is to find a position that will be comfortable for both you and your baby. Over time, you will get used to it and learn to sleep and feed at the same time. If you are calm and balanced, if you have enough milk, but the baby still literally lives under your breast, it may well be that he just likes it! Yes, he likes to suck on your breast, like other children suck on a pacifier, a finger, a fist. After all, children have a very developed sucking reflex - they suck not only for saturation, but also just for pleasure. And also remember that children under three months eat a little, but often, sometimes several times an hour, since their digestive system is not yet fully mature. It will take a little time and a more "free" regime will develop. Breastfeeding consultants advise those mothers whose babies love to hang on the breast so much, try not to be nervous, but to enjoy communicating with the baby during feeding. It is highly desirable that relatives take on most of the chores around the house. It is extremely important for a nursing woman to have a good rest, because she has the most important job - to be a mother! We recommend reading: